When i hit 80, what's the best way to gear for pvp?

Not sure about that, but I guess. It’s the blue set. If you do BGs and WG only, you can easily farm that set.

That’s not a good set so you shouldn’t buy it (especially with honor). The savage set is much better. You can get it with Emblems of Valor from any 25 man raid like Nax, Voa, etc.

Watch the video I posted above.

Wasting a ton of honor on pieces you will just replace soon is not smart.

You can also buy the blue set with emblems of heroism if you want and use zero honor. So just do heroics.

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Yeah my plan was to do herois for emblems of heroism and buy the blue set with them, then farm the honor off-set pieces for hateful. after i get both of those, i’ll start doing arenas and buy the deadly offset + hateful mainset, and after i’m full deadly/hateful, i’ll buy deadly mainset with arena points… thoughts?-

Yeah that works.

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They took the rating off hateful? If so, good; this might help PVP participation.

Tho they could improve it more by making Deadly only a cosmetic upgrade and buffing Hateful to 213 item level.

Then using that pattern for the remainder seasons.

Not exactly. You can buy it without rating if you use emblems. It still requires rating if you use honor and arena points.

2 different vendors.

Ah, well that’s a mistake on Blizzard’s part. They should have made it have no rating, and buffed it to equal to Deadly.

BUT kept the rating and superior appearance of Deadly so that there is some prestige there. Further requiring that a player can only get the Elite set in that specific arena season, and if they fail to collect it, they cannot get it later.

This makes the Elite sets way more prestigious…

IMO, and this is a contentious opinion, Add in T-Mog so that these sets become even more lusted after.

I am 100% in favor of a fair and even playing field, but also its good to have some lootz to chase after long as they’re not power gains in a Rated system like Arena.

It’s not a mistake. It is so people can use the pieces for PVE if they want. It allows PVEers to buy it with PVE emblems.

You don’t get to dictate game design because your ideas are awful. It is smarter the way Blizzard has it. It allows PVE and PVPers to buy the gear if it is good for them with the currency they earn doing what they like doing.

Not my ideas, its a system Blizzard designed over a decade ago, it was the peak of their Arena systems design. Wrath is by far one of the worst Arena system designs ever in WoW history.

Its just a fact, TBC had janky AF class balance, Wrath had Janky AF System designs, and that’s that… CATA was in terms of PVP better in some ways regarding its systems and class tuning, but was in some ways less fun to play because it was too slow in some regard and had some super dumb game states like Vengeance tank’s and other really dumb crap.

MoP / WoD were thematically bad / lacking content / had some questionable class tuning / class design choices, but overall MoP / WoD had the best Arena / Rated PVP experience in WoW history… If I had to pick the ideal time to PVP in WoW, MoP 5.3 was literally the APEX of WoW’s rated PVP.

The closer we can get to that game system (not talking about the class tuning) the better.

TLDR the MoP / WoD way of gearing is 10X better than anything prior and after this time period regarding WoW.

Everything before was trash and just about everything after has been equally trash.

The current hateful gear at the pvp vendors require no rating or arena points, just honor. But it’s apparently the “offset” whatever that means. The stats on it are just a little worse than deadly so idk

Offset items are things like Belts and bracers and boots; not main parts… Main parts being things like Chest, Legs, Helm, Weapons, shoulders.

Yeah no. You don’t need 1800 gear for farming bg’s

Yeah the offset doesn’t require rating, the mainset does. You should spend all you honor on the offset pieces. Honor is the only way you can buy them.

Bad take man, and who said anything about “farming BG’s?”, people who’re not geared are not going to compete in Arena at their appropriate rating; they already know it and will instead not Q.

The net result is a deflated middle bracket, and deflated lower bracket, leading to a deflated upper middle bracket and in turn a deflated top bracket. TLDR, a Dead arena ladder…

I want fast Q’s not long waits for teams that are 400 rating lower.

You have the worst takes imaginable. Gear is so much easier to get in WOTLK. The ladder will be fine.

Go play and stop thinking about things you don’t even understand.


Maybe south of 1800 rating, but much above that and Q’s drop and just get worse and worse and worse…

If the Brackets were alive the Q’s should be poppin hot until around 2500, but TBC Classic taught me a good lesson… Lack of participation SUCKS!

Wrong, so wrong. There are so many more viable comps, that are easy to play. Gear is easier to get.

It will the be best PVP in classic so far.

LUL, your L takes. Your fomo is showing. Tuck it in please.

People didn’t play TBC arena because it sucked.

This does not matter much if players feel like they’re not going to be competitive due to gear disadvantage. In case you did not know, this version of Wrath uses late version resil, the most powerful version of Resilience in WoW history because it not only punishes crit, but also has static player DR, making Resil gear BiS by a lot. The better gear has more base stats, and more resil… You may thing that 1K more HP and some additional +power is meh, but honestly there are so many times when a few hundred HP is the difference between win and loss.

Projecting much?

People quit TBC Arena even before it started because Blizzard botched the PVP gearing launch just like they’re doing now.

Get your facts right foo.

I haven’t looked at prices, but looking at the stats they are barely better than the level 70 Brutal gear. Looks like I can skip the crafted set on the rogue and DK.

You have no clue what you are talking about Harland. WOTLK is known to have a much better area scene than TBC had. Everyone hated TBC arena. Only the most diehard players even tried to do well in it.

The reason TBC seasons were bad is because gear was hard to get and there was a lot of RNG in matches and few good comps to play.

You didn’t even know how gear was purchased in WOTLK and now you are trying to give lessons to people on why WOTLK is hard.

LOL :+1: :laughing: :rofl:

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