When will my collectors edition ship

ordered ce in april when will it ship?

This isn’t something that can be answered here. The Gear Store, although officially licenced by Blizzard, isn’t run by Blizzard themselves. You’ll need to reach out to the Gear Store support team: https://support.gear.blizzard.com/en/support/solutions/articles/101000363866-contact-us


isnt it supposed to ship before the end of the month?

Yes, it does say that it’ll ship mid to late July on the Collector’s Edition shop page. However, if you have any concerns about the shipping, you’ll need to contact the Gear Store directly using the link I posted above.

For clarification: The GMs you’d contact for regular issues and the SFAs (Support Forum Agents) that moderate this forum don’t have access to the Gear Store systems as it’s run by another company.


At EU side we already have reports that they arrive in pristine well packaged condition. But it is as Terise said.


where can I find collectors edition shop page? I need to see that information.

If you purchased the Collector’s Edition from the official Gear Store, it would be located here: https://gear.blizzard.com/products/wowccl0003-world-of-warcraft-the-war-within-collectors-edition


ok ty for info. What I was getting was december still ! I was having a heart attack

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