When is AH coming back?

I don’t think it’s in regards to the Auction House but in the method of obtaining gear. It means those with disposable income can’t simply buy essentially the best gear meant for PVP with boatloads of gold. This helps prevent making the game pay to win or at best get ahead.

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Sorry, but there already isn’t any competitive integrity to PvP in your games, Blizzard. It’s why I refuse to play PvP in WoW and one of the reasons I uninstalled Overwatch years ago.

Too many people cheat, collude, win trade, RMT boost, or are generally toxic and abuse report systems.

You’d need to make war mode non-optional and PvP required to acquire renown before I’ll touch anything PvP related, and that’d probably force me to quit.

Please don’t give them ideas…

Cool, so when are we fixing the issue with people not getting keystones?

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So you do care about PVP!
when it’s rated

Let’s do keys not dropping next!

I’m “entitled” because I want to play a game that I AM PAYING FOR & day after day after day BUZZARD inc. wants to interrupt my gameplay for hours, sometimes an entire day (8hrs) so they can break the game, which later requires more gametime interrupted.

I think if those points seem unreasonable to you, then it should be pretty clear who is the actual “moron” in this conversation.


Oh so it was because of cheaters again? Great, love it! Keep up the good work, Blizz. Chase after cheaters exploring things you left in from the Beta while the rest of the game is slowly overwhelmed by the bugs you forgot to quash from the same Beta until the whole game implodes.

Meanwhile people on here keep telling me this isn’t the worse launch in the game’s history. Yeah ok, keep telling yourselves that.

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It means you don’t understand what it takes to run a game this size and your expectation of personal ROI on a measly $15/month is childish.

30 days in a month.

$0.50 per day

If you are this upset over one aspect of your $0.50 day (the game is live and tons of people have been playing) not being available then I maintain “entitled moron.”

You have messed up priorities and you need to just be a patient adult and move on with your life. A week from now you’ll barely even care about this. And if you do that’s even more sad that $0.50 bothers you for that much of your life.


It’s ridiculous to think they can just undo the gold people spent on an item by reversing their gear. That would be pretty scummy.

They have no other option but to let it slide and correct it going forward. Why should a player have to be punished because blizzard screwed up?

World first raiders needed to get one of their alts geared up.


This comment always makes me chuckle. Multiply that by the amount of players and see if you still want to use that point.

Thank you!
Literally every expansion has issues/bugs. (I’ll still enjoy the game to my grave)
This is why I try to avoid comment sections, world chats and basically half the internet. It’s a waste of time and energy in a world where we should all calm tf down. Alas people love to complain about anything they can.
I only came here to find out why i couldn’t turn in my quest and got distracted lol so I guess I’ll go to bed since I found my answer.
Heave a great night!

It’s usually the other way around

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To “roll back” what was done, they’d have to remove the gear from those who received it, refund their gold, take the gold back from the person who sold it, and then return the currency to the seller. That’s illogical.

Unless you are asking them to be unfair about it and just screw both sides?

Obviously the best path is to fix it going forward. It has nothing to do with blizzard “encouraging exploit early and often.”

I agree with you, I would want a roll back but I find that hard to believe for Blizzard to do since they seemed to let others like streamers keep the gear they exploited already this expansion.

Yeah but after like the 4th or 5th one… I don’t care how illogical it is.

But I’m unreasonable

Say you’re a 12 year old silver-spoon entitled brat without saying it. incase you can’t see it through your massive entitlement cloud…the door is over there >>>>>

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It’s in the game. Yes, it’s illogical to punish players for blizzard’s screwup.

all exploits are in a game that’s whether called exploits not 3rd party cheats