When will we get a Horde story?

He’s a character that Alliance players have zero connection with, and other than whatever plot related stuff is happening this patch, likely have no desire to go and stop. Horde folks have been hunting him since mid-BFA at least. It’s why I also consider Firelands Alliance content as its the culmination of Staghelm’s villainy.

No, we haven’t. He was a questgiver in BfA leveling and then just suddenly scarpered at the end of the expansion. Since then, nobody’s even talked about him.

And you have to understand that fighting Horde leaders and former Horde leaders is the LAST thing some of us want to do after being thoroughly fed up with it in previous expansions.


I could have sworn there were a few npc line about trying to locate him after Sylvanas fled.

If there were, they were never followed up on.


Look, I am sorry, but how is Gallywix considered a better leader option than the current Goblin leader Gazlow?
Playing the Goblin intro quests make it very clear Gallywix does not care about his people. Meanwhile Gazlow has now and always worked for Goblins betterment.

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It’s not about who’s the better leader, it’s that a Horde character is the villain again. Maybe he can be rehabilitated, but I don’t think that’s happened once with any major faction leader’s heelturn.

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Personally, I always found Gallywix hilarious. I didn’t care that he didn’t care, because he was funny and my goblin PC can take care of herself, thanks very much (it’s the goblin way).

As for Gazlowe, I have nothing against him as a person (goblin). I just think they should have promoted a Bilgewater character to be the new leader instead of importing a neutral NPC and pretending he suddenly cared about the Horde.

Anyway, just because Gallywix was a bad leader doesn’t mean I want to fight him. Maybe if this was the first time I’d ever had to go after a former Horde leader turned evil, I wouldn’t mind, but at this point I’ve been there, done that, got the T-shirt, and would be perfectly happy never to do it again. I already suggested an alternative fate for him in another thread:


He is a funny character, and as mentioned I wouldn’t mind if he was reformed some way I actually think that would be pretty cool. But I dono, I honestly never even seen him as a leader.


He was the official goblin leader and appeared on the BfA loading screen.

But it doesn’t even matter. I’m so sick of fighting my former allies that he could just be a prominent NPC questgiver and I’d still not want to do it.


If only “Killing Former Prominent Horde Character Fatigue” was as accepted by the general playerbase as “Orc Fatigue” and “Night Elf Fatigue” and “Sylvanas Fatigue” have been.


OMG, yes. So much this.

I really don’t get all the “But you’ll happily make an exception for Gallywix, right? Right?” that’s going on. From Blizzard, even. I don’t think they’re deliberately trying to gaslight us, but that’s kind of what it feels like.


Some day, I really should make a thread that’s basically my interpretation of what it feels like to play a Horde main, from Vanilla to now. How Thrall, the Horde’s “father figure” kept going out for cigarettes and milk to spend time with the family he really liked from Cata until the end of BfA. How Saurfang, the cleaving uncle, turned into the alcoholic uncle who was sad all the time until he did “Suicide by Sylvanas” and effectively took away the last of the WCIII/Vanilla-era Horde heroes. How since MoP, The Hode has killed more prominent Hode characters than we’ve killed Alliance. How…

Uhg. I don’t wanna derail. But dang it, it really shouldn’t be so jarring to people that Horde players would like to see a Horde-centric story that maybe doesn’t end with a current or former Horde character die.

Like, I’m fine with Gallywix being offed. And a part of that is because I’ve just come to expect Horde character deaths. That part is equal to the part that’s fine with killing him, because he at least was never a Horde hero and always stood as someone we’d deal with eventually.

But it’s telling that the “Horde-centric” patch still has to end with us murdering a Horde character. That’s the only story the Horde has now. And maybe we’ll even get the default follow-up of Baine telling us how we should feel bad not for killing Gallywix, but for the crimes “we allowed” Gallywix to commit, and now with him gone, the Horde can still begin to heal again-again-again.


He does not need to be reformed. His hyperbolic shortcomings are precisely what makes him a fun character.

95% of the groan inducing character writing this game suffers from stems from writing them based on real world perceptions and sensibilities. There is a reason people gravitate to Wolverine and Batman more than Cyclops and Superman.


You bite your tongue, Scott Summers did nothing wrong, he is a glorious, wonderful man and I love him.

You are 1000% right about boring, bland Superman tho.

You can have character flaws without being a villain.

I was always a Colossus, Leonardo, Optimus Prime fan, so I judge not those who gravitate towards the default heroic archetype. Except Superman, who sucks.

Yep. That changes nothing I said, though. Being a villain does not necessitate killing off said villain.


Dont get me wrong, I never said we should kill him off. Matter of fact, I dont think we should kill any more characters off.


LOL most of the things I want to say Alynsa says them better about this ongoing topic that keeps being brought up not just here but at least with my group of friends and people I play with.

I need to constantly look at the post so I don’t repeat what others are saying… I guess I’m to slow typing in english! lol

I completely agree… except for what Scott did to Madelyne Pryor!

lololol Joking, with so many rebirth and re-written to modernize these old character that plot got change a bit or soften at least in the 90 X-men show that air last year I think.

Returning to the topic I find it hilarious bad how they do EVERYTHING possible to not touch Alliance side… and when they do they use something that won’t impact as much. (IMO)

When you play the Alliance its complete opposite of what you said… I wonder if this is what Blizz want? Because at least from the view of my irl friends who favor the Alliance, who has play WoW longer than me, they don’t like it… one has yet to finish the main campaign and went to classic until his sub ran out. :sweat_smile:


Gotcha. Yeah, I am not going to make a case for him being a great leader. I just think eliminating him is a momentous blunder.


UndermineD isn’t a Horde story no. Most goblins there are neutral and the one actual Horde goblin that was always part of the faciton is to be killed in raid fashion because Blizzard still has no creativity beyond axing our cast for no good reasons.