I feel like I’ve said everything to Zerde worth saying before we descend to pointless bickering (as usual), so on to something more fun.
Huge big agree. To all of that.
BfA didn’t change the Alliance in a visible way. I mean yeah, Teldrassil, homeless night elfs, sure. But leadership-wise, politically, the Alliance didn’t change the way the Horde did, with the whole “we will not have a warchief anymore because 50% of them went mega-evil.” So the problem isn’t as visual.
But in the same way that the Horde’s leadership did change for the worse… The Alliance not changing is also for the worst.
Twice in recent (for BfA) history, the Alliance as a conglomerate of nations just… Allowed the Horde to steamroll blitz through Kalimdor, blow up a city and push a war through that saw the loss of countless live. And both times, after the war is over and its justice time, the de facto leader of the conglomerate of nations just… Just said “ok, war over now, time to be not-quite-pals again.” No restitution discussed, no measures taken to prevent another war two to four years later, just… Another cease fire.
No, there should be fallout here. There should be more than just Tyrande saying “screw that, we need some blood for this.” There should be night elves in every Alliance city protesting. And those night elves should be mentioning how their allies in the Alliance thought it’d be too inconvenient to help them reclaim Darkshore during the war, might risk the war entirely, but all it took was the night elves and their worgen pals to reclaim it, and the Alliance won the war regardless.
Nope. Just return to the status quo, except for crazy-acting Tyrande.
That… Sucks. That ruins the very fonding idea of the Alliance, that these nations are allies who will help each other when that help is needed. And nobody is even discussing it (in-universe).
If the Alliance isn’t going to act as an alliance of allies, then what even is it beyond just the default human team, with their amazing friends?
By not changing at all in the fallout of another major war, the Alliance changed entirely.