When will we get a Horde story?

I feel like I’ve said everything to Zerde worth saying before we descend to pointless bickering (as usual), so on to something more fun.

Huge big agree. To all of that.

BfA didn’t change the Alliance in a visible way. I mean yeah, Teldrassil, homeless night elfs, sure. But leadership-wise, politically, the Alliance didn’t change the way the Horde did, with the whole “we will not have a warchief anymore because 50% of them went mega-evil.” So the problem isn’t as visual.

But in the same way that the Horde’s leadership did change for the worse… The Alliance not changing is also for the worst.

Twice in recent (for BfA) history, the Alliance as a conglomerate of nations just… Allowed the Horde to steamroll blitz through Kalimdor, blow up a city and push a war through that saw the loss of countless live. And both times, after the war is over and its justice time, the de facto leader of the conglomerate of nations just… Just said “ok, war over now, time to be not-quite-pals again.” No restitution discussed, no measures taken to prevent another war two to four years later, just… Another cease fire.

No, there should be fallout here. There should be more than just Tyrande saying “screw that, we need some blood for this.” There should be night elves in every Alliance city protesting. And those night elves should be mentioning how their allies in the Alliance thought it’d be too inconvenient to help them reclaim Darkshore during the war, might risk the war entirely, but all it took was the night elves and their worgen pals to reclaim it, and the Alliance won the war regardless.

Nope. Just return to the status quo, except for crazy-acting Tyrande.

That… Sucks. That ruins the very fonding idea of the Alliance, that these nations are allies who will help each other when that help is needed. And nobody is even discussing it (in-universe).

If the Alliance isn’t going to act as an alliance of allies, then what even is it beyond just the default human team, with their amazing friends?

By not changing at all in the fallout of another major war, the Alliance changed entirely.


He’s the definition of someone who is creatively bankrupt.


I really could not have said this all better myself, and I think this is the core issue I have. People think I’m joking when I say I will trade some Alliance leaders for some of our cities back. The alliance leads the story right now, but it begs the question what even is Alliance doing?
There are so many things it has left unanswered, but this part can be said about both factions.

At the end of the day, it really is a lose lose situation if you want to enjoy the faction part of the story unfortunately. This is why I have been trying to look at wow from a new angle, or atleast, the angle the writers want us to start looking at it from?
Maybe they really should make WoW 2



I am going to answer with this, the Alliance has always been “lawful good overdrive”. Does it stumble sometimes? Sure, it isnt perfect.

Which leads me to Renzik’s short and how even now Blizzard does know how to right the “heart” of the Alliance. Specifically when Shaw and Elling Trias was talking. The entire point of the scene was how Shaw was going to save the goblin couple because it was the “right” thing to do(and with just a hint of practicality to it). Which is the same reason the Alliance went beyond the Dark Portal. It wanted to prevent others from suffering the same losses they did(with just the same hint of the praticality that if the Horde became stronger again it could attack the Alliance again)

You make it sound like this was an active choice. No, it was a failure sure, but the Alliance was trying to prevent the loss of live/trying to prevent a global conflict from erupting.

And what would have happened? Both sides would have kept fighting and N’zoth would have destroyed everything. You keep forgetting the reason the faction conflict had to be dealt with ASAP was because there wouldnt be an Azeroth left.

And there was with her effectively cutting off any communication with the Alliance. But you know what, she and her people ultimately ended up benefit from the cesation of hostility and the ultimately good will it brought because when Fyrakk was about to destroy their new precious world tree, both factions were there to stop him. So grats, Anduin, your decision ultimately was for the better of the world.

Shaw answered it. The Alliance isn’t perfect. Nothing is. But they do want peace. They are trying to be better."

People keep mentioning the internment camp. The reason it didnt do more against the Horde is because the Alliance has learned to be better and realize it cant put half the world in an internment camp and that violence to continue violence will not lead to peace.

And you are nothing but a person who resorts to insults when you have nothing better to say. But hey other people have already called you out on it.

I’m not gonna go point-by-point with you, because you’ve missed the entire point. Which, I mean, obviously you would. Blue-tinted goggles. That’s not a bug, that’s your feature.

It’s fine that you don’t see a problem with the Alliance’s story. Good for you.

I’m not trying to speak for you, but to voice some of the frustrations others have with it.


And I am saying unless these same people want another faction war with the Horde being villain batted again they better hope the Horde becomes more like the Alliance.

… Ok, Zerde. Ok. I’m sure there are absolutely no alternative scenarios.


