I agree 200% with everything you said. It gets old, real fast, real quick. We can’t even talk about TWWs new lore because it ALWAYS devolves into Lordaeron this, genocide that, trolls are owed this, everything alliance needs to die or some other topic that hasn’t been relevant for 15+ yrs
Like, I dunno, a lot y’all need a new hobby is all I’m saying
Hey I resent that! Its mister oddball, thank you very much! (joking)
Joking to the side I have notice the trend of the same poster, but once in a blue moon we do get nice lore juicy post… like the one recently posted about the arcane!
So I keep to the hopium alive no matter who post as long as they stick to lore, story or gaming stuff. (IMO)
I mean… If you’ve been around here for a week or longer, is it at all very shocking?
We are still, legitimately as of last night, debating Sylvanas’s actions in pre-Cata. We are still debating TBC’s story (last night). We are still arguing and fighting over Camp Taurejo (as of two or three weeks ago?). If Vanilla had a more cohesive story, no doubt we’d still be arguing over that. We cannot go two hours without someone retreadding the tired, beated, dead argument about who got it worse with BfA, and bringing TBC to Legion story bits in to back up their arguments.
There are no settled matters here. Given enough time, every thread will turn into a Sylvanas thread. Some people are still salty as heck that the Horde even got blood elves. Nothing ever ends, and people never let their personal bugbear go.
I came around the Story Forums about right after you must have left, Water Tauren. I absolutely understand where you’re coming from.
lol don’t worry, I be surprise and even flatter if you did!
I change avatar for each expansion depending on the story and what my friends chose as their main questing characters.
But you can refer to me as Oz like most who I play with call me! Sooo anyway nice to meat you!
For now I’m Ohzidian the Darkfallen Night Elf Warlock, hated by all the Purist fans of the Night Elf culture! (joking but they do dislike it a little bit! lololol)
lol, ok, fair enough. I do remember a number of posters’ names or their avatars.
Of course, that low-level belf pally (Vyrin or something like that) was infamous even on the General Forum before the Story Forum’s creation, so he doesn’t count.
Can you see how it is a bit of a non sequitur when I say something to the effect of “Horde content has been bad/sparse, Midnight will hopefully change that, here are two examples of good Horde content” and your response is effectively “It is impossible to state whether Horde or Alliance have it worse?”
“I really want a burger today.”
“It is impossible to objectively state whether chicken sandwiches or hamburgers are superior, because it is subjective.”
Okay? You’re still not even participating in the same conversation. It is bizarre.
Its not, and I should listen to what everyone tells me and not give them the time of day. I had thought for a bit these forums were getting more…normal, but eh.
Its still enjoyable for the most part, I like talking about lore with you and most of the other people here.
I’m shocked. Shocked, I say. Downright electrocuted. Next you’ll tell me they’ve got a bunch of statues to him and his friends in Stormwind or something.
No, I don’t think I did — Bigfel had called them entitled and proclaimed such after the comment was made that gave a suggestive inclination the statement should be invalidated — Much for the reasons you stated … Whereas what I’m saying, is that shouldn’t be the case.
Hence the point of MY response:
That regardless of Erevien’s repeated antics or absolutely cooked takes — It doesn’t mean there can’t be some truth or accuracy amongst all the mess, time to time.
I’ve argued my fair share of time against Erevien on quite a few subjects Painfully so.
Saying it’s just the entire Alliance playerbase would be so, so much easier lol
Example debates I’ve had with him have been on:
Amani Trolls (him arguing Quel’Thalas should be handed over to them)
and my thread ages back to restore Dire Maul into Eldre’Thalas – updated to how it looks in the ‘Chronicles’ artwork & make it a symbolic city of the Highborne that rejoined Night Elf society & with them — The Alliance (and also give a major foothold in Kalimdor once more).
I’ve also argued with him on the story of Shadowlands, since I detest that abominable expansion and he dared to – to – t- defend it. (The horror, I know) — But yes, I understand all too well the egregiously wild-takes & mindset he can have time to time, but as stated → That doesn’t mean utterly everything should just automatically be dismissed …
People often let their emotions of others – Blind them from the true, valid or fair points made by them — Some even go as far to outright contest & argue AGAINST them, regardless of what it is. This is witnessed with politics / opposing political spectrums ALL the time, as well as students at school, colleagues at work and many other avenues of society.
People are petty & spiteful and will apply willful, proudful ignorance to feed that pettiness & spitefulness, as if it’s a sacred beast they must keep plump and fed.
Not saying that’s everyone – but some can unfortunately fall into the rhythm that’s sung by those people and be seduced into its vituperative & scurrilous behaviours — Like a Siren’s song at sea.
I was recently in WoD with one of my alts and it was nice that the factions have their own leveling phase. It felt good and so the factions play an important role in the expansions.
But now the Horde doesn’t even get its own level campaign and has to share it with the Alliance… Even after that, the Alliance people are always the main characters and the Horde is just a cameo.