When we do get Accountwide Rep... Will you play Alts more?

Citation needed.

i dunno. i can tell you what i will do though, is spend several days finding all of the profession recipes that ive never been able to buy and go back and collect them all on the appropriate characters. stupid that those are still not account bound

I main swap A LOT between expansions so when I need a rep to access I just go on one of the toons I did it on and go from there.

So if anything it will be more convenient to do it on 1 toon compared to my alts but eh.

As I posted already, account-wide rep is NOT the way to do that.

Plenty of players also don’t worry about it and play their alts anyway

My reputations on my main aren’t even half capped. I think the renown system is rather dull.

This is why almost every version of true account wide rep I’ve ever seen has a weekly hard cap on rep gains.


No because rep has been rendered completely meaningless anyways, so it wasn’t keeping me from playing my alts in the first place.


Believe it or not, Emet wasn’t wrong when they said that Ion has said that

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That’s incredibly out of character, hence why I was skeptical.

Although, given the wording ion uses here, I don’t think it’s a “true account wide rep confirmed”, so much as “the team wants to do something, but doesn’t know what”

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But he also said it was a barrier that will come down.

I don’t worry about rep at all on any of my alts. Just my main. I play them all the time.

I suspect it will be in the form of some hyper-accelerated catchup rather than true account wide rep.

I agree that they said they wanted to remove that barrier, but they were very light on details as to how, and I suspect that’s because they haven’t decided yet.

The only way “account wide rep” will ever be implemented is with either account wide rewards or account wide caps.

True account wide rep can never be implemented for exactly the reason Brewa has explained.


Rep has never stopped me from playing alts. Nothing does really. I also dont take alts seriously at all. I dont care if they fall behind. I think some folks have confused having alts with having multiple mains.

They said it would be legacy reps and who cares if legacy reps get instantly boosted on alts?

And the rewards are already account wide, which makes the “gate” or “barrier” that much more baffling.


This is already in the game for reps from TBC through Legion. I doubt that’s what he was talking about.


True, but not nearly as baffling as “I don’t play Alts because of rep…” lol

Yeah I guess. People are funny about their mains.

But I go back to my point that it really doesn’t matter if an outdated rep is exalted account wide. All that does is let your alts buy recipes or work on paragon chests.