My guild doesn’t go back in for heroic till the end of the week, so… I guess I’ll have to wait and see for that. I hope it does as well as you say it does, cause at this point I’m ready to clear it cause these corruption effects are really annoying. I wouldn’t mind if it actually happened more, but it doesn’t… or maybe my pets can’t trigger it, I have no clue.
Okey tested it out on something with a lot more life (lfr boss)
Still not very impressive, in the slightest. I’m not seeing how it is doing so much damage for you all, it proc’d 9 times in that.
Thank you Blizz for listening!!! No longer have to listen to scrubs bragging about their dps meters when 25% of their damage is a passive proc. Now those scrubs will have to work for their dps like the rest of us.
What will be your next excuse when those “Scrubs” are still flatlining your DPS, even post EV nerf ?
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Yes thank you for making Infinite Stars defacto for ST or Twilight Devastation defacto for AoE.
Also, now EV will deal somewhat more PvP damage than before since it’s not nerfed in PvP (relative to the most recent iteration of EV).
Doesn’t seem good for anyone, besides people upset they aren’t on top.
Whatever’s next down the list of corruption bonuses, of course.
There’s no skill involved in winning the Echoing Void lottery.
I mean i’m low key salty because i got it just the other day and i was able to use it for a single raid night before they nerfed it.
It was my most damaging ability.
I wonder what impact this will have on World First?
Looked him up, his main is Scabandari (assas rogue) and he was very salty he was getting destroyed by another rogue. Now he will have to cry about another corruption affix as to why he sucks. Embrace that you’re s**t at this game and life will get better lol
Probably none. Hotfix is being delayed until next reset and with how close Limit is, I can’t see N’zoth surviving the week.
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With them at 10.6% it may not last the night.
On our Shad’har kill last night, Corruptions made up 8.5% of our raids DPS. And that’s just the “on-damage” ones, not counting stuff like Void Ritual or the bonus Crit damage, etc.
Our raid had more damage come in from corruption than white attacks. And that’s in a purely ST environment where there’s no cheesing stuff like Twilight Devastation or Echoing Void.
On our Wrathion kill, I had more damage come from a singular Mind Flay corruption than my pet.
Corruptions are peak Blizzard design. Completely brainless. Completely random. Completely overpowered.
True. Unless they run into another bug that stonewalls them until Blizzard fixes it.
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They changed up their comp a bit and they’re re-adjusting (sat a melee and added a caster) so it’s taking a little time to get their groove back. Unless they run into the wee hours of the morning it looks like Method will get one more shot at them as things stand now unless there’s a breakthrough in the next hour.
And of course now I finally get Echoing Void… less than 12 hours before the nerf goes live. GRRR.
A random world quest gave me level 3 Echoing Void. On a 415 blue pants.