When do we stop the Lightforged Crusade?

They took many orcs and forced them to be mind controlled by the Light. Will we ever go back and reclaim Draenor for the orcs and free the subdued orcs from the Light’s control? The Lightforged must face justice


Never! We are only just beginning. Lightforged cows are next on the list.


Now, now, Ceres… No need to be like your AU friends… No need for another crusade.

In all seriousness though, probably not. I suppose it could be neat if done right though.


Give it time they haven’t even finished the road made of orc bones yet.


I’d like to see everything WoD-related forgotten in the dust thank you very much.


Good luck with that especially with your new allied race


Someone else on these forums has a different take. I tend to trust her. Her depiction was less one sided than yours appears to be.


Doing that scenario made my brain hurt.

My headcannon is that they’re Outland Mag’har that smoked just a little too much felweed and had delusions of grandeur.

If they hurt the arakkoa, I will tear an old god out of the ground with a crane, get a portal over the lightforged camp, and drop the festering incarnation of corruption and death itself directly on top of them. No one hurts birbs.

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We don’t-- I wanna see where Yrel takes this Scarlet Crusade Brand crazy.

I’m starting to think saving Azeroth was a mistake.


That’s in an alternate timeline that we had no business with until the Horde decided to do some dimension-breaking shenanigans with the bronze dragonflight.

Is this really our problem anymore?


You mean Garrosh, an escaped and dethroned prisoner


No, I mean the Horde decided to re-break the laws of time-space just to bring over a squadron of mag’har orcs in BFA.


Do you mean the lightborne from the mag har orc questline? Doesn’t look like blizz is gonna do anything else with them for now, yet it would be very interesting if they did, could be a Burning crusade 2

This time, the crusade is being driven by the light.

The Sunburned Crusade.


Honestly for a expact, thats a really cool concept that the light is being used by the lightborne in a way to purge and convert the maghar to the narru, but sunburned is a mouth full, what about…something like…March of the Vindicators, it something, i dont really know haha

Yrel invades our timeline. Light vs alleria void.


Well, according to the Bronze Flight that timeline is flagged to ‘fade away’, since it’s not part of their main stream.

Honestly, I think that’s actually Bronze Flight propaganda to forget about the worlds they messed up with their interference.

If they’re telling the truth, though, it’d be neat to see Yrel traverse the twisting nether and find her way to MU Draenor (Outland), along with a few of the more aggressive survivors of the other (Botani, Arakkoa, Saberon).
Though… that would lead to a third invasion on Azeroth launched through the Dark Portal…
EDIT: Or is it four? Let’s see, there was the Legion’s Horde, then Illidan’s Flock, then… well, I guess the Iron Horde (and Fel Horde) got stopped at the gate, does that count? Right, that’d make it Four, then.

AU Draenor is dying on its own and they don’t have any more spaceships, that we know of. So the problem really just takes care of itself.

I think the reason the planet is dying is the timeline is just vanishing now. When the connection closed so did the power to sustain itself. There’s only one true timeline and with the portals shut AU Draenor will probably just disappear entirely eventually.