^ Case in point.
Take a long look at the characters who interacted with us before the Goblin patch so far. You might find out they are mostly top tier leadership of the current alliance races.
Forget it, Donny.
It might be. I’ll, ahem, wait and see. But it also appears to be disconnected from the expansion’s main storyline, which is annoying.
From what I’ve seen, the connective tissue is very much there, at least re: Xal’atath and her schemes.
It’s not disconnected at all. Xal is using the goblins to fix the Dark Heart since the goblins were the ones who made the original Dragonsoul for Deathwing and are familiar with the tech/process to make/repair it.
Sure but what does this have to do with your argument that TWW has been neutral so far? We’re following almost exclusively Alliance characters. Do you not realize how out of place a lot of Horde players feel around Moira, Dagran, Alleria, Anduin, a human empire, and a society of stone dwarves?
Seriously I feel like I’m taking crazy pills talking to you about this.
I think it’s the latter, but with influence from the former. Because what race other than trolls has anything left than can be milked for a proper expansion?
Cosmic Force stuff? The only races with anything resembling an interaction with one of the Six Thingies is the forsaken, and only insofar as they’re undead status makes them quasi-tied to Death, and the orcs were slaves of Fel demons. The forsaken share their deal with Death Knights as a whole, and orcs share having intimate ties to the Legion with drainos and night elves.
Focusing on the Death Knights over Forsaken as our follow-along guys kinda makes sense because of the whole “BfA just happened, why are Alliance following a zombie” thing. And the devs probably thought everyone was tired of forsaken after BfA (without really realizing that the forsaken as a race were barely in BfA after the Battle of Lordaeron, other than existing in Darkshore).
For Legion… I got nothing, there’s no single good reason we had no orcs on Argus. Beyond some “orc fatigue” bullcrap that was more about being fatigued with killing orcs for the last two expansions.
So what’s left?
No Horde race has a particularly close tie to the Light.
No Horde race has particularly close ties to the Void.
No Horde race has particularly close ties to Life (beyond “also has druids” which is very much more focused on night elves).
While Horde elves are tied to the arcane, neither elf race has ever bothered even mentioning titans.
So, cosmo farce stories featuring the Horde are out.
Can’t do much with the orcs’ lore from the past, because the planet they’re from blew up. All recent things that could be farmed for expansion content has already been farmed.
Tauren? Unless someone can present a very good reason why centaurs are suddenly an existential threat to all life in the Barrens, let alone Azeroth as a whole, there’s nothing big enough in their history that is also a threat. Magatha? Sadly, she’s always been small-game.
Forsaken? We already did Sylvanas, why do her again (stop it, stop thinking that pervs). Outside of her, what little lore they have is all internally focused, or focused on Arthas; the third expansion finished that up.
Blood elf lore is just high elf lore, with some branches off into fel juice sipping for a hot minute. The best you’ll get here for expansion fodder is Midnight, where it’s about joining together all the every flavor of elf.
Goblins are sorely lacking in background lore. With Allied Races, we took care of their problems when we met them and convinced them to become Allied Races, with one exception.
The only one that could become an expansion’s focus due to a threat from their lore is the AU Mag’har. I’m sure if Blizzard ever brings back Yrel as a baddie, we’ll see the Mag’har take to the stage. But… It’s going to have to be one they share with vanilla drainos and extra shiny drainos, and Turalyon. Because Yrel and her Lightbound are basically just AU Lightforged.
Trolls still got plenty, but frankly, we’ve had plenty of zones, dungeons and raids all about killing troll lore, and I think we don’t need any more.
Blizzard created for themselves a scenario where to tell an expansion story focusing on the Horde, they first have to create Horde lore that can be the focus of an expansion, and they need to spend adequate time developing said lore so it feels worthy of an entire expansion. And that’s some long-term storytelling that only around half the playerbase will experience.
Or they can give us rock dorfs, spider people and not-quite-Scarlet humans, while we follow along a void-touched high elf and some plain dorfs, all to chase the big bad to her latest castle.
Well in the case of main Horde characters, in the official canon telling of it, the Horde remembers that it was Moira who manipulated them into actually sieging Blackrock spire and killing both Blackhand and Nefarian for the purposes of freeing the Dark Iron Dwarves (in combination with her machinations to get both factions to storm the Molten Core and defeat Rag the first time).
