When was the last time you saw a Blue

We’ve had a number of blues since GC who have interacted with us on the forum but we always start frothing at the mouth and act like apes when they show up. Their job isn’t to take abuse from adult-children on the forum.

the last time was in one of those AWC threads with a lot of hate in it. I posted that it looked intriguing and like any other top 1% was amazed at the talent. Kaivax responded to that. I was like the shining light in a sea of negativity. Prior to that? Ystheins would respond to questions directly.

They don’t seem to have a forum mod either; so many troll posters around. It may be too hard for them to sift through that and see comments/ideas from players who care about the game. They don’t seem to have in game mods either, would be helpful to have them for they can enforce existing rules. Blues in gd must be told not to interact for most posters here like to troll and demand stuff that is simply out of a blue’s control.

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Yea they have posted but no where near how often they did before gc last post.

Couple weeks ago.

Pretty much answered your own question.

People here are hostile, which makes blizzard stop posting, which makes people more hostile. Why would blizzard want to resume posting?

I think the far simpler explanation is that they gutted the CS staff for forums and thus why no one is still around to communicate…

Probably not though.

Kaplan used to post on the OW forums all the time, people on blizzard forums were toxic af, and Kaplan stopped posting for the remainder of his time at Blizzard.

We as a player base on the forums take out our issues with the game on any blizzard employee who appears, so it’s OK for them to stop appearing imo.

While that’s true that some people can be toxic, I think the fact that Blizzard is in hot water with the staff maltreatment and what not means it’s not entirely the forum’s fault there’s no blue communication, Hanlon’s razor dictates that the simplest explanation is that they just DON’T want to communicate or can’t because of incompetence.

With all the hostility that goes on this board and has for many many years. I don’t blame them in the bit for pulling back and reducing just how often they post. When you add in most suggestion that they have followed and put in the game, they are still told they should be fired or worse.

Really why would to take people serious on this forum, 90% of it is just trolling none since.

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Customer Service staff was cut by 600 in 2012. There have not been layoffs there since. They also don’t post on the forums…

The closest you get to CS/TS is the Forum Support Agents who are not GMs, but are approved to handle front facing interactions on the TS and CS forums.

Now, Moderation overall tends to be poor which makes for a pretty combative environment a lot of the time. Blizz COULD actually allocate resources or change policies. They have not done that though.


I miss Kaivax hanging out on the pet battle forums (before these new forums came in) and just chewing the fat. Not talking about changes to the game, just friendly convos (favorite battle pet, best ice cream flavor, what they’re doing this Christmas, etc).

I swear it’s like the higher ups told them they couldn’t have these dialogs anymore or someone would say they’re not doing their job or could make one post that people would take out of context and hurt their image.


True, I’m not actually sure which department actually handles moderation of forums, but it’s not looking good. Thus the Hanlon’s razor argument, also cause and effect because poor modding and lack of communication caused general unrest which in turn furthered the lack of communication.


ahhhh the age old question: which came first? Community toxicity or dev apathy?

Toxicity. But this is bound to happen. As a provider it’s your job to get the feedback and actually address it at some point. But the WoW-developers have not the best track record when it comes to this.


I find this forum to be pretty heavily moderated tbh. At least compared to the nut-fest that was the SimCity 2013 forums :rofl:. That place was a flaming dumpster fire for good reason. Of course, now both that game and the forum have been dead for many years.

Yes - at times - and no.

The issue with the Blizzard forums is that the Forum Mods handle every single Blizz forum. They respond to reports across all of them. They don’t actually stick around any one forum to know the posters, set a tone, weed out sockpuppets trolling, etc. When we report we can’t add a note pointing out a pattern of behavior by a poster or account. So it means it takes a LONG time to do anything about disruptive folks. I don’t mean people with different opinions, I mean people being outright intentionally disruptive.

When threads with real life threats, racist rants, etc stay up for 12 or 24 hours despite being max flagged, I don’t consider that good.

I really really wish the CMs were around more and interacted more. Set a tone, get to know the posters, airlock the ones who are really disruptive. Instead we are left to report and cross our fingers a Mod sees what is up and will do something.

On the other hand, I am really glad I have no mod powers…


After what I watched Ghostcrawler go through and STILL continue to post as much as he did. I’m glad they eased back. There are too many whack jobs looking for any opportunity to attack. I still remember the thread that some idiot made saying they wanted to have his head piked out in front of blizzHQ. That being said, I’m excited to see what riot has in store with their MMO with him at the helm.

That is what a lot of posters want.

Lack of moderation is why the forums are the way they are today. It is not the customer’s fault, no matter how many people say it is.


It is a little of both. I don’t need someone to tell me not to do certain things. Most people should not need it. It is much like speeding though, if it is not enforced people eventually just don’t bother caring. What was a few miles an hour over turns into a free for all.