When will we get a Horde story?

The entire storyline has already datamined for a while now and Gazlowe plays a role through the entire thing. Even in the raid

That is encouraging. At least the Horde will at least be a minor part of in patch that features their race. Less than we deserve, more than we have ever gotten.


The Goblins have a chance to bring something different. Will they? Based on the short story, I do worry that the staff equates “profit” with “greed”.


If the shoe fits as the old saying goes.

Both those often go hand in hand. Even in IRL

That’s one POV. I’m sure the usual people will like it. It’s kind of been overdone in fantasy stories…


I’m not really excited for Undermine(D) truth be told. I’ll probably due some PvP, get my set, MAYBE do the story and than I’ll go back to doing DF on my hunter.

Not really a goblin fan, but I am happy for those who are excited for the patch

The faction conflict was the worst part of that entire expansion. The Sha and Old God parts were great, the Troll parts were great (enemies of both horde and alliance so faction irrelevant) and the best patch was the final one with horde and alliance teaming up to remove Garrosh from power.

Look, the entire framing of your topic at the very start just feels bizarre to anybody that played all of Warcraft content. You asking about a Horde story is kind of like asking why your local newspaper doesn’t tell more stories about what the Roman Empire is doing today. It isn’t doing anything because it doesn’t exist the way it did in the past. And no, they didn’t go extinct as people; they divided up into nations with their own goals and agendas, and now they loosely associate with eachother as Europe and North Africa and Asia Minor. All of which have to also relate themselves to nations outside what used to be the Roman Empire because we’re all part of one planet now. There isn’t any validity of anybody thinking Roman Empire conquering the world is an appropriate agenda for you to be advocating let alone pursuing.

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The Roman Empire is long gone, unlike the Horde. You hear news about America, Russia, or China pretty much every day, since they’re literally the three strongest powers, not to mention all the other places.


If time distance matters to you; replace Roman Empire with Dai Nippon Teikoku otherwise known as Empire of Japan that ceased being relevant in 1947 even when the Japanese people are doing just fine. Same situation.

If someone smacks their cane on the table and complains that there aren’t more stories of what the Military Empire of Japan is doing in 2025…I just have to shake my head.

I shockingly agree with everything else in your post, except for this.

We don’t hear about what the Roman Empire is doing, because the Roman Empire of old, followed by the Byzantine Empire successor, is many centuries dead and gone.

The Horde is still alive and active. The Horde is one of the two major players on Azeroth’s world stage. Both even sent troops to Khaz Algar early into TWW. The Horde isn’t an empire of the past by any means; it’s still one of the two global superpowers of Azeroth. Its army is still just as relevant as the Alliance’s military, likewise for its government and at least one of its leaders (Thrall).

The Horde is by no means or measure a great power of even the recent past. It is still an active participant in Azerothian life.


Read my reply only a minute above yours.

I did read your reply, and you’re still not explaining why you believe the Horde is a thing of the past, when we know it certainly isn’t. Thrall and Geya’rah literally brought Horde ships with Horde soldiers to Khaz Algar. This is present-day stuff. The Horde still exists.

I feel like you’re trying to say something else, but you’re instead just implying the Horde is a defunct national entity.

Could you maybe try and frame this differently so we can better understand what you’re trying to say?


Well, I’m sure many people in the West stopped talking about the empire of Japan, since it ceased to be relevant. It’s gone. The Horde is not.

If you are Japanese, or Chinese, or Korean, or you love in Taiwan, and many other places, the Empire of japan is quite a relevant bit of history that affects your countries’ relations to this day.


Japanese folks are active all over the world, and help in many different things. None of them are acting on behalf of any Empire of Japan. Nor is there any desire to fulfill the bias or agenda of that Empire. They’re just Japanese people. Same as Orcs and Tauren and Trolls and Goblins after the death of Saurfang.

The original topic starter was not asking for stories that comment upon history… and neither am I.

Ok, I’m going to go out on a limb here and take a risk by making an assumption based on nothing but vibes and feels.

I think you’re not trying to say “the Horde is a fallen nation” but “the Horde is a nation in decline.”

I’m basing this on your use of Japan as an example.

Japan still exists. While their style of governance has changed, it is still effectively the same nation, ruling (mostly) the same land, populated by the same people. But while Japan is still an important part of the world, its relevance in international affairs (IE war) has dwindled or vanished. And the Horde is basically the same.

If that’s what you’re saying, then…

I actually agree.

The simple fact is, the Horde has lost nearly every war it got itself into. They won the 1st War, were part of the coalition that won the 3rd War, but they lost hard in the 2nd War, lost Garrosh’s war, and lost the 4th War so hard, they had to radically change their style of governance (again, like Japan post WWII). The Horde still has a military, but from last account (BfA/SL) it’s greatly diminished, and the general feel of the Horde Council suggests they’re not in a hurry to build it back up. So the Horde as a nation-state, while still present, is substantially less relevant.

Did I assume correctly?

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No. It’s better not to try to replace what I said with something else, and just stick to what I said.

That is entirely not true. You might benefit from reading more about what lands the Empire of Japan was ruling, etc. And no, there isn’t any sarcasm or patronization or sneer or anything else in my statement here.

The change from “Empire of Japan” to “2025 Japan” is not just a different arrangement of chairs in a building in Tokyo…it is an entirely different culture. Same as the current Orcs/Tauren/Trolls/Goblins/Sindorei/etc. after Saurfang.

Well, I tried.

Other than that, all I can say is that I don’t think you’ll find many people who agree with you, if any. In both Dragonflight and now in The War Within, the Horde is certainly still an entity that exists. It is spoken of in the present tense, has an embassy in Dornagal, has representatives that say they are part of the Horde, and a military that is still called the Horde military.

So I understand you think there is no Horde or something, but from all the evidence shown in the game, the Horde does in fact exist.

If you’re trying to say something else, it’s just not coming across.


You keep trying to change what I said into something which I did not say, and then criticizing what you put in its’ place.

When I typed “It isn’t doing anything because it doesn’t exist the way it did in the past. And no, they didn’t go extinct as people” it means exactly what I typed. It doesn’t exist “the way it did in the past”.

I don’t see how the exact nature of the Horde’s existence affects Blizzard’s ability to tell stories about them. In your Japan example, you can still have stories about (the) Japanese people, even if they’re not an empire anymore.


Just block him?