When will we get a Horde story?

And right after that, you said “It is what it is.” Meaning you’re not open to changing your mind.


:man_facepalming:Thats not what that means…
In the context, its after:

Meaning I am not going to get heated if someone disagrees.

“an expression used to characterize a frustrating or challenging situation that a person believes cannot be changed and must just be accepted.”
In this context, its used as me accepting other people will not change their minds. Hence “it is what it is.”. Thats just the meaning of the phrase, I dont know what else to say.

I was not trying to twist anything. I have already acknowledged you may have meant something different than your words came across to me as. It is also possible (from your response, probable) you are not understanding what I am saying. Maybe if we were face to face we could clarify and come to an understanding. But in text, it is unlikely this is going anywhere. And we would probably just get into a semantics discussion. So, like I said, I am letting it go. I only ask you not jump to the conclusion I am trying to misrepresent your words and not assume the worst intent on me either.

Never said different. :wink:

You are literally pulling single words out of context. Wow, you are desperate. LOL

The really funny part is I said:
“But, children often find it easier to just skim and look for words they can get triggered by.”

And you responded by literally picking out single words. Thanks for providing a timely example.

Not saying the word Alliance doesn’t change what you are doing. When you say ‘Horde is only being throne a bone’ you don’t need to add the Alliance part. Especially when you take into context the discussion you were replying to.

You said that. Then repeatedly came back trying to make it an argument. While I specifically and repeatedly said that isn’t something that can objectively be determined. I noticed you left that out of your quotes.

It was clear strawman to try and make everything I said somehow a fight over who had it worse. It was only in your head.

Of course you did. Because reading comprehension is apparently hard for you. It is much easier for you to just count words then actually read the context. /golf clap

I do like you, Glow Gnome. But going back through Kagehiro’s posts, your responses, his responses to your responses, etc, etc, etc. I feel like I have noticed that you did the same thing with him that I felt like you were doing with me.

The discussion Kagehiro was responding to was “when will we get a Horde story.” Yours and his interactions began with his post that literally starts with:

Given the context of the prior conversation, it’s pretty clear he is referencing the “who wore it worse, Horde v Alliance edition” conversation you and others were having before; IE, he is trying to rerail from that derail.

He, and later on myself, tried to specifically avoid that back and forth discussion that you and another person were having. It’s pointless, it’s just arguing for the sake of arguing, and the only correct answer to “which side had it worse” is “the players’ side, regardless of faction.”

Do Alliance characters get more spotlight than Horde ones? Sure. If by Alliance characters, you mean Anduin and Jaina, with a side order of Tyrande. And about 75% of that spotlight bleached the color out of those characters, and has done the Alliance as a whole no favors. Heck, Legion-era Anduin was almost likeable until shining the spotlight on him for three of the last expacs ruined any chance of really liking him. Personally, I have nearly as many gripes about the Alliance story as I do the Horde one.

And if this topic was “when will the Alliance get a story that doesn’t make the Alliance worse?” I would have just as many multi-paragraph posts about that.

And it would not mean that I don’t think the Horde story is better. It would not mean I’m comparing the factions at all.

I do not think Kagehiro or myself, both of whom intentionally did not reference the Alliance, were trying to play the misery-measuring (or diarhea in the bowl-measuring) game. I think that is something you have been inserting into our intents based on your own past arguments in this thread.

This is going to be my last post on the subject entirely. I just ask that maybe you take a look back and see if maybe you’ve been making an assumption about posts and their content that could be re-evaluated.

I still like you, Glow Gnome.


The quotes are all still up there in their full context if you think something is being misrepresented. I was highlighting relevant points to demonstrate that you have continually tried to force the conversation down the only dialogue tree you’re interested in exploring. Repeatedly. Constantly. Implacably. Unceasingly. Onion rings.

You understand people can discuss the Horde without the Alliance factoring into the discussion at all, right? That the simpler explanation is that I meant what I said instead of some nudge-nudge-wing-wink doublespeak that was really about beating the diarrhea bowl-horse to death again?


Okay. I’ll accept that I misread you, and withdraw the previous statement. Apologies for the hassle.

(And for the record, my opinion on Sylvanas is that I just can’t take her seriously as a realistic character because she’s been yanked too many different directions by too many different authors, some of whom had rather obvious agendas.)


First it’s pizza, now it’s onion rings.

Story Forums, I really need to ask you guys to stop it with making me hungry. I declare a moratorium on all further mentions of food.

For Green Savior Thrall’s sake (and Golden Boy Anduin’s sake too, so we have equal faction representation), Kagehiro!! It is past 2am in my neck of the woods!! I cannot even find a place to even get onion rings!!!


No dice. Best I can do is food word combinations to make you less hungry.

Parmesan Jelly.

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Nope, not helpful. That only reminds me to pick up strawberry jam and parmesan tomorrow/today when I go to the grocery store.

You have failed me, Hiro.

Orc heritage quest wasn’t special since all races get one. the extra blood elf patch however and the whole Amidrassil thing is real race content that all players were forced to see.

