When shadowlands is over

POV: Shadowlands last patch has come out. Nothing more will be worked on for the expansion. Blizzard employees start working on the new expansion.

What will you do? What new expansion would you like to see? What would you like added/taken away? New classes? New specs? More customization?

Let’s hear it!

Every class given to void elves and blood elves :elf:


Elf druids :laughing::laughing: yay!


Moar demon hunters, buffs too.

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We all wake up, we were in a dream of N’zoth, SL never happened.


Please, jfc. I feel like I’m dying of thirst and I’m being forced to eat sand in the middle of a desert while Elves are drowning in the finest drinking water.

With the way things are going I doubt wow will be around. 7th months for first patch and already 4 months in for a .5 patch that shouldnt take longer than a month. Things could change but just giving the lack of leadership at world of Warcraft I highly doubt it. Now we still have non-existent communication since the whole lawsuits went down.


Hey I play a nightborne too :frowning:

You have my sympathy.

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Two words, WoW Weddings.

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Put up a wedding Chapel next to the Goldshire Inn.

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That is interesting you say that! Those are my thoughts exactly. It does seem like a dream with story contradictions and changing motivations.

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can void elves be a part of the dream that never happened too


I’ve seen it mentioned before but a bard class would be awesome for rp purposes.


Do the same thing, I’m doing now. Not play Wow, play other games and more importantly play a different MMO until I see “good” news on Blizzard & WoW in general.

Time skip, soft reboot, return to Azeroth (no idc if Ion debunked this)

No Void / Light :poop:

Permanent integration of one of their darn systems. So it can be carried throughout expansion, no more replacing. They aren’t going to stop, so might as well have one that’s permanent.

Always, yes.



A Bard class would be great for the weddings.

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Ohhhh, that’s not when they start working on the next expansion.

I know :sweat_smile: but I thought to put it in hope

I’m up for whatever’s next, so long as it isn’t the trite and predictable “the LIGHT is BAAAAAAAAD!!!” expansion. Even as just a concept, it already feels like an angry 14 year old whining about not being allowed to shop at Hot Topic.

I know it’s basically inevitable, what with Blizzard’s seething nihilism being the one thing that hasn’t changed despite all the years and personnel changes, but none of that makes me hate the idea any less.


Or whining about how much they hated Sunday School “X” amount of years ago the last time they went. If they go that route - or make Sylvanas the new Arbiter/Judge of the Dead/Ruler of the Afterlife, I’m unsubbing.

Seriously, that cinematic in Legion where that naaru was made a jobber for Illidan was such cringe, all Illidan was missing was a fedora and a katana.

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