I’ve deleted a couple of chars, unaware that the function was unavailable, and now im desperate to get them back…
I’ve always wondered. Why do people delete characters if they know they will want them back?
Seriously, don’t delete a charater and you won’t have difficulty in getting it back. Seems logical to me.
I came in here to ask exactly this. When they turned it off I saw quite a few people lose their minds, and was kind of wondering why. If I delete a character, it’s gone, with no plans to bring it back, but it seems at least a handful of people delete characters for some reason, knowing they will bring them back…
Why do people store belongings in storage containers when they know they will want them back?
Reduce clutter.
That doesn’t apply. The delete button isn’t a storage bin. It’s a dumpster.
It was a storage bin. You were able to undelete your characters with a cooldown between each character revival.
What they should have in place though is simple, a hide character feature. I’m also one of those people that want the characters I don’t play to be in sight. On my old account, I also deleted characters as a storage for them when I didn’t have intentions of playing just yet.
I haven’t done it this time around though. I have every class in the game and know if I delete one, they’ll be hard to get back. I was lucky to get the memo.
And they announced heavily that it was going away with the prepatch. Still wasn’t a storage bin. It was a button to help the employees cut down on work. That’s all it has ever been. And now it’s gone, people will just have to keep characters that they want to play, instead of throw them in the trash and raid the dumpster.
Sure I know, but not everyone got that message obviously.
I’d just like to see ‘hide character’ feature and I’ll be happy. Can’t stand the clutter.
Delete doesn’t mean pause. People have been warned forever not to treat it as a tool.
it’s gone forever, blizz doesn’t care enough to fix it.
yep they announced this before launching
I don’t think a single line buried in the lengthy prepatch notes counts as ‘announced heavily’. In addition, it only said that it’s a temporary thing. If it was going to be outright removed, the greyed-out button wouldn’t still be there. It’d just be gone completely since there’d be no point leaving an inactive button in the UI for a removed feature lol
Blizzard had a feature, then they temporarily stopped it, OP asked when they’ll start it again. Any judgments on why people are using said feature are irrelevant.
The usual pet store dealer for hamsters ran out of them , so when they get back in stock we might get the restore function back as well
Likely 11.5.
The backend was changed drastically
It was in the desktop app for like a month.
“Why can’t I reclaim my deleted emails”
Boomer logic
It’s been unavailable since July, despite Blizz claiming it would only be “a few weeks.”