There isnt. And the fact everytime the Horde actually does something positive/act in a manner that actually make the world of Azeroth a better place people complain they are Alliance lite is proof of it.

So yeah, hope the Horde does become more like the Alliance.

And I am agreeing with you in the hopes the rest of us are allowed to move on. I am giving you the thing you want.

You are 100% absolutely right. In all of Warcraft, heck in all of fiction, the only example of a non-evil organization is the Alliance. That is the only possible way.

You are right.


Whatever helps you sleep at night


If so, I find it hilarious, because so many of the complaints weren’t about Thrall merely having a playable wedding, but that the questchain acted as a bait-and-switch: The player goes there to help the Aspects with a ritual on Nordrassil, which gets interrupted as Fandral kidnaps Thrall - but once the player saves Thrall, the ritual gets forgotten in favor of Thrall’s wedding instead.

I don’t think that was intended as a bait-and-switch by the writers - I feel like it was designed as a story about Thrall with the breadcrumb quest to get the players to him slapped on without too much thought - but it did annoy a lot of players. Especially since Thrall was the recent Horde warchief, in an expac where the Horde was very noticeably invading night elf lands, now bumping aside a night-elf-themed quest in a night elf zone to have night elf players celebrate his wedding instead. It was a lot of circumstantial things compounding into a bad experience.

Thalyssra and Lor’themar would avoid most of those complaints because the player knows it’s about a wedding to begin with, and it could start out as being all about Suramar and Silvermoon.


I have not read that i will admit most of my lore knowledge has been the main campaigns in game, so when it comes to books and shorts stories my knowing is limited. From what I have read, I have really liked so maybe I should look more into them and it will get me to like the Alliance again.


And for those of us who loved Thrall’s Horde, it was a reminder that our dad left us so he could get a better job, and he already found himself a new family and then had the audacity to invite us to the wedding after we fixed things for him!!

He never even brought home the milk he said he went out to get!!!


Can’t do jack anything when all your leaders are dead. There is a reason we only saw alliance personel so far in TWW.


I admit I am a weird outlier. But, even though I loved Thrall’s Horde, I was excited when Thrall became the World Shaman. I felt that becoming an expansion-critical main character was a promotion, and I was happy that he was getting that treatment. I just didn’t dream that the Horde would suffer as a result.


Remember when we thought Garrosh would be a young brash warchief who would grow and evolve with the Horde overtime?


Heck, remember when they promised us he wouldn’t be as much of a disaster as some people expected?


Remember when Metzen promised we’d get our Warchief back?


I don’t, actually! What did he say, and when was it?


I remember a time when, as much as it frustrated me that Thrall left, at least I had a warchief who would outright call Sylvanas a B-word for her use of plague bombs and val’kyr, who would throw a commander off a cliff for bombing a school and would kick a dragon in the face. An aggressive warchief who would gladly throw down with the Alliance in the face of global catastrophe and (presumed) resource shortages, but one with very clear moral limits. Even the MoP pre-patch didn’t bother me in the least; Don’t want a city to get bombed? Don’t use it as a supply stop on the highway into enemy territory for a war.

I was actually late to the Garrosh-hate party, as much as Thrall’s departure hurt me. Maybe mid-MoP, around the whole “try to get Vol’jin murdered” bit.

I mean, in a way he wasn’t wrong. From a certain point of view.

The whole thing about Thrall walking away from the Horde, the real reason it still frustrates me to this day is that… He just never freaking left.

Thrall ended Cataclysm with his sunset moment. He’d left the Horde, got a new job, and two babies were on the way. Time to retire the old soldier. Cool, fine, I’ll always remember you, my Warchief, I’ll never forget how you kept breaking CCs in Old Hillsbrad and made my priest work for their living.

Then towards the end of MoP, he’s back. Ok, but he’s just gonna handle Garrosh and leave. Just a cameo, so no big.

Then WoD, he’s back again. But like… Sure, old Horde, makes sense. Ok.

And Legion, he’s still back. Getting a little old now, friend. Retirement usually means we see you less, not more. But you’re mostly just sad that the elements are mad you killed Garrosh (it’stotally all in your head, my guy). So go take maybe one single expansion off after this, so we don’t get too tired of you coming and going and coming and-

BfA. Nagrand cinematic. Horde Revolution 2.0. Thrall, stop. Ok? Just either take the big chair or go the hell home. Nope, time for a Warchief Circle Council Thing.

Shadowlands. End of Dragonflight. Now TWW.

For a guy who left us, he cannot seem to miss a single gosh dang expansion. He might not do anything for most of them, but he has to make sure he’s there somehow!!!