When is faction imbalance going to be addressed?

Well since i said everything in the game, that would be a yes. Thanks for pointing that out.

No, that’s not what it means. That is why it says many people and not ALL people.

No, they don’t. Some people don’t like change at all.

Again, not true. Although without further explanation about what “the same thing over and over” means it is hard to have further comment. Unless you are referring too

At the highest level this would be
The Alliance react to the Horde.
The Horde act against the Alliance.

There is nothing wrong with these 2 things, the problem is that the reverse has yet to happen in the game. Although it would seem we are finally going to get some action on the part of Tyrande/Malfurion against the Horde, the type of act that should have happened after SoO, that is why the whole ending of SoO falls so flat and looks like horrific writing…because nothing happened and nothing changed for reasons.


In fact you can tell by how loudly they post that horde players fear change. They know they have it good. They know the devs have their back and they don’t want to lose their welfare status.


They’ve said that Tyrande already got her revenge, so if they make it a sad little side story in 9.0 (if they do at all, they will have to) it isn’t giving that story the weight it deserves.
Full cinematics will, again, feature Sylvanas and the horde with Anduin forced into a scene or two so they can claim its “balanced”.

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Give the Alliance a cool race with good racials and watch what happens. That’s about all it would take. The Horde will get more Ally jumpers to play Vulpera, do you think Alliance will get any Horde jumpers to play DiaperGnomes? LOL.

Now give Alliance Sethrak and all bets are off. And no I don’t care one whit how they justify them joining the Alliance. They pulled Void Elves out of their butts so they can just pull an excuse for Sethrak out of their butts too.


Yes, bring on the snakes!


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Never, and I got into void in a bout 2007… So many years passed… Nothing… Arthas has more chance to be resurrected and walk the earth then your request.

You scared the heck out of me with this necro. I thought he was back.