For me, personally, it was when I stopped being called ‘adventurer’ and started being ‘saviour of the world, space and future civilizations and of all alternate timelines and futures’. It’s just so… incredibly immersion breaking, and comparing current WoW to, say, the one before patch 4.3, or WOTLK, is genuinely depressing.
Oh, hey, look, the guy who has defeated several of the most powerful beings to ever exist.
Let’s have him collect 10 turds.
It made sense when I was a nobody, but now it’s just… meh.
When my friends left. I came back years later and I could play again because it felt more normal to not know any wow players when I did.
Wow died in my 2nd week of playing this game while questing somewhere in legion and doing a quest where you fight nightmare-afflicted Ysera to save the Temple of Elune. That very quest is where the lore went downhill for me because as much as that cinematic after that quest was great, I can’t help but feel my love for the aura of mystery surrounding Elune was soured a bit by that quest and cinematic.
World of Warcraft, die? It never died but I do miss playing with my friends.
A month in shadowlands. Rarely put much time in and even unsub here and there. Just ain’t the same no more.
When was it exactly that Ion lowered the loot we get and transformed wow to a lottery? This would be the date
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Man. I dont know how yall do it.
I never played a game for one minute…much less years and years and years after I consider it dead to me.
It’s not as fun as it was when a bunch of my RL friends played, but I still enjoy it. I’ll consider it “dead” when I stop playing for good.
wow died for me when I realized u cant make real friends in this game. People only care about what u can provide. Not you personally. I had a guild that booted me after I said I wanted to play another role other than tanking, after a year and a half of tanking for them. Most people in life would be your best bud if you played anything with them for a year and a half…in this game? its nah ur just some dude still.
Wow came back to life for me when I could become a FOX, but sadly thats when it died for alot of other people lol.
Considering everyone who comments has an active subscription, I would wager it hasn’t died for any of them…. Yourself included
poeple cling onto memories
Your reason is similar to mine though the term “die” is a bit harsh for me. If a game truly “dies” to me i stop playing…like for ever.
But I still log in and level characters sometimes explore sometimes try a weak attempt at crafting, but I only play ten hours a week sometimes less as well.
I’m forever solo in WoW for nearly ten years now.
Not so much because of the story, but because I eventually realised that WoW’s game design philosophy started to suck. The total crap that was the story was the last straw though, but I could deal with it if the game itself was actually good.
I did not play or even bought Shadowlands, I did hear a lot of good about Dragonflight, but turns out it wasn’t as impressive as it was chalked up to be. My guess is, is that it was only hailed as the best thing since sliced bread, because people also played Shadowlands, so anything would be a vast improvement.
The whole ‘saviour of the world’ thing, is a story that can be told and succesfully so. FFXIV does it quite well. But I agree, I do actually want to see a MMORPG that does the “adventurer” properly. But that also requires a game design philosophy that is not WoW’s.
Well, WoW can still get better, I will have to see if they continue on their current route in the expansion following the expansion after Dragonflight.
But with how the situation looks internally in blizzard, I very much doubt it.
please come back to horde, we are really hurting this expansion for players, everyone is alliance now…cant even kill a bounty in the open world.
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I have always liked the story. I did however quit wow for several years after purchasing Legion. I unsubbed during the WoD content drought once we got down Imperator.
I figured buy the expansion, try it for 30 days (cause it comes with 30 days right?) Turns out, no. Blizzard decided to stop including 30 days with a game purchase. I got my refund and skipped both Legion and BFA. Came back for SL (got 30 days free again) season 2 - left shortly after season 2 ended (college). Came back for DF. Loving DF.
When the story was not about us saving the world anymore but more like a soap opera about girl boss Sylvanas and her evil deeds.
Cata, it ruined old world and then into mist which was good but didnt feel wow and then every xpac since then has been had its ups and downs but something after wrath just made it not feel WoW anymore
wow died the second it came out. Everything else has just been a shambling corpse of what could’ve been.