When do we get the patch that fixes AV?

Well I have found a way,

Look :slight_smile:

How to Win AV - As Alliance

but it is tough for alliance to switch mentality. Some peopel are seeing success when the Raid fights.

Alliance suffers from people that just do not want to fight. They log in to play for LT’s, not Drek, and go ghosted or sit around waiting or the game to end and get 1-2 k honor.

Therefore, in order to change mindset and expectation of a quick game, the best solution is to implement AV 1.5 so that the expectation of a quick game dissipates as well as the expectation of just going south to kill LT’s and get 1-2 k honor.

The suggestion does not come form thin air, it has been well thought out.


AV 1.5 isn’t going to happen. This is the AV they chose to implement for classic and that’s that.

The problem is with the players, I can smell it in your post.

so just patch it up with duct tape?

Oh, lots of people have. Mostly by dropping out of PvP and doing other stuff in game thus not queuing at all and others by quitting the game altogether to find other games that are more enjoyable (not just for one side). I expect that both of these options for dealing with it will continue, which means either some sort of fix will come (hopefully a better version) or you’ll simply have no one left to queue against. Enjoy it while you can.

Never say never, unless you are the one making that decision. You never know what the Devs will decide to address the issue.

And you do not need to smell it I acknowledged it THERE IS a player issue, it is called Expectation it is called Mindset, and you know the best way to change those is changing the Context within which they sprang from.

Because devs cannot patch player Behavior./ But they can provide the foundation upon which it exists.

Like if you have a lvl 30 NPC to kill and people expect to be able to kill that NPC as a lvl 28-32, and then in a patch that quest gets changed and the NPC is raised to lvl 55, will you still try and expect to kill that NPC as a lvl 28-32? … That expectation will vanish in one fell swoop and players will addapt to the new reality and adopt a new behavior.

Same thing pretty much with AV right now. The reality of it needs to change so that the mindset and expectations changes along with it and the new behavior generates new results.

Mind you, not much will change for the Horde. Since it already has changed its own mindset and expectation.

I finished my PVP rank grind a couple weeks ago, so I’m good.

That’s nice. I guess you have no dog in this fight then.

Some of us are more concerned with the game being in a better state for everyone, so it can thrive. We prefer that people don’t quit.

Personally, I was hoping to play this for a couple years, but between exploits, rushed content, imbalance, I doubt it lasts a full year.

It requires a bit of real research to decide exactly what the problem is.

I have heard that even though the horde starting location is closer to the end-goal, the Alliance still reaches theirs first. I haven’t played it recently, so I haven’t checked.

In any case, if the map is the cause for failure, as an Alliance player, #nochanges.

They have so far attempted to meddle into the problems with AV, unsuccessfully. Stands to reason the problem is more complex than it initially looks.

I don’t plan to quit, but with the grind over I won’t have to spend a huge amount of time in AV.

The alliance won’t quit AV because it’s the most casual friendly battleground at the moment. Any time an alliance or horde PUG queues for WSG, they usually end up against a premade.

In retail vanilla, alliance won about 60% … and horde arent doing anything today that they didn’t do back then.

Aliiance has just rolled over and died.

P!ayer mentality is different today than vanilla. You’ve got a different generation of players than before.

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Lol that is not the reality everyone else lives in. Don’t be stupid.

Alliance had premades in vanilla 1.12

nope. you just made that up to feel better. sorry bub.

Horde had instant queues in vanilla, so only horde could premade … and they didn’t.

Did not. I ranked up to r8 in vanilla with av premade enabler addon. Look it up. Only took a matter of weeks to gain 8 ranks. Look it up this info is readily available if you have the courage to Google it.

They can go forward with it or they can go backward with it. But if they leave it at 1.12AV Alliance will stop playing and it will die. Horde will only get to do AV when bonus honor weekends start.

That sounds like taking the easy way out. If there’s a new strategy, they should adapt and overcome like the horde did. Instead of doing that, they scream boycott and start pointing fingers at the AV map.

Look, if the horde had a 100% win rate, I would agree, but I have seen several times where the alliance did manage to beat us. And not just using their mass premades. I’m talking about recently in the last couple weeks after the patch with a PUG.

How do you know how well my vanilla server did in AV? Or any server other than your own?

Did you miss the part where he was referring to 1.12?

And in vanilla they actually released win rate data believe it or not, and alliance was ALWAYS higher.

Which makes these threads ironic, since in vanilla the forums were always littered with how much AV favored alliance.

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You weren’t.

Where can I find this “released data”?

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