When will we get a Horde story?

Omg my original post vanished and all I have now are the additional edits. Sorry.

Because they retcon and downplay it whenever they do.

The Scarlet Crusade was initially a fringe part of the Alliance. That’s retconned.

People to this day downplay Garithos as though it was just one guy, ignoring the racist infrastructure that allowed someone like him to be in the military at all, let alone in a leading role.

And no one in the Alliance did anything to stop Garithos’s attempted genocide. In fact, they aided him.

But that’s been downplayed so much its basically retconned out of existence.

The Night Elves explicitly say they’e exterminated races before.

That’s been retconned.

Meanwhile, Blizzard literally forced the Horde to commit a genocide in-game.

Are you seeing a pattern?

If not, then you’re either a very stupid person or simply dont want to acknowledge reality.

Edit: To clarify, I mean the ROYAL “you”. Not specifically the person I’m responding to.


I mean, you cant “really” block on here.
I’m just letting him know. I’m not going to engage with him.

I used to! Honestly didn’t mind discussing his topics but after a few posts…eh. :confused:

I think you know that you are reaching. That is why you result to insults.

The Alliance has not committed genocide. The Horde has. These are facts.

Your options aren’t even Alliance-aligned. They occurred before the Alliance was even formed.

You’re also attacking the person who made this post because he wants better Horde stories. Maybe don’t call people stupid just because you disagree with them?

alliance players coping hard again I see. As long as the story is told by alliance biased devs nothing will change.



This literally means nothing. You don’t get to decide how things are defined just to make your argument make sense. We can accept that, yes, the Horde have very evil tendencies. Its baked into their races. Forsaken are straight up presented as amoral pragmatists looking to further their race by killing others and spreading plague. Trolls are straight up called racist haters in their opening dialogue.

You can like these more complex races without denying that there is bad in them. There is bad in Alliance races as well.

Sadly, the writing has skewed negatively toward the Horde, and that’s just cause the writers have had some poopy ideas.

We should unite in our desire for better Horde writing and representation. I love the trolls. I love Vol’jin. I’ll never get over what they did to him, but I want to see the Darkspear story continue. Same with tauren and orc, and all the rest, but mostly them.

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I never called you stupid.

I’m saying, after everything I and others have laid out, anyone who doesn’t see the pattern of Blizzard softening the Alliance while making the Horde look bad is either stupid or willfully blind.

My point is that the Alliance HAS done despicable things, including attempted genocide. And a race within the Alliance claimed they committed genocide in the past.

But, over years, Blizzard has either retconned or downplayed all of these instances.


Metzen said it himself night elves are his favorite race that is why we havea fatigue now of them with 9 years of their content being shoved into our faces.

Pretty impressive that Metzen can somehow force stories into a game he wasn’t working on for a company he left.


What term am I arbitrarily defining?

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And they already do… that’s my point. We’ve got orcs and tauren and trolls and goblins and sindorei all over the place doing all kinds of things. But none of it ever needs to be about the obsolete horde conquest impulse. Warcraft is about Azeroth now.

They never get to take center stage the way (say) Alleria is doing, though.


I haven’t seen Alleria in months. You seem to have a different definition of center stage from me.

Grizz isn’t so much Alliance, that he’s just down to be with his shortstack gnome waifu. And Sapphy just wants her green man.

The main issue was always that they had to try to be together under Garrosh and Gallywix.
At this point, both he and Sapphy are more interested in just being together and building new stuff than sticking with any one side over the other. Which is kind of how it’s always been with those two. It just worked out more easily for them to hang out in the alliance territories for most of their story.

I just wanna know when we’re going to get Gnomblin babies already.

She was literally everywhere my dude just like the dwarfs and Anduin. I can’t remember a time when any Horde NPC had so much attention not even Thrall.


He may not be shouting “For the Alliance!” all the time, but he left the Horde, lives in Alilance territory, and can only be seen if you play Alliance. If I were to go to his house, I’m pretty sure he’d be red-flagged. That’s enough to call him Alliance for me.


I do. I mean Alleria is the one who gets to go toe-to-toe with the expansion’s main villain and get the “big damn hero” moments. I also expect her to only increase in prominence now that the main leveling experience is behind us.


Word. We have all the arguments on our side.

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Just because the Goblin storyline starring at least two Horde Goblin leaders - one of whom built the very capitol of the Horde whilst the other was the leader for a decade+ - isn’t retreading Maimkillburn x24 the experience as the plot for the umpteenth time doesn’t mean UndermineD isn’t a Horde story.

With any luck .2 will also be focused on Horde content as well. I think it will end up being Haranir stuff, but I’d be fond of Talanji hijacking that plot to establish relations and finally let the Zandalari take the spotlight again.


It might be (waiting to see it for myself before I judge). But I don’t think the participation of Gallywix as a villain is a selling point for that idea.

And it looks like it will still be a side jaunt at best. Possibly an irrelevant one in the grand scheme of things.