When is WW getting meaningful nerfs?

In the last 30 games I have seen one resto shaman. In the last 100 matches I have seen 1 enhance and 0 ele. Not saying they don’t exist, but it’s clear recent changes have made them far less popular.

Not here to argue. Saying hunter hard counters WW is laughable.

It isn’t laughable it is the truth. Concussion shot/Disengage/ (Tar trap if they tiger lust) is enough to stop Serenity on your hunter. You still have disarm, roar, feign, turtle, freeze, stun and scatter.

I mean…were over 60 replies in this thread and I seen most people telling you the same thing. As a PRIEST I dont have too many issues with WW and depending on the content I can afford to ignore them for the most part.
WW can not handle hard CC which Hunter has even more of then Priest. WW is one of those super high skill specs so of course the higher bracket you are you are going to see Monks who are taking the class to its max potential. The problem is though most people who play Monk cant play it at its max potential. Like Rogue, if played PERFECTLY its good, but when you have a zero room for error, the average player is going to have an extremely hard time playing it.

Yea, okay dude. Do you play in a vacuum where the WW isn’t getting freedoms or paired with a DK to keep you perma slowed? I’m sure if you’re dueling in durotar all that sounds good on paper.

Why can’t we have serious conversations here? WW holds more 2400 spots in RSS then all three hunter specs combined. Why in your scenario is the WW popping CDs when you’re not sitting in stun? First leg sweep your popping trinket and everything but turtle unless you get instant peels or externals. By the second serenity, if you don’t get peels, you are dead.

That’s it. That’s the game.

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We are playing different games.

I know! Thats my point.
Facing a Monk at anything below 1600 is VASTLY different then anything above 1800.
The former has more players than the latter.

Do you seriously expect me to believe that every single WW you face is playing in a double paladin lobby and thus always have freedom? Your hunter has its own freedom. Are you hitting Roar while you are stunned? Why are you letting the WW consistently get close enough to leg sweep you? Again you can freedom yourself from the DK/WW team. This is a serious conversation.

Druids, Locks, Priests, Paladins, and Warriors all have more 2400 players than all hunters. Are they all also OP? Rogue has less than hunter. Is it too weak then and we need to see Sub buffs?

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I play both Surv and WW and against a good hunter of any spec if I leave the pillar for more than 5 seconds I get forced to port back to cover on my WW. They are really hard to compete with. Especially Survival.

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This is the whole problem with tuning classes around rating. It leaves out a pretty large picture with other factors. If we balance systems around 3% of the population of the game its going to be tailored harder and harder, making skill ceilings higher and higher. This in turn will make more classes like WW which have the POTENTIAL to floor someone in a second, but they have to play like a computer.

…Might explain why queue times are like 10 mins now >.>

Ret is in the same boat as WW, with a little less raw damage but with much more surviability, wich in this case they should get some tuning on it.

Your pet isn’t getting caught in leg sweep half the time? Interesting. Please tell me more.


Okay… so this was never a serious conversation. Got it. Thanks for the laughs. Imagine playing against WW so bad they can’t land a stun on a hunter. Do the WW you play against magically not have paralysis bound? This is legit hilarious man.

I mean to be fair, paralysis breaks from…everything.

this sounds like something you could account for

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Dude. if you are not peeping out from a pillar at 21+ yards from a WW (paralysis is 20 yds) and throwing bombs and playing like a hunter then I can’t help you. You have played 2700 SS rounds. WW just got buffed. I think you should stop blaming WW and look at your own play.


How so? If I’m facing double melee, should I just sit my pet somewhere else?


i think so
that’s what dks do so they can use pet interrupt on the target they’re trying to hit

My pet is a part of my rotation. I can’t leave it off doing nothing. =/

it would surprise me to learn that that’s bicmex’s answer to the same problem

leg sweep isn’t spammable

Well, humor aside, in a more controlled setting and being one of the best hunters in the world, I’m sure that’s a reasonable take.
