I can vibe with that.

Would be cool if OG Thrall clawed his way back to the surface, but maybe that’s asking for too much.
Like… I don’t even know who I’d want as Warchief now, if that title were to return.
Not Thrall, that’s for sure. The only thing I want for him is to take a few steps back, be an advisor (not to Anduin) and just… Take at least one expansion off.
But then I look at the other options, and everyone is just… so new. Except Lor’themar and Ji. And if Lor’themar won’t even accept he’s not just the Regent anymore and at least give himself a permanent, official title then I don’t want him. And only the chaos goblin side of me wants Ji, because who even is he besides the token panda guy?
And everyone else is either too new, too underdeveloped or both.
Or Baine. And just… No. Not after sad, mopey BfA Baine. Not after Shadowlands.
Maybe Rokhan? AKA “That Darkspear Who Isn’t Vol’jin”?

The entire Desolate Council might’ve also hit better if it hadn’t been created in the same novel that retroactively torpedoed Forsaken society. And if the original Desolate Council hadn’t been made up of sad, fragile undead who wanted to slink off and die.
Blizz REALLY needs to stop sticking major plot relevant goings on exclusively in the books. We keep telling them to stop it, and they keep ignoring us about that specific topic. Freaking take some time and let us SEE and INTERACT with these events IN GAME.
It’s not rocket science. /Facepalm
Vol’jin, Loa of Warchiefs
Nope, no way. I do not want the first new warchief to only lose the job when he gets stabbed in the back by void-corrupted tuskarr or something in Last Titan.
Vol’jin has a history of things like that.
And if the presumed return of Sylvanas does occur in Midnight, we would be dangerously close to a “de spirits be sayin’ you must step outta de shadows and lead…”
I would actually hate it personally, but there’s a part of me that at least admires the prospect of the Warchief being an actual lower-case “g” god.

And if the presumed return of Sylvanas does occur in Midnight, we would be dangerously close to a “de spirits be sayin’ you must step outta de shadows and lead…”
Stop. Don’t do this.

Stop. Don’t do this.
But just picture it, Kagehiro!! We could replay all the hits!!
Another marshmellow roast outside Orgrimmar!! Vol’jin always said “a marshmellow roast Horde bonding teamwork exercise?? Over my dead body, Alynsa!!!” And he would be right again!!
Another speech about helping Sylvanas avenge him!! We all liked that little speech. Why not run it back??
And y’know, I did hear something about the night elves having another tree house…

If I was playing a dwarf right now I’d be estatic about all this dwarf coded representation in the game.
I would be worried given the track record of the writing room since Legion ended.
Some users claim otherwise that is why I mentioned it.

Blizz REALLY needs to stop sticking major plot relevant goings on exclusively in the books.
To be fair, at the time BtS was written, I don’t think Blizzard intended for the Desolate Council to be an in-game thing. They were created purely so they could oppose Sylvanas and die to show what a meanie she was.
Slight disagree. I think the Desolate Council was always intended to return under Calia (to show how different and good she was from Sylvanas). I just think that much like Calia as the new Forsaken ruler herself, it was thrown together as BtS was being written and the devs at the time put the minimum thought into it all.
There was no attempt to really expose Calia to Horde players who weren’t priests prior to BfA. We spied on her, Voss and Derek, then suddenly Voss is recruiting her to help lead.
Likewise, there was no exposure to the idea of some previously-unknown forsaken council thing until now it’s suddenly a thing, filled with forsaken that players might remember.
I think it was planned, but only in the way that those devs were like “we’ll just do it now so we don’t forget to give the forsaken a leader for years (like orcs and trolls), nobody will really care because of how epic our Fourth War and N’Zoth and Zovaal stories are!!”
But I could be wrong and it was an ad hoc solution to the dislike Forsaken players had with Calia as leader (and Voss too).

I think the Desolate Council was always intended to return under Calia (to show how different and good she was from Sylvanas). I just think that much like Calia as the new Forsaken ruler herself, it was thrown together as BtS was being written and the devs at the time put the minimum thought into it all.
There was no attempt to really expose Calia to Horde players who weren’t priests prior to BfA. We spied on her, Voss and Derek, then suddenly Voss is recruiting her to help lead.
Likewise, there was no exposure to the idea of some previously-unknown forsaken council thing until now it’s suddenly a thing, filled with forsaken that players might remember.
It really seems, when the devs think about the game plot, they automatically think about Alliance Lore. I don’t know if it is just that is their POV, or if the Horde has so little lore left that isn’t their leader being a villain. They also seem to be pretty blind, or maybe just uncaring, about complaints about this.
So I think they wanted a replacement for Sylvanas and that their plan was to take an Alliance character and put them as head the Horde faction. They seem to have been caught off guard about how it went over.
Forsaken Calia Menethil could certainly have been done better. The idea is a lot older than Before the Storm; it goes all the way back to the RPG books. It was fodder for speculation for years. One of the creative writing contest winners CDev used to publish was about an undead Calia resurfacing to challenge Sylvanas.
… she just wasn’t an unpalatable Light golem in those scenarios.

I’m betting Xal is in fact the main villain of the expansion. Let’s see who’s the final boss in the final raid.
Your “bets” have repeatedly been proven wrong so far. No, Xal’atath is not the main villain of war within, Metzen even said she’ll weave in and out of the entire saga. No, the next raid patch is an Ethereal Raid, very likely with a new Nexus-King as the final villain. And my guess, while we will defeat that Nexus-King Ethereal…his actions right before his defeat will probably open up some kind of darkness portal in the sky (or maybe even the Nightfall roadmap item will be outdoor content from him doing that before we enter the Ethereal raid) and Xal’atath will escape yet again to appear in side quests in Midnight.

at the beginning of the expansion.
Don’t take me out of context…you weren’t talking about the beginning of the expansion, you claimed Alleria was on center stage in the spotlight “now” when she clearly is not. I referenced the fact that we haven’t seen Alleria for months “now” and she’s been side-lined sitting in a back room of Dornogal doing what Baine did during Shadowlands.
Xal’atath is not a raid boss in War Within.

Your “bets” have repeatedly been proven wrong so far.
“Repeatedly”? What other bets have proven wrong?
Anyway, if it turns out I am wrong, I’ll own it and say so. (Also a reminder that raid bosses don’t always die…)

No, Xal’atath is not the main villain of war within, Metzen even said she’ll weave in and out of the entire saga.
Even if that’s true, that actually makes her a bigger deal than a single-expansion villain. And Alleria is being set up as her one and only nemesis.

you weren’t talking about the beginning of the expansion, you claimed Alleria was on center stage in the spotlight “now” when she clearly is not.
I was talking about everything in the expansion up to this point, including the intro quests.

Xal’atath is not a raid boss in War Within.
Of course she is. Your reaction will be priceless.
Isn’t Undermine a Horde Story through with Goblins?
The only goblin that is Horde is Gazlowe. All other cartel leaders are neutral. And the one guy that was actually Horde since Cataclysm is going to die apparently in the raid.
It is, but the same people who will insist Earthen = Alliance are the same people who will insist Goblins = Purely Neutral.
It is not. The Earthen worked with the Dwarf leaders. With the goblins everyone except Gazlowe is neutral. EVen said in their wiki and Blizzard. Bilgewater cartel is not the majority of their race. You should go to Ironforge and see for yourself that the new Earthen and Dwarves already formed a serious friendship. Neutral content is alliance content.