When will the Alliance be humiliated?

I don’t think he is a bad guy… He wears his biases on his sleeve, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing until it is to the point where he is rejecting the notion of sexism in a story written in the Cosby Suite.

Same thing with Ren. She wants to claim to be a feminist while contributing to the longest running sexist trope in the franchise, then I am going to call her out on it.

I am sure that many dudebros, this game’s target demographic, would deny there’s anything sexist about WoW’s story whatsoever, or if there is, it’s against men, but Zerde doesn’t strike me as that kind of person.

I’ll stay out of you and Ren’s argument.

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It’s not really an arguement, more like Aki showing her true colours and that’s all I really wanted you to see.

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This was a funny joke, thanks for reminding me. God I love Cursewords, he’s a cool guy.

Still no one believes I’m just here to tell bad jokes and have fun.

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Yes, we get it. You think violence against women is funny.

That’s a football field level stretch Aki and you know this.

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Perhaps if I was going on that quote alone, maybe. But I’m not. There are countless examples like this. You have been very outspoke regarding your hate for night elves, your love for BFA and Sylvanas, and your desire to see Tyrande made a villain for daring to pursue justice against those who wronged her.

I think Tyrande is kind of a jerk… I’m sorry. But I also think Sylvanas is kind of a jerk and she’s my favorite.


I see nothing wrong with women being unapologetic jerks.


This has become an interesting topic.

You’re right. How dare she want justice for herself and her people. Why can’t she just sit down and be quiet like a good woman? Right?

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What true colors? I see that she made accusations, but what you said seems fine to me.

She rather keep it arbitrary. Let you assume the worst of me so she can come in and reaffirm those beliefs.

Eventually you’ll figure out that all the things you heard about me is a lie. The people here are manipulative like that.

Well, I’m sorry for being toxic to you earlier. I can at least say that.


That’s fair, and I’m sorry I roped you into old arguements.

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You’re good. I don’t hold grudges. Not unless someone else brings it up.

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Glad we could make amends, Aki.

Aren’t we all humiliated by still being in WoW?


And the lore. The only single good thing about WoW is that it allows me to be a panda.