Considering her actions when she first took over Ironforge and basically locked it down under effective martial law (which included holding Anduin as effectively a hostage since her was there on a diplomatic mission). You can kind of understand why the Horde leadership is being very wary and awkward around her, not wanting to trigger any more potential hostilities.
Not many Horde players feel out of place around Anduin. Not after working with him through all of MoP and in the rebellion against Sylvanas with Saurfang.
None of the Blood Elves feel awkward or out of place with Alleria either considering she was born and raised in Quel’thalas and the ancestral Windrunner Estate is still there. She was even welcome back until that surprise interaction the Sunwell had to her because Lor’themar didn’t know she had been Void Touched, and her void energies almost destroyed the Sunwell. She still has a basic open invitation to come to Quel’Thalas, but isn’t allowed in Silvermoon because of that nasty interaction the Sunwell has with the Void Touched (hence why the Umbric and the Void Elves were banished in the first place).
Plus Horde have worked with the Argent Dawn and the for decades as well. And the Khaz Algar Earthen aren’t even remotely the first society of Earthen and/or titanforged mechanicals they’ve worked with either.
Because the first half of TWW has nothing to do with the alliance.
Go crazy for all I care
Every word of this is meaningless nonsense.
These are all Alliance characters dealing with stone dwarves and a human empire. You know exactly what I mean when I say the Horde is out of place next to them.
You are being absolutely ridiculous.
I’m playing through TWW campaign as we speak. Just finished Ringing Deeps.
How can this half of the story have NOTHING to do with the Alliance? The main characters we’re interacting with are Moira, her family, Anduin, and Alleria. So much of this story so far is about Moira’s diplomatic leadership with the Earthen, her families drama, resolving her dad’s story arc (if you’re gonna claim Magni isnt an Alliance character then I guess Thrall isn’t a Horde character), Alleria being pushed as this iconic hero with so much focus on her backstory and internal struggle.
I’m not even saying I dislike this. As a dwarf fan I love a lot of it. But I’m not gonna sit here, lie through my teeth, pretend this has NOTHING to do with the Alliance and gaslight anyone who says otherwise.
You cant honestly believe this story has NOTHING to do with the Alliance. You must be taking the piss.
God I am so looking forward for the Silvermoon part of TWW. I really need to know Blizz direction with the story moving forward.
My rlf are putting so much pressure for me to go full on the games they are playing right now, since they stop playing WoW they keep pulling me away to these shinny new 2025 games…ah, Monster Hunters Wilds come out this friday!!!
I need a WIN Blizz to bring them back to WoW!!! Some Good engaging Horde story (hoping for that the Goblin stuff is a good start!
) and something new to the Alliance “theme” that can spark their blue Heart with some interest again!
Wow you have absolutely no argument to make aside from personal attacks.
I honestly expected more from you, and I’ve respected your takes in the past. You’re just being a willfully obtuse bully who gaslights anyone who disagrees with her.
Goodbye and good riddance.
Edit: how do I block someone whose profile is hidden? Usually I click the profile and go from there. Thanks!
I am looking forward to what leads into Midnight. I genuinely enjoy trying to puzzle out what is going on with Beledar and the Worldsoul, but Midnight seems to be the crossroad where I’ll be able to pin down whether I keep playing WoW or not.
Go to your profile, go to “preferences”, then “users”, then type their name and server.
Edit: Disgusting freak who likes the post, go away. I legit wish you the worst.
Midnight might have a lot of expectations to fulfill depending on how TWW ends. The blood elves need to be center stage in their own territory. But that should hopefully be a given for even blizzard to figure out.
But the expansion does seem to be the Make or Break expac for some people. And I don’t blame people for feeling that way.
She is essentially an enemy who chose faction over nation. None of my elves want to be around her since all she cares about is human D.
All living Windrunners are alliance members until Sylvanas returns.
No. Very much bad faith argument.
like all other void elves who are race traitors.
Dwarves have always been alliance. Goblins have always been neutral. Start getting a real argument.
They weren’t in TBC and won’t be in Midnight.
/10 char