When will we be able to fly with our regular mounts

They already said it will be later in DF.

Wouldn’t be a problem since I don’t touch Nok because Dragon Riding is required. :rofl:

Nahh when you get your slow sky swimming you stick with it as slow as it is now.

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 so you dont do any mythic content then I see. I suggest just taking the taxi then.

That’s just prime. Last time I saw them as a herd of deer around the Waking Shore.

No doubt.
I’m just not skilled enough then. I love the speed of dragon riding but miss the control I have with regular flying.

No I don’t I pretty much stopped doing dungeons when M+ ruined even normal and heroic by making the go go go mentality that already existed 1000X worse. So I’ll just enjoy regular flying when it releases in I’m guessing 10.2.

When blizzard says so.

Dragon riding feels just like flying TLPD, if TLPD was totally blind, had a broken wing and was carrying 12000 pounds of cargo.

Still no info on when we will be able to use our normal mounts. We are riding faster, yes, on the current setup. Except, there has been a cost added to mounting. My normal mount i can ride without a cost. I have earned the mounts i have and want to ride them with out the cost. I would like a response from a dev , a blue post, something from someone behind the curtain.

I personally very much enjoy dragonriding, however as someone with close to 600 mounts (and a lot of folks have FAR more than that!) I’m quite annoyed at being forced to use one of just six regardless of their “cosmetics”.

So it’s not about getting regular flight back in Dragonflight - what I want is to be able to imbue my existing mounts with the dragonriiding ability. Even if it requires some expensive mount equipment item to enable it.

Give me my hard earned mounts back! (please)

Stripping mount collectors of their mounts is almost as bad as kneecapping all the druids by taking away their flight form.

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I’m waiting for the forum complaints about the normal mounts not being as fast as dragon mounts.

You have to admit, riding normal mounts outside of the Dragon Isles is a painful affair. It’s like going from an Apple M2 back to an Apple II

I’ll probably get banned for saying “Apple” here now that Microsloth owns Blizz :slight_smile:

~allow me to oblige
my broom mount isn’t as fast as my dragon! it needs to go faster!!
hurry! i’m getting sweepy

:sleeping: :broom:

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i’d look towards a Tuesday release
if it has pathfinder - yes If does not - no if its unclear -nor