When i hit 80, what's the best way to gear for pvp?

Wrath was ok, but its not really better, only that the balance of power shifts a bit, and people comp it up differently… Instead of dealing with dumb things like RMP you now deal with dumb things like PHD… Name an expansion, ill provide you a dumb comp you can cruise control to whatever rating you deserve +200 to +500 rating. TBC had good and bad, Wrath has good and bad, etc, etc, etc…

This is true, but I would not call wrath better… its just different. I have active played both for years.

Actually I do, you’re a non participant only spouting off what you have heard from likely bad sources.

Original Wrath required rating to purchase the First seasons first tier non-elite epic PVP set, The fact that they added catch up mechanics to get gear from is new too me because that was not part of OG Wrath for that content patch; and even if it was, it was not something I utilized because I did not need to worry about getting badges to get my PVP set when I can simply buy the Arena set with Arena points; furthermore every time I have played on a “Wrath” server post actual Wrath it was Blizzard’s ATR where gear was not really a thing anymore, OR on a private ATR not exactly hosted by Blizzard where again Gear was not really a thing to go after.

Wrath is not hard… Instead you’re conflating me saying that approachablility for new / low rated players is bad as “Wrath is hard” when I can tell you with a straight face that Wrath is literally the easiest expansion in WoW history regarding its PVE, and the PVP is bleh at best regarding balance.

Want to get high ratings EZ? Play a top comp just like in TBC, want to actually play a balanced PVP game? Find a different game that’s not WoW, because game balance is Rare as hell when it comes to WoW.

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You can stop replying to me with 200 word essays that I’m not going to read. You have no clue how WOTLK works. It is obvious. You didn’t even know how to buy gear.

Spare me your extensive knowledge of this expansion LULW.

exploit wintergrasp and get a full set of gear and then dont get banned, or rmt as a top arena player and not get banned, rmt hundreds of gladiator carry titles and not get banned, theres a pattern, a pattern of ignoring exploiting and rmt in pvp


I was asking about the non-elite set that DID have rating Req on it in early Wrath… The fact that they changed this is NEW… The fact that they added catch up mechanics in this phase of Wrath is NEW.

I know how to get Elite sets; this is all I need to know, but hey… Perhaps I am wasting my time worrying about low rated players who matter to the community.

You are wrong about everything you have said thus far. I’m not reading anymore of your trash responses.

Go watch the video I posted so you can learn how gearing works in WOTLK from an actual arena player who was just doing arenas W1 on his stream.

You could use the instructions.


Required for full set: PATCH 3.0.3

Chestpiece: 12,000 Honor, 700 Arena Points, 1675 Rating
Gauntlets: 7,500 Honor, 400 Arena Points, 1615 Rating
Helm: 12,000 Honor, 700 Arena Points, 1735 Rating
Legguards: 12,000 Honor, 700 Arena Points, 1645 Rating
Shoulders: 9,000 Honor, 550 Arena Points, 1775 Rating

Total: 52,500 Honor, 2050 Arena Points, 1775 Rating

This was the only way to get this set in Patch 3.0.3 Wrath of the Litch King Retail.

Changes made later provided alternative paths.

But apparently I remember it wrong or something, but wait… I don’t remember it wrong because WoWhead remembers it just as I do.

Turns out Blizzard made changes to the timeline by using this Retailized client and hybrid patch structure thing and you don’t seem to get that.

Who cares how it was done in original WOTLK man. Private servers have been playing the patch we are on for many years which is where the guy comes from who made the video.

Like I said, you don’t know what you are talking about regarding the WOTLK we currently have.

You are WRONG.

Watch the video to catch up so you can stop digging though old patch notes LUL.

PS i’m actually ignoring you because you are super annoying and have no relevant information to offer.

FYI i’m not reading what you are now typing. :laughing:

Legit… dude… I already said that I have not played on the Blizz like Wrath servers but only the ATR style servers… But you missed that part while calling me names and stuff.

ill just get the deadly man, I don’t need to worry about your video.

Imagine that, why I asked a different player a question about the low rated gear, but hey a completely NEW version of WoW based on Wrath of the Litch King is different than OG Wrath.

Anyway, good luck with your videos.

Yeah if you have brutal set you can skip the crafted set. Just get some PVE gear from heroics and start doing arenas and mix in BGs and Wintergrasp for honor gain.

ah gotcha ok thanks

No gold from leveling?

Well, it depends on your class… if you are a warlock I would watch out because they are not favored by the devs to do well in PvP. Especially when a ton of OP classes have fear immunity, like warriors. Other than that, just do wintergrasp over and over and the PvP dailies

Warriors have always had fear immunity it isn’t new to Wrath LUL.

All the more reason to nerf them. And you are being definitely not POGGERS right now

They don’t need a nerf you need a buff, a skill buff.

Woooow yeah because it is not like warriors are meta OP classes or anything in WOTLK. Yeah sure, you know they are broken against casters and prot warriors are bonkers OP

Lul no they aren’t. They are not meta as prot or OP.

Prot stomp all casters with their double charge, absolutely broken thing to have on a class. Super meta, all arena teams with high rating will have at least 1 warrior 100%

I leveled my hunter to 80 first. My pvp toon is my lock at 70, with 475 resil. Would I constantly get smashed or would I have some viability leveling my lock in BGs? I know an 80 with 475 resil is has less damage resistance since without upgrades, the benefit of stats goes down. Level 70 requires 39.4 for -1%, while level 80 requires 82 resil for -1%. While the resil ‘cap’ at 70 is 492, it’s 1230 at level 80.

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