When does PvP become Griefing?

A friend of mine has been Mind Controlled for the last 30 minutes by a group of horde.

At what point does it stop being “PvP” and start being griefing?

He can’t log out, he’s AltF4 to leave the game and was “offline” for 5 minutes, and when he logged back in he was still in combat being mind controlled.

They won’t let him die, and they have mind controlled him all the way to the graveyard, so if he were to res they’d just MC him again.

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It doesn’t.


World PvP has never been fair, and it never will. You play on those servers at your own risk.


Griefing, in and of itself, is a bit of a nebulous term and often doesn’t consist of activities that are considered a violation of policy. I think “harassment” would be a more accurate term.

I can’t really say there are no situations in which in which we may considered PvP activities harassment but they tend to be rare. Mind Controlling a PvP flagged character from the opposite faction was possible in Vanilla, and I don’t recall any kind of diminishing returns, which would otherwise help mitigate this happening for long periods of time. I’m sorry, but as far as I know that is simply part of Classic.

There is a PvP solution, in that your friend can seek assistance from other players on their side who can kill the Horde controlling him.

It takes about 15 minutes for the game to kick the character out.

Sorry, Sephrinx.



Guess he just won’t play today.

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Or, have him log out for 15 minutes or so. That should kick him from the game and it is possible they’ll lose interest.

Alternately, look to your fellow Alliance and see if they’ll help. Good luck.


Have tried asking for people to help, they just say “Cry about it” and “get a layer invite” (which doesn’t work btw).

Oh well.

Can’t agree more!

It should, assuming there are layers in that area and the person inviting is on another layer. Though once layers go away folks will have to learn how to deal with PvP if they are on a PvP realm.


Running into these same issues Vrakthis sadly nothing at all has been done to balance the server faction populations so even if I recruit friends to help me in these situations the opposite faction bring more and more and will always outnumber us. You have also thwarted attempts for players that want to seek and play on a blanced realm, and are not releasing numbers.

I’m afraid our Devs do not generally micro manage realm population, sorry.

We never have. I can say from my personal observations over the years it is less likely that people gravitate towards balance and more that they go where they outnumber the other team.

I’m going to close this one up as it is nearly a month old.