When do you go to the gym?

This is exactly what happens to me every time! :heart_eyes:

walk 10 minutes to McDonald and back is all the gym i do everyday.

actually, i will start doing push-up while waiting for the flight in game.

Monday before 3 PSTā€¦So prolly noon.

Tuesday prolly 4:30 so I can play for 8 hours first :slight_smile:

I bike five miles to work, but I do pass by a gym. Does that count?

Plan on going tomorrow before noon. So I can come back and be in time to reserve the name on some few more characters before the servers go online in the evening. Then on Tuesday will go later in the evening before hopefully getting a couple of hours in the game before I head to sleep.

Very early mornings, but might try workouts while going on flight paths also, lol sounds fun. #flightpathworkouts

I go after work. Iā€™ll go either directly after work or around 8. Thatā€™s how I normally do it.

I love WoW and want to play Classic, but I know that Iā€™ll have more fun and feel a lot better if I work out each day too. One less hour of playing to go to the gym each day makes the entire experience better

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With the exception of the first week, I probably will only play on Friday night and weekends. During the work week I lift at the gym for 2 hours 4 days a week and do cardio for an hour mid week. My job and staying swole come first. On weekends I usually take walks, go hiking, and the occasional HIIT workout. Even if I wanted to do nothing but sit and play my body simply wonā€™t let me sit for that long anymoreā€¦ things hurt if I donā€™t stay active.


I dont go to the gym, but i do all of my Exercises, Yoga and Meditation about 10 minutes after i wake up. For me its easier to do self care in the wee small hours of the morning, before life starts throwing the curve balls at you.

I discovered recently that I have an invisible treadmill thatā€™s always right nearby me all the time.

You know how step aerobics works? 1,2,3,4-1,2,3,4 alternating the foot you lead with each cycle?

You can do that anywhere, without a step board. Thatā€™s the invisible treadmill. Its a godsend. Long flight path from org to gadget? You can probably walk a half mile during that time.

Usually a few hours before I go to bed.

I run 2-3 miles every other day (MWF) and flexibility/yoga/weight train on (Tues/Thur).
I go for long bike ride every other Sat and rest on Sun.
I donā€™t want to look like Arnold but people really do need to exercise if you want a good quality of life.

I no longer go to the gym, since my Apple Watch tells me when to stand up and when to breath, thatā€™s the only physical activity i partake in anymore

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I sure know how this feels. And all that energy in your muscles builds up that you just have to release

I have an exercise bike setup that allows me to game and cardio. Iā€™ll probably get more exercise with the release of Classic than I did before.

Iā€™ve tried this (I lift weights), however I find after work Iā€™ve got too much pent up stress that I need to release, and I canā€™t work out again in the same day without risking hurting my joints lol.

The ā€¦ gym? I know not of this word that you speak.

I have an elliptical machine, free weights, a trampoline, and a stationary bike pedal. I fit my workouts in during the day. Netflix + elliptical = binge watch bonus.

During the start of classic? It looks like Iā€™ll have to schedule during flight paths.

Well at least tomorrow should provide an easy answer for youā€¦during queue.

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Just like Red Spy, the gym is right behind me.

I have my PC set up in the basement and I have a treadmill, bowflex, and vertical climber behind me. During long flights Iā€™ll use them. Some of those flights can be 10 minutes it seems.