When is the Horde bias going to be addressed and fixed? It negatively affects the game!

Then that would prove that the game is indeed dying ,wallowing down in population to be held on two servers . Does sound so much like a private server arrangement.

Reading a thread like this is mildly entertaining. It accomplishes nothing. It’s a bit like reading arguments between Demicans and Republicrats. They all have their mountain of statistics and anecdotes. They do a fine job of convincing their own zealots. But it never makes much sense to anyone else.

I play on an Alliance dominated server. When I am doing WQ, most of the tags I see are orange. Most of the top raiding guilds are Alliance. The top Alliance guilds seem to have been around forever. Horde guilds come out of nowhere, then seem to disappear just as fast.

But my experience says nothing about the game as a whole.

My guess is that things are unbalanced for pretty innocuous reasons. Raiders tend to roll Horde because there are more raiders on the Horde side. It’s kind of like finding more actors in Los Angeles than in Cleveland.

The story doesn’t matter to high end players. They don’t care if they are good guys or bad guys. They could probably care less if Anduin or Thrall is the protagonist. And if racials mattered that much, every raid team would be composed of the same race.

There is very little that Blizzard can do about this. If Alliance players feel slighted, they have to take it upon themselves to correct that. Part of that will be to quit complaining and do something constructive. But that is a difficult to do.

You know that might be right :rofl:

You misunderstand. Two connections of several servers. Like how some of the old PVP servers are currently sitting on TEN connections. Much like my server of Winterhoof is connected to Kilrogg. You would pick US East or US West and then you pick a server from the list. All of them would be connected. This would also remove the need for CRZ to exist at all.

As for dying though… subs are down, always have been. It still chugs along with an estimated 1 to 3 million subscribers. (going off game purchases) There are servers that are dying for sure because they came during the big surge of subs in late Vanilla to early WoD and just never got filled.

How is there any Horde bias? I play the game just like you. I’m not getting any special treatment from Blizzard.



Still would be the same in the end do we pay for private server usage like 100+ a month for up keep?

I mean, to be fair, when we first meet Jaina and Thrall, it was by following a trail of devastation left by Jaina, and we see Jaina wiping out all their pursuers while Thrall takes a knee holding his hurt arm. We escort them with Jaina taking point. We do quests following Jainas plan while she babysits a hurt Thrall.

Then we get to Helya where Thrall hurls his axe at her to very little effect and subsequently goes “Oops I lost my weapon”. Then we see Baine get thrown off a cliff, very badly hurt, unconsious and poisoned. We go look for the dagger that poisoned him while Thrall decides to come with you to look for a weapon. Thrall is incredibly picky with weapons, only wanting an axe, complains about swords and polearms… and proves himself so inept at weapons that he uses a crossbow as a melee weapon because ZUG ZUG ORC SMASH I guess?

We then cure Baine and he does the one good thing between him and Thrall by mentioning a weird looking pillar that might be what we’re looking for. We rush to it, Jailer comes in, Anduin saves the day and Jailer sees that Anduin is special and has what he wants.

Given all of that… it really does feel like the Horde characters were very useless and inept. Much more so Thrall than Baine but that’s only because Baine didn’t even show up until we were on our way out of the Maw anyway, he’s lucky to have gotten a minute of focus…


No, Blizzard would actually upgrade their servers so that more than 40 people can be in an area without the server crashing. You’re focusing more on the highly illogical part of my two options because no way in hell Activision would pay for new servers. :stuck_out_tongue:

How about 120 per server I would like a battle royal being done.

PROVE it! Show me the data!

The big difference is that you were supposed to be able to purge those, the CN bleeds are not intended to be removable.

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probably never.

its a horde statue they got in front of their headquarters , not an alliance one :wink:

Player issues ARE WoW issues, because WoW guides player behavior. The OP Horde racials of the past guided competitive minded players to Horde, which led to the community shifting towards Horde, leaving the alliance relatively less skilled than Horde, leading to the problem of Alliance losing BGs more often.

If the game creates a dynamic that leads to a problem, then it’s a problem for the game to solve.

And what’s keeping the players that remained Alliance or those that newly joined it from, well… doing things well?

Or you need ship jumpers to carry your faction for you?

Isn’t that controlled by player participation? I would assume these numbers mean an equalish amount of horde and alliance are in WM

Where are you getting this data? The website I used to reference blew up and you have to use the WaybackMachine now to see it.



1.) Players have a sort of natural aptitude for the game, in the same way that they do for baseball, or math. Every player can become good, even excellent, but the naturally good will have an easier time of it. If all (or most) of the naturally talented players go Horde by default, then while the Alliance COULD catch up, it would be considerably harder.

And it should not be more difficult for one faction to match another.

2.) A big part of improving as a player is the people you play with. By playing with high performing players, you yourself will end up playing better by virtue of competing with them, seeing what they do, and maybe even having them give you advise and feedback. If those sorts of players are much rarer on one faction, then it will be difficult for that faction to make improvements.

3.) A portion of those “ship jumpers” you’re suggesting would be “carrying” our faction were originally alliance and “ship jumped” to your side. Maybe see how good ya’ll without them propping you up.

That’s a big explanation to basically say that yes, you just want those ship jumpers to carry your faction.

You have no way of knowing if those players were originally Alliance or Horde that moved to Alliance and then back, or for all we know they could just be “pro gamers” coming in just for the e-sport (why would they do that with WoW it’s beyond me, but still a possibility).

And if, as you said, those left are not as “naturally apt” (btw, nice how you’re putting down your own side, but ok), then why does it matter if they do well or not? It clearly doesn’t concern people within the Alliance enough to get things done properly, but somehow it concerns them enough to declare it’s unfair and it’s something blizzard should fix? That doesn’t connect.

I’m sorry but you’re so wrong its actually pathetic. Get on a diff battle group, and both sides have good pvp racial, they’ve even nerfed the really good horde ones into oblivion over the years, and more than once. So maybe transfer? Join a decent guild that enjoys doing pvp together? Or just quit crying and blaming blizzard for your own shortcomings.

How do people disagree with this when they have things like the Songflower given to Hordes spawn in Ashran? lol