When is faction imbalance going to be addressed?

Is this your third or fourth thread on this subject?


Unless the problem is fixed this wont stop, so yeah, either they fix the issue or threads will keep popping up complaining about that because it is A REAL PROBLEM THAT NEEDS A SOLUTION


Tell me, what should they do to fix this “issue?”

Easiest way is buffing the racials and keeping them broken for an entire expansion so more people jump to the alliance.

More complicated ways would require them to incentivize people to join the alliance, give more rewards, balance the racials better etc
There are solutions, they simply refuse to do anything because they all play horde and benefit from a broken system


So, reverse the situation by making Alliance have 8% more players than the Horde.

They already do give more rewards to you if you play Alliance. You admitted to this in your OP.


It wont reverse the situation anytime soon, it takes time for people to move in such en mass and stay there like it has happened this time, they simply need to keep them broken until things slightly favor the alliance and then balance them so people are invested enough in the alliance to not more

Which is clearly not enough, a tiny honor bonus means nothing, they need REAL REWARDS

This. It’s not the Horde or Blizz fault if the majority of the Alliance dont wish to partake and earn those extra rewards.

+1 respect.


Like gear? Oh wait… you already get gear for being Alliance in a way the Horde can’t.


Remember what happened when they rewarded ACTUAL GEAR? An actually GOOD REWARD?

When they gave a heroic level piece of gear?

Horde cried and they instantly nerfed it to a useless normal piece of gear.

So like i said, the rewards currently are worthless


They shouldn’t have given out free heroic loot in the first place.


I’m sorry, but if with over 2m players at 120, you still won’t get content done, having the advantage in population again won’t do much for you guys.


If they want to incentivize people to play the alliance, they need to reward people for doing so, simple.

Nobody cares about the current weak rewards


Why do the need rewards? They can’t play the faction they like normally?

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That is because people who do serious content jumped to the horde because everyone is there and because of racials(that was the reason a few expansion ago that started it)
People who care about content can easily move to alliance but they have NO REASON TO, there is no reward, there are less people doing serious stuff, they arent even relevant to the story, it is all about the horde

Which now has left alliance to be full of people who just do pet battles until blizzard fixes the obvious faction imbalance


People who care about content are obviously not going to go to the side that while having population still doesn’t bother to get off their rears and get stuff done because the rewards are not “good enough” for you.

Ralph I feel like unless you get catered to and are given exactly what you want, regardless of how absurd it is, you wont be happy.

And with that being said, good luck crying and stomping your feet like a 5yr old


Casual horde, ignoring the facts that prove there is a problem and pretending there is no problem at all like a boomer lul

Keep deluding yourself blizzard doesnt have a huge horde bias m8


Keep deluding yourself about blizzard having one.


'member WoD, when Alliance had an almost 70% win rate in BGs, the dwarf racial was broken OP and many called that “balanced”?

I 'member.

They don’t want things to be “equal”, they want to have an overwhelming advantage.


Heroic level gear the first week the new raid opened .

Some context please.

It was BS and Blizz knew it .