The Horde always loses leaders to bad story and it never stopped. They will continue to do so in Midnight so Alleria and Umbric taking over Quel’thalas can be justified after the blood elf leaders are axed.

As the saying goes. Nobody put a gun to your head and made you do that content or any current content for that matter. I know plenty of people who make just twink characters and play older content that they enjoy

It was mandatory content so yes we were forced to do it if we wanted to see the ending of the expansion.

Nothing in a MMO is Mandatory. That’s pure nonsense. It’s a MMO, you’re allowed to do whatever you want when you want

And like I said, and the part you conviently ignored, there’s plenty of people who stick to just old content they enjoy.

Timewalking is a thing, has been for a while. I heavily suggest making good use of it

I mean, say what you will about Erevien, but that doesn’t mean he can’t say accurate statements time to time. Many amongst the Alliance playerbase DO tend to complain when their leaders aren’t the center of attention :face_exhaling:

Heck, I remember seeing threads shortly after the ending of Dragonflight of people not only asking but demanding for MORE Night Elf content and MORE Tyrande content! :face_with_spiral_eyes: The thread I remember most was one that descended into a huge fight between people arguing against it, due to being sick of it all (understandably) and those were were all for it – until the thread was ultimately shutdown, which I can only guess was due to the toxic anarchy that broke out between such groups.

:100: Percent.

That kind of emphasises the point though … The Horde are at best minor or sidekick characters to the TRUE heroes of the plot → and those that have the greatest significance to the villains are more than likely going to be Alliance characters, with the Horde having little to no relevance or significance to them.

Xal’atath is a prime example of this – Out of all the heroes, you know for a FACT that the ‘hero’ character which currently has the largest significance with her — is Alleria (an Alliance hero) – Which isn’t even up for debate, unless you’re biasedly ignorant.

:unamused: I’m fairly certain Blizzard is ultimately going to have Alleria have a significant role in Xal’atath’s eventual downfall with the Horde merely being – Yet again, those that play a minor role & nothing more than side-characters to the TRUE main-characters of the story:

:sparkles: The Alliance! :sparkles:


I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt early on. But quit frankly his constant refrain back to the same old thing kind of removed any of the doubt. I would have given him the benefit of the doubt if he had not repeatedly come in spouting angry rants about diarrhea. Near as I can tell he looked for any mention of the words Horde or Alliance and then replied without reading any context.

Example, when I tried to make it very clear that the who had it worse was a pointless conversation and not one I was having. He went back and quoted just the part where the word Alliance and Horde were said. He specifically left out the part where I said it is subjective and impossible to state who had it worse. He literally covered it with ‘blah, blah.’

As I said before, and am saying again to be 100% clear: I have no interest in debating who had it worse. It all boils down to what we personally feel like. You can never have a resolution. And it is not relevant anyway.

I think you missed the point of Bigfel’s response.

There is nobody, among either Horde or Alliance players, that complains about their preferred leaders not being the center of attention as much as Erevien does. It is also especially egregious that he paints the entire Alliance player base that way.

And you are not wrong that some in the Alliance player base do. Some in the Horde player base as well. Because, the thing is, Alliance and Horde players are overall the same. Some are reasonable, some ask to much, some ignore the ‘other side,’ some villainize the ‘other side,’ etc., etc.

It is just that for Erevien, of all people, to make that particular comment is laughable.

No worries.

(And yes I agree with the Sylvanas thing overall)

And no offense to Zul, misunderstandings happen, but god damn the amount of people jumping on that as well also its hard to belive they also had that misunderstanding and not some weird af “Ha! Got him!” without actually…reading.

Kinda proves my point that some people here dont want to have a discussion, they want an unhealthy outlet.

To be fair, when you start out with a provocative statement like “I fully believe Sylvanas is probably one of the most evil characters in media,” you do kind of invite a knee-jerk response.


That’s the reason I stopped posting in the Story Forum back in the MoP days, although I continue to read the threads.

This attitude has prevailed since the Story Forum’s creation in WotLK. Funnily enough, the Story Forum was created because the same 10 or 15 posters spammed the General Forum with same topics (the Forsaken, Wrathgate, Sylvanas, and who owns the land of Lordaeron). I jumped into these threads — fun times.

So I was excited when the Story Forum was created, but my excitement began to peter out during the Cata days, when the constant negative attitudes and “gotcha” posters increased in numbers — particularly players of one faction shouting down players of another faction.

By halfway into MoP, people were still beating the same drums! Still arguing over Sylvanas and the Forsaken, over Lordaeron, and over the “losses” the Alliance got in Cata (when we had explicitly clear statements from the devs that Alliance had considerably more content than the Horde in Vanilla, so Cata was an attempt to equalize the amount of content between the two).

So I just stopped posting. I was so sick of focusing on the stories itself, about the Sha and the Pandaren, along with future possibilities, and getting attacked by posters for off-topic things.

So I just silently read the threads.

Y’all, this has been going on nonstop since 2009! There’s a reason practically no poster (aside from the oddball) active now that has been active since WotLK.


Damn, well, that kind of explains a lot.