When will we get a Horde story?

I think it is that, plus some cultural stuff with the Horde that I won’t get into because I’m just not ready for this to turn into that debate.

Suffice it to say, Blizzard saw two paths forward; put in a lot of work and effort to rehabilitate the Horde’s image and the images and cultures of some of its races to create something that would draw less negative attention.

Or flat-out do nothing at all.

We know which route they chose.


Yeah, I usually just sidestep stuff I know is going to spiral in that way, but the parade of sad orcs in therapy is getting about as stale as the competent female replaces stuffy male story beat retread #17.

Variety is the spice of life. All things in moderation. Pick your own particular…

Idiom, sir

Idiom! Farewell, sweet Concord!


Even in DF. I thought that was kinda gratuitous. But I suppose if it hadn’t been there, people would have asked “Why not?”


It isn’t that I necessarily mind that showing up somewhere, but the feast or famine approach is awful. And it isn’t as if WoW is some super introspective commentary on the horrors of war that would justify every male orc being stricken with a terminal case of the mopes only during/after the Fourth War.

Like, listening to a Dragonmaw lament his atrocities was probably followed immediately by me slapping my thighs, going “welp, i’ma head out,” and then genociding some djaradin, protodrakes, and primalists on my way to scale a cliff to find a compass and kidnap butterflies so I can murder their mother.


Like I said, Metzen’s first full expansion since he returned will be Midnight.

I’m holding out hope until then.

Both TWW and BFA were heavily alliance biased.

TWW is neutral content. The first half had nothing to do with the alliance as a whole.

Just stop.

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Of course it did. The alliance had everything to do with it. All the dwarf characters, Alleria and Anduin were our quest guides.

So is TWW and so far nothing contradicts what I accuse the game of doing. They don’t care about the Horde period.

The Earthen we dealt with were neutral. Moira and Dagran were helping said NEUTRAL earthen, Alleria was chasing Xala’tath and Jaina left after the intro

Again, stop. It’s nonsensical and idiotic

Dishonest again nothing new here folks.

Actually go play WoW. All expansions preferably. Just ONCE before spouting your nonsensical BS you’re known for

I did. and the Horde has been ignored since BFA.

Great. Don’t care. Has nothing to do with what I said

We always see alliance heroes everywhere. That is a fact.

Objectively false. TWW was already in development when Metzen came back.

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Dont try this. It’s a bad argument.

Yes Earthen are neutral, both the npcs and playable Earthen.

But Earthen are obviously Alliance-coded in the same way goblins are Horde-coded even when neutral.

Denying that is denying reality.

This would be like saying Opportunity Point isnt Horde-coded content.

And that’s a ridiculous statement as well.

If I was playing a dwarf right now I’d be estatic about all this dwarf coded representation in the game.

Hell, as someone who genuinely likes Warcraft dwarves that’s how I feel right now playing TWW.

It’s the only thing making me tolerate how little Horde-coded content we’ve got so far.

Seriously dude, I’m still in the Ringing Deeps (in love with it) but so far the story has been almost comically Alliance-coded, with Horde just kinda tagging along. I haven’t even seen Thrall since Dornogol. I know she and Jaina went to rally the factions, but that removed the SINGLE Horde element this expansion has so far.

Except for me, but it’s not like anyone acknowledges my faction ever. I’m just the Alliance’s errand boy.


It’s not an argument. It’s a statement of fact. They’re neutral. I honestly don’t care if people dislike the reality of that statement

The problem is you seem to be ignoring the context around that reality.


I’m not ignoring anything. Just dealing with the reality of it.