When we do get Accountwide Rep... Will you play Alts more?

I BARELY have enough time to play my MAIN!

You think REP is keeping me from playing alts??? ROFLMAO!!!

Name the thing you can’t do because of REP.

And I’ll name 5000 things I can’t do because I don’t have enough time.

Account-wide rep is … nice. But ultimately meaningless.

An’ how are ye goin’ tae explain tae yer investors an’ bosses that people are playin’ yer game less?

I would prefer if they just had a daily cap that one character can potentially earn and make it so anyone on the account can earn rep up to that point. Like if there were 3 campaign quests, a feast and 4 WQ’s for a total of 2000 available rep max on one character, then running 2 characters for 1K rep each would mean any further rep gains would just give 0.

This would be fun, it would allow you to pick and choose what rep stuff you want to do, choose half a dozen fun WQ’s and run your alts through them instead of doing garbage you don’t like.

i really like how they have added the Cath up or Bonus buff for alts till rank X for Renown. but on my crafter alts XD i just want to go and get the patterns lol like i don’t Wanta grind the rep again lol

Reps form an important part of my alt gameplay loop

(I’m up to 8x 25/25/30/30 renown so far)

So I’m not sure if (for me) account-wide rep would actually be a positive.

Personally i would find this very annoying because it would limit farming rep as youre now capped per day.
And it incentivises using alts to get rep by repeating the more lucrative activities.

Probably not, since for me it’s more about the deep history I have with this character than it is chasing whatever’s topping the meters this month. I mean, I’ve played this guy since December 2006. This isn’t likely to change anytime soon, account-wide rep or no account-wide rep.

I can see how it would ease the opportunity cost of changing, though. It’s a good idea.

If rep was account wide, I wouldn’t have to regain Dreamweavers rep from Legion, on 2-3 different alts for legendary artifact skin, some other stuff or dungeon pre-requisites.

There was something on my Blood Elf paladin I needed and there is something I still need on my Night Elf Druid and I just don’t even bother to grind that rep again.

I’ve done legion with 2 classes now and i’ve had to gain a lot of rep with various factions, including the nightborn, which I still have to do, again, on my druid just for the vendor rewards.

Now if I was ever going to be able to play a Void Elf Shaman, i’d have to do it all over again, not just once to unlock void elves, but again as a void elf.

That’s just in Legion.

Then there’s the fishing rewards, reputations, legendary, that I would be required to do, on any alt I want to fish on without feeling gimped.

Then, there’s all the recipes, locked behind reputation vendors.
One Main can’t use all the profession-craft recipes or gear, I can’t even buy the armor to send to alts for transmogs and even trying to collect the transmog on a plate user, no cloth/leather/mail gets saved unless its the primary armor type used, on a paladin, that is plate.
So that goes to another point, about having to run dungeons, on multiple different alts, on multiple different specs per those alts, just to get/drop/find/save transmogs.
Then, to do some of those dungeons, some require items, which are, again, locked behind reputation vendors, Stormheim being a notorious one wanting exalted for a valkyr doodad to do a quest for a quest chain that isn’t account wide once completed.

So boop.


I can’t tank as a Shaman but I have earth shields. Ok bye.

No, because I will still have the level and gear alternate characters independently.