No one is saying we shouldnt beat the peons. We’re saying they should have a right to form a union so their beatings can be properly regulated and fairly distributed!
“These flimsy, caravan driving furry fodder creatures have no place in our Horde,” Baine began, pretending anyone cared what he thought.
Vulpera pull out boots and blackjacks and start relentlessly pummeling peons.
Eitrigg rises and says, “Perhaps, Baine, we judged them too hastily, you mountain of stacked gold and blue manure. They clearly have blood in their thunder!”
Ahh yes, the organization that checks notes is half made of the Alliance?
Thrall and Baine emphasising attempts at peace? Calia, initially wanting to bridge the gap between living and undead? Gazlowe now trying to be less mob boss and more enlightened capitalist?(considering the Alliance did said story first of positive economic reform via Breadbasket Guild) Sounds pretty Alliance to me.
Probably because enough Alliance players whined and cried about attending Thrall and Agra’s wedding in Cata.
Literally, one of the first quests in Vanilla for Orc and Troll players is whacking peons upside the head and telling them to get back to work. For 20 years, new Horde players have been whacking peons. We even get to do it in TBC for the Netherwing rep. It’s one of the dailies with the booterang.
Just feels really odd that the whole reunification of the Elves is supposed to be a big deal in the story. But when literally half of them already unify with the most politically impactful marriage in recent Warcraft history, that’s worth just glossing over and skipping?
People complaining should never be a reason FOR bad/lazy writing. It should be the reason AGAINST bad/lazy writing.
To be fair, most of them are literally sleeping on the job when we’re sent to smack them. I mean why haven’t the peons shoveled the snow that has let the Alliance jump the gates of Frostwolf Keep in AV for literal decades?
Even the Fel orc peons back in TBC were comically lazy enough to require invention and use of the Booterang.
Not an evil organization but a fairly insular/only focused only on the tauren people, now its is a global institution dedicated to helping the entire world, kinda like shock the Alliance.
Nah, but I am so glad Blizzard is making the Horde more Alliance. Less babarism and more good guy material from them. Might make them less likely to go evil again.
So an organization that has predated dealings with the Alliance never managed to turn evil. An organization made up primarily of Horde races, with some dwarves and drainos, covered in Horde trappings, and it has not once ever been evil.
It is like there are alternatives to your uncreative binary of “Alliance or evil.”
Well, of course you are. You wear blue-tinted goggles and only see things from an Alliance lens. It’s unsurprising you only want the game to become as Alliance-like as possible.
No, it really isn’t. It’s very much closer to Thrall’s Horde and the Tauren overall, but ok.
No, this is also not true. You believe this because you view the game through a very simplistic lens of “all good is Alliance” and you avoid conversations that go against that view.
And that is fine. You can like what you like. Enjoy what you enjoy.
Are they really though?
As I pointed out in the other thread, I have not felt like I’ve been playing Alliance since BfA. I dont want to derail this thread but I also cant make my own without people garenteed to derail it, but honestly Alliance lost its flavor for me back in BfA. I honestly think both factions lost their identity around that time, its only more noticeable on Horde.