The reason I’m clipping your post like this will (hopefully, maybe) make sense as I go on, so let me dive right into it.
With Alleria got her voidy-ness in her Legion re-debut with a specific purpose in mind (or rather, a couple purposes).
- To give void elves a starter hero.
- To show how the thousand year of timey-whimey shenanigans affected her, like with Turalyon going from “big Light paladin” to “ultra-big Light paladin”
It’s not to give the Alliance a void character; she did very little in BfA, the very next expansion, when we dealt with the void via N’zoth. Other than in some twisted dream-realm-thing, she only showed up in the background (I think? I didn’t do Alliance BfA stuff).
Alleria was already a character they wanted to bring back, along with Turalyon (so people would stop asking where they are), but they clearly didn’t have a plan for her beyond “make sorta-void elf, give superpower so she isn’t lesser than husband.”
That it also made her a perfect ride-along character in TWW wasn’t planned from day one; it’s just that when they were looking for someone to be the ride-along, Alleria was serendipitously the perfect candidate to use.
So this was less a case of developing Alliance lore for the future (if it was that, again, BfA was right there and she was notably missing) and more “oh, we have someone for that!!”
But the Alliance does benefit from that kind of serendipity more than the Horde. And that’s because the Alliance has more characters left from the past, a broader roster to pull from. And because that roster has a broader history as well, they have more fodder for stories.
The Horde roster of interesting characters is pretty damn shallow now, due to the deaths and the heel-turns (and of course, the heel-turns that lead to death). This is a big part of the issue of the Horde having so little lore left.
Void Alleria might be relatively new (although, is 7-8 years really still new?), but Alleria herself is an RTS character. She is hardly new, and with long histories come more story opportunities. In fact, the Alliance’s RTS-era roster is largely intact.
We have Thrall and a couple others from WC III. We have one or two from earlier eras, but they’re so old and crippled at this point that stories focused on them are pretty difficult to come by.
That’s why I believe the reason we get so little focus on the Horde is because there’s so little lore left worthy of even a major patch, let alone an expansion. As an example, since BfA ended the first major patch to really focus on a Horde race involves the race with the highest percentage of neutral members. And the focus is, ultimately, on killing yet another (former) Horde character. Because that’s the most they can come up with.
And in the end, it’s a whole lot easier to just tell stories using the faction that has more assets you can pull from (characters, storylines, etc) than creating assets from scratch for the other guys.