It’s not that he’s a better leader. Gazlowe works INFINITELY better as the leader of the Horde aligned cartell than Gallywix ever did for a whole laundry list of reasons.
The main issue is Horde players are just burned out having to fight our own factions current and former leaders on repeat every other expac. It’s beyond tiresome and has become beyond all conceivable levels of stale from a storytelling/writing perspective at this point.
It’s gotten to the point that it feels like when the writing team wants a sub-villain for an expac or someone to kill for the plot, they just stick every Horde racial leader on a wheel and spin it.
On a different topic from the goblins, how in the world was the unification of literally half of the elven societies just glossed over when the whole Elven reunification is supposed to be a big deal. Why haven’t we seen anything with the Blood Elves and the Nightborne working to use the Arc’andor to cure the remaining withered in Suramar AND the wretched in Quel’Thalas. Why did the marriage of the literal ruler of Quel’Thalas and the ruler of Suramar get swept off screen and timeskip handwaved off to inconsequentiality?
Lor’themar and Thalyssra’s marriage is one of the biggest geopolitical events in modern Warcraft history in that it literally unified two entire nations of High Elven society into a single effective empire under the Theron banner. For some reason folks forget that as Regent Lord, Lor’themar is effectively King In Waiting since all of the Sunstriders are dead. There’s literally no one to return and reclaim the throne. And with that, Thalyssra is effectively the literal Queen of Quel’Thalas as well as being the effective ruler of Suramar after she led the rebellion to depose Elisande. I’m legit surprised the Blood Elves haven’t just named him officially King at this point. Especially since any children he has with Thalyssra will be in line to inherit his title of Regent if he ever dies.
I don’t care about Gallywix being a shi.te person I care about yet another horde leader being abused as raid boss. Blizzard has no intent of stopping here and they might do it again with Liadrin or Rommath in Midnight. BLIZZARD STOP IT PLEASE.
Delusional take. Better off asking for .2 to continue to give unloved races like literally everyone else on the Horde save orcs and blood elves the spotlight next as opposed to pushing against a core Horde race since WC2’s spotlight just because not everyone is red team there.
They do have a very long history of working with the horde more than any other organization though. In fact, I’m willing to bet that when most people think of Goblins, the horde is the go to faction people think of
If Undermined is not Horde content, then the first patch was not Alliance content.
If the response to being given overtly targeted content is to go “nope, doesn’t count,” all you are doing is giving cover for the people claiming nothing will be good enough for you or that your faction hasn’t been notably absent from meaningful participation.
I will never understand why this has not happened yet and this constant resistance to stuff that exist in the RTS before WoW. San’layn and Dreadlords (like Evoker with Dracthyr were at the beginning I guess) I guess I can understand to some degree why they not added them since the race comes with specific kit of Class powers that go beyond racials, but Ogres?
They should have been added at some point already… or Blizzards version of it… since every time players ask for a race, we get a variant like what they did with the Void Elf when players were asking at that time for High Elves in Legion. (IMO)
Which is only for 2. By Warcraft 3 they were neutral. And as Renzik shows the Alliance has had relatively positive dealings with certain Goblins that are not bilgewater. Heck, goblins helped defend Stormwind against thr Lich King’s assault in Wrath!
Nah I think you’re just either delusional or willfully obtuse.
Alliance and Alliance-coded content takes center stage. Horde characters and Horde coded content plays side-fiddle. Hopefully Undermine finally changes this dynamic.
But if you’re here to bury your head in the sand, just know we can all see you.
Yes, except that time…where the Vulpera proved their worth to the Horde by- reads the script
breaking up a Peon union…I am sorry, who writes this stuff?!