When will the alliance bias end?

Because he doesn’t ever stop his brainless spam-posts & -threads, no matter what. As I’ve mentioned before, we tried everything in the EU forums. We took him seriously, we tried to reason with him, we ignored him, we even tried to compromise and make a deal with him to have a few weeks without new spam threads or spam posts. First, he agreed to it, but after two days, he acted like it never happened. When you ignore him, his uses thread necromancy to push his old threads, until someone “new” finds his way into the forums, to jumpstart his BS threads again. Not to mention that he managed to derail serious discussions about other topics.

Sadly, Blizzard seems to be absolutely fine with his kind of disruptive behavior, so there’s only thing you can do: Point out the flaws in his “gasbag argumentation”, until he’s cornered enough to make himself look like an idiot by reciting his own roleplay BS.

Doesn’t change that you can do it. Therefore, your argument is flawed.

Nobody asked you to praise her.

If they die first, as you imply, you can’t “shove” anything to them, because you already killed them.

So you admit the main aggressor who is responsible for Teldrassil is still alive. How do you manage to play yourself again and again?

You admit that the Horde won a battle in BfA, therefore we agree that

is wrong. Thank you.

Nobody makes you play the game and they don’t have any obligation to do what you want. So, no, I’ll encourage them or criticize them as I see fit. But different than you, I’ll not base my posts on unreflected headcanon.


They didn’t won anything. The night elves pushed the Horde back just a single patch later. So it counts as net loss.

She will die. That is for sure already. Blizzard won’t allow her to just walk away from all of it.

She is my enemy. Just like the alliance at large. And I will not stop complaining until they suffer a real defeat on the same scale the Horde had to endure in Bfa. Like losing your leaders for example.

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Let’s use your own logic again. As I’ve already pointed out, nobody can best Erevien like Erevien:

“The Zandalari haven’t lost anything, their fleet was only partially destroyed and can be rebuilt, also the city hasn’t taken any damage. The Trolls have lost a leader, but already have a new one, the Night Elves do not have Teldrassil back! That is neither just nor fair!” :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

(Of course, this is not my actual opinion. I’m just playing Erevien vs. Erevien here)

Keep talking. Doesn’t change that your argument doesn’t hold up.

Yeah, right. The fictitious video game character is your enemy. I’ll let your therapist tackle that one.

By all means, hate her, that’s totally fine. I hated Varian, too and was relieved when they killed him off. But I never attacked people who liked him or disagreed with me on him for it. I didn’t call them “scum” or “filth”. I respectfully agreed to disagree. You’re acting like a fanatic in these forums - that alone will hopefully keep Blizzard from listening to you.

Because you still haven’t given them any rational reason to do what you want. :man_shrugging:


And repalced him with trash who made peace with the alliance. She is no true Zandalari. Talanji is a disgrace to her family. She needs to die together with the rest of the Horde council.

THeir fleet was utterlay destroyed and is no match against the far superior Kul Tiran navy. The Alliance put a big brown dookie on the Zandalari and that is a strike they will never recover from.

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Theme Of (arguing with) Erevien

What I want is radical change for the Horde. And I will never stop posting until I got what I want. It is that easy.

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Ya’ll think Erevien writes to his congressman about these issues?


Blizzard doesn’t listen to its playerbase. It’d be better to focus on real life problems. That’s where real change can be made. Engage in that instead. Make a political party.

He doesn’t need to. The party he supports, AfD in Germany, already agrees with him completely lol.


Hey … Just want to remind how many died during the War of Thorns. Undercity was prepared… Shame on you


I’m not sure whether to read your posts in Alex Jones’ voice or Cenk Uygur’s voice.

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Try them with Glen Beck’s. Make sure to add obligatory weeping.

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I know its been a few days since you posted that reply, but why is Talanji a disgrace to the Zandalari? She seems fine to me.

He’s silenced. You won’t get a reply any time soon.

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Oh so we get a few days of peace and quite here(relatively). Nice.

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Lucky US!
Meanwhile on the EU forums we got a “Kill Talanji” thread. No doubt we will see it here soon as well :roll_eyes:

maybe he´ll get silented for a few decades soon…everywhere, but blizz is to shy to bann him from the forums…forever…

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They banned him twice already. He just keeps paying for new accounts to post

Erevien has a point. They could probably kill off Velen. He has just been taking up space since BC. He’s gotten some side projects in some of the lore, and he had a big storyline in Legion, but now he’s just kind of there. He’s still with the Alliance just for old time’s sake. Draenei could probably go with a more badass leader.

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Why would he want to kill the one leader who wants to avenge Rastakhan’s death? He complains about that quite a bit.