When did you join World of Warcraft?

My wife and I started playing in 2005. We continued all the way through MoP. Our subscriptions have been off and on since then. Planning on full-time return for Classic.

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I was being stubborn too but I only lasted 5 days. At that point I had 5 years invested in EverQuest.

Funny thing is, the first day I logged on WoW was the last day I logged on EQ.

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I’m not sure exactly when I started. It was right before the launch of the original Zul Gurub, which was in patch 1.7 (September 2005), but I don’t recall exactly when.

I know you can supposedly find out your start date by looking at your account management, but I’ve never been able to figure out where/how. Transaction history only goes back a few years … :frowning: Is there somewhere else that tells you?

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I started about the same time as you did. My first toon was a human warrior that I deleted due to the murlocs kept killing me and I got lost. lol

I was gifted the game from a co-worker. I was just getting over a bad break up and she thought this game would be a good distraction.

I actually didn’t like it at first but almost 14 years later I am still here.

My brother was playing Beta, and of course was there at release. He didn’t talk me into moving over from Ultima Online until Feb 2004’ish. My main hold up was it was a slot based not weight based inventory, but now I’m used to it. I let me account lapse for a month a few times, but I’ve stayed on consistently for the most part. My 2 accounts both run out in less than 2 months, and seriously considering letting them go inactive. The way they are doing flying is the nail in the coffin for me.

For me the upcoming “New Classic” is just not for me. I experienced MC, BWL, and AQ 40 at the time of release. It was an amazing RPG/Gaming experience.
While I wish the best for the New Classic, but nothing will bring back my original memories of farming soul shards for raids, getting my Warlock mount, and even getting the feeling of getting my first epic in MC. I can’t remember what I ate yesterday, but I could tell you the exact spot I got the Staff of Dominance in Molten Core. I couldn’t sleep that night I was so excited! My fondest memories is our guild getting our main tank the Thunderfury Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.

They hid the old transaction history page, but you can still look it up if you know the link:


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Thank you so much! This is the page that I remember seeing in the past.

It even shows when I started on a guest pass! Jan. 9, 2007.

Nov. 11th, 2004

Ok, according to that link for sub history, it shows Nov. 23, 2004.

I had been following the game in late Beta in 2004 so was anticipating WoW before it was released. As was customary for me at that time I didn’t purchase the game straight away and planned to start playing around Xmas of that year.

I ended up taking a trip to France for a couple of weeks which delayed my entry into WoW until late Jan. of 2005. I’ve been an active player since that time (patch 1.2 I believe).

April of 2010 i think, though I might have had another account before this by a little bit. i only dabbled a bit until wod but played a lot in legion. I’m an altoholic for sure so my progress is spread among a lot of characters.

December 2004. I did have fun in beta on a friend’s account though. :smiley:

i started play in the last 3 months of vanilla

At the middle of Wrath, it was my most favorite expansion.

I joined a month after launch back in 2004 and lead a 40 man raid guild with DKP for years until BC released. have been playing off and on since then.

Came from Dark Age of Camelot and Star Wars Galaxies (was part of the IGN guild and SWG/IGN Forums in SWG where we had our own player built city and one of the first Jedi on the server)

Actually started Wow on a privater server of wotlk then move to retail at the end of MoP

I started in Vanilla back in mid 2005. My first character was a rogue which I haven’t played since Cata. I loved the challenge of Classic. Everything you did to earn gold, gear, etc actually felt like you were accomplishing something and making your charcter better.

I find with BFA as with Legion, you don’t need to invest any serious time to get decent gear.

Here’s a perfect example. This toon has been my main since Lich King. Through all the ups and downs of each expansion I worked through including the big nerf they did to balance druids back when Cata came out. My item level on this toon is 402.

Now I have my Demon Hunter, who I play as an alt. So doesn’t get nearly the play time that my druid gets, however without really trying I’m sitting a gear iLvl of 397.

Getting gear is way to easy in BFA without investing the time to farm, get mats, etc. This is why I’m looking forward to classic where all those little things actually matter. To me, this is what made the game fun.

I remember back in Classic both my wife and I played rogues, and the hours and days we spent farming gold and mats for leatherworking. I still remember finally getting my fast ground mount at lvl 60. It was an accomplishment I felt proud of.

I think Classic will bring back many of the old school player’s who left the game because it changed to being too simple and boring.

July 2005 on Crushridge.

I miss that Tauren Hunter. Will probably recreate him in classic and just take my sweet time with him.

Cool, thanks! Earliest date I found from an early character that I remember is August 31,2005

I started I think at the end of 2004.

This was my first character. Except it was troll and male.

December 8th 2004… NE rogue- KilJaeden- name- Cheyenne~