When do you go to the gym?

I do longneck lifts while I game.

donā€™t have to, work in a trade 5 day a week


I moved my elliptical into the computer room. Gonna use it as my chair and get cardio at the same time I game. Iā€™m good.

No need for a gym here. I install barb wire fence for a living.

I have kids, so I normally go to the gym around 8pm. This way the little ones are down.

Iā€™ll probably go in November.

Morning on some days, evening on others. Not trying to look like a Kul Tiran for wow classic if I stop going.

Why go to the gym? You can do push ups, pull ups, sit ups, crunches, squats, etc, at your house without the gym.

I wonā€™t be for a while because I will running all over Azeroth getting plenty of calories burning till I get my mount, then maybe I will go. :grinning:

Usually three or four times in January.


At rank 14.

Literally at gym right now posting from cycle

Thereā€™s a gym near my office and a treadmill in the office shower area. So I do a full body weightlifting routine a couple of days a week at lunchtime (I get overtrained if I do more). I also run several times a week and cycle on the weekend (for 30 miles currently). Iā€™ve exercised and lifted at varying times throughout my life (former triathlete), but at 50 years old now, I am much stronger in the gym and healthier than I have ever been. Wow is just a cost-effective hobby.

I usually go to the gym between 7 - 9 pm (dependent on my mood) and I do cardio for about an hour. I could always go early on Tuesday though.

I always the gym just before work at 5:00am. So as long as I am working I should be good. Unless i decided to play before work then I am screwed lol

My job is physically labor intensive. So I get a massive work out about 5 hours a day Mon - Friday (Work 10 hours shifts, but the physically active stuff lasts about 5 in total)

Its not a constant work out getting the heart pumping like you should while working out, but no gym for me.

I live in a very rual area, and the closest gym is about a 45 minute drive away. Iā€™ve also never used weights in my life, so at my age (35), Iā€™d be worried about injuring myself without proper guidence.

I do have a treadmill and an excercise bike at home, though. I make sure to do 30 minutes on the bike an hour before each meal, and on the days Iā€™m fasting, I run 1 hour on the tread mill in the morning and at night.

My humble apartment is my gym. Fire is my bones, and protein is my blood.

This is gold! Best comment in the thread. You win good sir/mam

The gym?

