When will high elf fans stop demanding more?

Define what a biological trait in a fictional fantasy setting though? For years Blood Elves had Fel green eyes - High elves had blue. Wretched as another example - also used to be High Elves - but are currently distinctly considered a different race - why? What’s the difference - because it is more than political belief.

…You know some humans have blue eyes, right? And how others have green? Still same species, bro


Sunwells reignition.
Your argument is done and defeated.

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They’re not considered a different race though. Now you’re just mixing up your headcanon with actual lore.

The ONLY major difference between a blood elf and a high elf is their political beliefs.


Let’s assume that for a moment - what difference does that make? 3 neutrals races that are playable on both sides only difference is their political beliefs - and they can play either side same racials.

Make Quel’thalas elves neutral - and suddenly you have playable High elves. Or make them an allied race because you can’t be bothered to redo the starting area… and you have playable High Elves.

Were going back and forth on interesting side tangents - but if you want to say their same biologically - and their differences are purely political - that’s no barrier to making High Elves playable.

Which is the point of this thread.

Except the one major barrier. Well, two, depending on how lazy blizz wants to be about it

  1. The majority of them are already in the horde. Might have heard of them. They call themselves blood elves now.

  2. The ones allied with alliance, is actually a extremely small militant group called the Silver Convenant

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Except - void elves were made playable and their first xpac - within the lore their numbers would have been WAAAAAAY more limited than any other race that came before - and yet they were still deployed with regular army units.

You can do that now. Just pick a side, choose an elf, give high elf customizations and tell everyone that asks that you are a high elf that just hangs out with the blood/void elves. Now you are a playable high elf with the racials of your choosing.


Or Blizzard can add MORE customization and actually add the high elf nameplate/change the void elf racials to high elf ones.

that is far too much to expect from blizzard these days. like launching a patch that is less than 50% bugs.


Depends on how one defines what makes a race - and there are those who would make the argument that you can’t based on their definition.

Possible yes to the first one (more customizations). A solid MAYBE on the racials, perhaps changing it from void to arcane based would work.

I don’t see the nameplates being added when they didn’t do that for the Man’ari customizations.

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lmao oh that’s perfect, sass’s bumbling around about defining ‘race’ gives the perfect argument why calia shouldn’t lead the forsaken: just identify her as a different race. magnifique

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False. High elves are (generally) Alliance, blood elves are (generally) Horde. That is the only difference between the two.

Almost all Thalassian elves were dealing with the magic addiction, according to Blood of the Highborne a handful of Farstriders did not. Only the Highvale Elves managed to overcome the addiction entirely, at the cost of no longer having magi amongst their numbers. The high elves in Outland, while exposed to fel magic (according to Blizzard enough to have their eyes turn green), sated their addiction with draenei artefacts.

Is Zul’jin 2800+ years old?


She and the Silver Covenant are explicitly referred to as, ‘Exiles,’ in the dialogue outside of Cataclysm Zul’Aman, though.


Now, whether that’s because there is a blanket exile on those elves who refused to return to Quel’Thalas, join the Horde, and embrace mana draining, or because the Silver Covenant played an antagonistic role to Blood Elven diplomatic efforts in Dalaran, we can only speculate.


I suspect we will find all of this out in Midnight and we will deal with this once and for all.

I suspect you’re right about it being a “blanket exile.” In any case, it’s not like Vereesa was originally living in Silvermoon and forcibly ejected, so she doesn’t have that specific grudge.


Indeed. I don’t think her grudge has ever been elaborated on, although the aforementioned blood elf cousin abducting her newborn twins to drain of mana might be a reason for the initial animosity towards Blood Elves. The Sin’dorei joining the Horde would’ve only fueled that disdain.

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It seems a little extreme to blame all Blood Elves for the actions of one person, but maybe.

Honestly, I think it was probably mostly a gameplay decision that they didn’t bother to explore in story terms, leaving us to try to fill in the blanks.


I’m in agreement here.

If one played the Alliance side of the game and paid attention to High Elf related quests, then one could infer why they’d have issues with the Blood Elves. Namely, the Blood Elves joining the Horde would be the issue. The exile, whether it was to specific individuals or a blanket exile, wouldn’t help matters, either. While Orcs, Trolls, and Undead would be free to roam the streets of Silvermoon, sons and daughters born in that land would be unable to return to it on pain of death. That would feel like a betrayal to many High Elves, I imagine.

Even after the Sunwell was restored, High Elves were only allowed pilgrimage, not the freedom to return (for obvious reasons of concerns over Alliance spies and sabotage efforts). Despite that olive branch being extended, there’s also clearly reciprocated animosity on the part of the Blood Elves. During the Quel’Delar quest chain, while Auric is there as the High Elf representative and does absolutely nothing, the moment Lor’themar tries to take the sword for himself and gets backhanded by it, Rommath and the guards immediately move to arrest Auric. They jumped to the conclusion he was responsible just because he was a High Elf.

It’s been presented as a complicated matter. There are High Elves and Blood Elves whom would be open to peaceful relations, even reunification efforts, and then there are those who’d sooner kill the other side for slights perceived or true.

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