When will we get a Horde story?

So you agree when I say,

Yes Earthen are neutral, both the npcs and playable Earthen.

But Earthen are obviously Alliance-coded in the same way goblins are Horde-coded even when neutral.

Denying that is denying reality.

This would be like saying Opportunity Point isnt Horde-coded content.

And that’s a ridiculous statement as well.

If I was playing a dwarf right now I’d be estatic about all this dwarf coded representation in the game.

Hell, as someone who genuinely likes Warcraft dwarves that’s how I feel right now playing TWW.

It’s the only thing making me tolerate how little Horde-coded content we’ve got so far.

Seriously dude, I’m still in the Ringing Deeps (in love with it) but so far the story has been almost comically Alliance-coded, with Horde just kinda tagging along. I haven’t even seen Thrall since Dornogol. I know she and Jaina went to rally the factions, but that removed the SINGLE Horde element this expansion has so far.

Except for me, but it’s not like anyone acknowledges my faction ever. I’m just the Alliance’s errand boy.


I have yet to see any Horde leader being part of the main quest. The one guy we had(Gallywix) is about to get killed next week.

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Gallywix does need to go. He was always a pile of crap even to his own people from day 0. Honestly this should have happened loooong ago.

That said, the writing team REALLY needs to stop killing main Horde characters in general for a long long LONG time. The so called swamp was has been cleaned out, and unfortunately a lot of the clean water got taken with it.

After Gallywix is dealt with, I’d be good not seeing ANY leaders from EITHER faction get taken out for a very very very very long time.


All other goblin leaders are neutral so no this patch is not Horde themed at all.

Not the Alliance as a whole, but we’ve still had to spend an awful lot of time with Alliance heroes Alleria and Anduin.


And Moira, Dagran and Magni.

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Moira and my boy dagran are cool at least and were fun to follow

To be fair. Moira has been LOOOOOOOONG overdue for some actual front stage content for decades. She’s got to be one of the best written characters on the Alliance side who was constantly ignored outside of the comics.


I know that I am merley stripping the ilusion that these characters are not aligned with the alliance.

That isn’t the main villain of the expansion, and after a single tiny cinematic… she went back to sitting in the side room in Dornogal doing nothing. She hasn’t been around for months, and hasn’t been seen in months. She isn’t the spotlight of the goblin Undermine patch or raid at all. Your prediction of prominence did not come true.

Every single word of this!

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Xala’tath is the main villain. They are building Alleria up for that.


I will preface this with: I like Moira. She is at least a contender for favorite dwarf character.

But I feel like her writing hit a brick wall after Blood in the Snow. Ruthless political schemer with a justified chip on her shoulder is a million times more interesting than Nice Alliance Priest Leader # 1,459.


Hey. Not fair. Moira is different from every other Alliance Priest Leader.

Moira has daddy issues.

No joke, that already makes her 350% more engaging and interesting. I’m not even being sarcastic. While I liked Schemer Moira more, having her give some deserved heck to Magni, and not even entirely forgiving him after a single talk, is more character development than any other non-human Alliance leader has ever gotten and bucks every trend previously set.


Anduin has entered the chat.


I would draw blood to just get one audio play about the Desolate Council. Complete with all the voice actors reprising their roles and hiring an Earl Boen (RIP) alike to narrate.

We’ve a completely unhinged mad scientist, combat loving spec opps commandeer, reserved elven ranger captain, a severely lapsed Catholic shadow assassin and a sparkly Mormon fairy godmother all trying to rebuild a nation populated by rude goth raver cannibals.

Get out of my face if you don’t think that has potential. What do their meetings even sound like? And then you layer that on top of them being tied in with the Horde council and you get even more potential.

I’m not asking when will there be Horde stories I’m asking how are there not more? Why in the name of God are we ignoring a monster mash UN Security Council in favor of depressed blondes?!

Or if they wanted to do Alliance maybe the duck mothering intergalactic slavic space goats fused with biblically accurate wind chime energy might be slightly more interesting! Or ya know the VICTORIAN WEREWOLVES. Or the fun sized cyborgs. Hell I’ll take the surely British dock workers. Just anything but melodramatic blondes.


Anduin just wants to be as good of a leader as his dad. Nothing close to the same.

Anduin’s issues are low self-esteme. Moira’s issues involve murder due to prejudism, a mixed race child, and more than a little sexism.

Apples and rocks.


I feel like Anduin just runs to clutch the leg of the nearest male authority figure and look up, innocent eyes, asking, “dada?” It took years for Genn to shake him, only for him to become attached to Saurfang’s leg instead.

Imagine ghost-Varian’s surprise when he shows up to give his son a pep talk so he can break the Jailer’s Domination only for Saurfang to sidle up and place a hand on his son’s shoulder, too. AWKWARD!


No, you’re going to get watered down, years expired, Great Value Tolkien imitations and you are going to like it, mister! There are starving children in Idaho!


(I am going to catch so much heck for this)

Well, at least he now has Thrall. Unlike the other two, Thrall still has a living son, so already a better track record as a father figure!!