When will the Horde get better lands

Alrighty then I will just wait 2 days until you start hating on them again

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Ohā€¦ Another one of these that we already discussed in the German Forumsā€¦ Where you ignored posts of other users concerning that topic because it didnā€™t fit your narrative. Oh noā€¦

Completely ignoring the fact that Thrall chose those land so that the Orcs donā€™t get weaker. Oh noā€¦

No one supporting your claim - >open the same thing in another region.


Thrall chose the lands to make the Orcs suffer. He is an short sighted idiot without leadership qualities. The faster he dies the better the Orcs are off in the long run.

The Horde will get Ashenvale and Feralas and then we built a new capital city that has everything the Orcs need to survive.

I am inevitable.

Ah! Like Garrosh, when he drove away all of the Orcā€™s allies!

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If you want Ashenvale and Feralas, just step out of that closet and be that Alliance player youā€™re clearly trying to hide!


If we ever got the chance to build the infrastructure for peace, the Southfury brings all the water Durotar could need to irrigate it and make it fertile.

The Barrens are a bit more challenging, but if Cenarion sorcery can reclaim Desolace, the Troll and Tauren druids, in cooperation with shamans, ought to be able to make the Barrens bloom, as well.

The issue is not what lands we hold, but how we make use of the lands in our care.

Donā€™t let the Forsaken ā€œhelpā€.


Why bother with shamans and druids if there is already fertile lands just a rock throw away next door? Ashenvale and Feralas are ready for the taking. We just need to win a few battles and all the resources we ever hope to have would be ours.

You mean the 5th war.

Breaking News

Erevien admits to avoiding Bans with his throwaway Account on the German Forums!


Link to his post(again, German):

Translation(via Google Translate):

Nilann: You know itā€™s forbidden to bypass a ban with disposable accounts?

Erevien: Iā€™ve been doing this in the Ami*(short for American, so US)* Forum for months. Didnā€™t interest the admins over there.

What rule will he break next? Be tuned for more coming in the future!

And it would be nice for a CM to check with one of the EU CMs so that they can work on that problem together.


You have an unhealthy obsession with me mister. What good does it to you that I get banned? Is there that much Schadenfreude from you?

I wonder what Erevien would do if Blizzard told him that theyā€™re going to delete the Horde and make it an Alliance exclusive game unless he permanently switched to Alliance forever

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When will blizzard bann erevien?

his opinions are literally spreading through discord


Unfortunately you only get banned when you say blizzard is ā€œdog poopā€ or well I got a 1 month bann for it.

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He contradicts himself constantly. On the US Forum he wants the Night Elves dead, on the German EU Forums he likes them. Happened today.

He doesnā€™t even have a ā€œrealā€ opinion - heā€™s more like saying what a small percentage of people want to hear, constantly changing what his opinion is. Most people donā€™t even check that contradiction out.

What his goal is with easy to manipulate people? No idea.

I BELEIVE that is what is traditionally referred to as ā€œtrollingā€.

Thereā€™s a pattern on the internet that has unfortunately bled into RL where something that starts as internet edgelord trolling becomes unironic over time and attracts a cult following, which is how Erevien can be simultaneously trolling and not trolling.


Dude i am on 5 discord servers with the guy you dont have to tell me about it I legit thought it was autism at first or something along those lines.

But it isnt He is just a troll.

Erevien is too strong!