When do we stop the Lightforged Crusade?

My theory is that au dreanors timeline is fading from existence. As a result yrel will find someway to get back to our timeline and become a expacs main villain.

But for her and her army centuries will have past. She’ll be much older and more powerful. So in order to survive being erased from existence shell be forced to be a villain and bring her people with her as a radicalized light version of the legion.

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And as far as this whole alternate universe Yrel and her Lightbound, not Lightforged… we only get bits and pieces of each side of the story.

According to Yrel, those that joined the Lightbound did so if their own volition. They joined for peace and for the prosperity that used to exist. There were no slaves or brainwashing. It was a way to create the peace between races that would ensure their world would flourish.

She claimed that they finally had to put a stop to the Mag’har because they were killing the land. It was dry and barren due to their exploitation of the resources and their anger and hatred. She urged them towards peace. She gave them a chance. But they refused over and over and fought back. In the end, she felt there was no other choice but to war against those who would not live in peace and who tainted and destroyed the land.

On the other hand… according to the Mag’har, she was forcing races to join the Lightbound. She wanted to destroy and have the Lightbound rule over everything.

But we’re only getting bits and pieces of the story. Two sides, but not the full picture or full truth of things.

And I hope to God we never go back to AU crap. We should have never gotten the Mag’har from AU Draenor to begin with, when we had perfectly capable Mag’har in Outland Nagrand.


It’s the Horde’s problem, one of our playable races flees from Draenor because of Draenei oppression

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Considering the orcs past and we dont get a full story. I don’t believe the orcs are completely innocent.

For all we know yrel was peaceful till the orcs spilled first blood. I hope she does come back older with a massive army and as a villain. And we get more details making her fall to evil trajic in some way.

Yrel’s draenei aren’t actually lightforged. They’re just all priests and paladins.

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The group is called Lightbound. Some don’t seem to understand there’s a difference between that and Lightforged, even when AU Draenei are simply just Draenei.


Here here!

Let them eat plague!

Undeath for everyone :wink:


I don’t know if Blizz can get a whole xpac out of it but I’d love to revisit Draenor. There was a bunch of stuff that was planned for WoD that we never got that I’d like to see. The island to the Northeast whose name I’m forgetting and the Ogre continent. It’d be neat to see how things have changed since we left. We k ow the Lightforged are enslaving Orcs but we don’t actually see much of Draenor during the scenario.

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We get to see which one is better, A Fel Draenor vs a Light Draenor.

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You were precisely the person I was referencing. I could not remember the correct spelling of your name, and…I am lazy.


I think it might actually kill people on here to pay attention to what is happening in these scenarios.

Yrel did nothing wrong!

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Some AU WoD Draenai General : Yrel, what is best in life?

Yup. I’ve talked to many people who completely missed the conversation in the Mag’har scenario about the Mag’har destroying the land. Not sure how that was overlooked. Or half of what happened. :woman_shrugging:

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Did we do the same scenario? Because the Draenei were the aggressors, and I’ll take “your hatred is destroying the land” with a grain of salt. (“Zul’dazar will sink!” “The old gods have shown me the truth!”) Especially from a radical people who are crusading and will even grasp at straws to justify it. You really think the orcs are on the defensive for no reason? You really think the light is pure and flawless?


You’re only looking at it from one angle.

Yrel and the Lightbound didn’t force anyone into anything. And we don’t know the full story.

You’re also completely ignoring the whole destruction of the land… because reasons? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Once upon a time, Orcs and Draenei were peaceful and got along swimmingly. They traded together and learned from each other.

For all we know, most of the races wanted that again and this handful of Orcs went bat crazy over it and felt like they were being forced or pressured or something.

Three sides to every story: yours, mine and the truth.

I’s love to see the Scarlet Crusade decide that (for whatever reason) the Lightforged are heretics and finally let us join them to stop the LF’s crusade (or just ally with them if you so choose to fight a common enemy).

The land wasn’t much different than when we were there. The sermon of the high exarch book states that the Draenei must “save the orcs from themselves” and preaches things like everyone must be one in the light, to purge the infection (orcs who do not want to convert), and how they must teach the orcs to become part of the light’s army

No, the light is not perfect like you think. Did you forget how Xe’ra was forcing herself on Illidan’s very soul?


I certainly hope so.

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Hokey religions and ancient races are no match for a good Arcane Blaster at your side.