When will we be able to fly with our regular mounts

i wasn’t looking… they just kinda… stuck out at me :stuck_out_tongue:

it turned out to be a helm.


Probably when DF is over, lol.

The monkey’s paw from Blizzard- they’ll give us what we want, when we don’t need it anymore, or in some twisted way, with a catch somehow.

It’s also the handling

Air swimming vs something that is close to a real flying animal.

It’s just dang fun in my opinion, even if I have to land for a bit to regain strength, or vigor in this case.

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Hopefully not at the end of the expansion, as I’m already incredibly weary of Dragonriding - and I like Dragonriding.

Considering this was their big expansion selling point, though, they will probably try to milk it as long as they can. I’m just happy we even have confirmation regular flight is coming at all, honestly. I just hope it’s sooner rather than later.


Once professions are worthless then we can grant flying to bot farmers.

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Still quite a few of us left who think dragonriding is superior to normal flying. But as a mount collector I am pretty miffed to have lost access to hundreds of flight ready mounts. I wouldn’t be averse to a compromise that allowed us give our drakes their own “visage” form - basically transmog their appearance into any flying mount in our collection.

Every time I think of a Prius, it makes me think of the movie “The Other Guys.” XD

Next expansion. This is Dragonflight not RegularmountFlight

I have other dragon mounts.

The only people who want boring, old flying back are those that stink at actual dragon riding.

Not true ever hear of motion sickness my guess is no since your reply shows it also ever hear of players having limitations physically or mentally again my guess is no you pro dragon gliders are all the same my way or the highway need to get over it dragon gliding isn’t for everyone.

And? Those players are the extreme minority. There are flight paths they can take. There are toys and tools for them to traverse the zones.

Yeah, Azure Span is like 8 miles across . . .

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And meaning not everyone who dislikes dragon gliding stinks at it so you reply at best means nothing when you fail to take into account there are many players playing this game and we are all not alike.

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I’d prefer being able to do both… dragonflying with the insane speed, and normal flying for when i need to afk (family man here, need to afk for kids).


NO! just NO! the only, and I mean only, thing that is superior to regular flying is its speed period and that is all the rest sucks.


Ya know, there’s been an embarrassing number of times I’ve hoped on a regular mount, pointed it towards my destination, and then walked away because it was going to take awhile only to find myself drowned off the opposite coast because I forgotten about my character. That’s how boring regular flight is.

With dragonriding you have to pay attention but you can also span those vast distances in a much more reasonable amount of time. Not to mention we have an xpac where we can actually fly right from the start.

Dragonriding is all upside, and I wouldn’t mind it coming to the rest of Azeroth and beyond!


Regular mounts are getting Dragon Flying. Didnt you see the post where some of the flying training NPCs from past zones are down in the new 10.1 underground zone, speaking to DF NPCs learning about dragonflying… :rofl:

I cant wait till my old flying mounts can actually go FAST…

It would be funny if blizz just let players have both, then you would see the outcry from players upset they got kicked from Nok for trying to get around the dungeon on the old slow mounts… LOL…

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That’s literally all they have to do. Increase their flight speed. No need for even a re-animation. Just make them fly a little faster. Might not be as fast as dragon riding but at least we’ll be able to use our other mounts.

Already plenty of bots who have adapted to Dragon Riding.

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