When did WoW ''die'' for you?

never recovered from the flying fiasco of WoD


Tis an idea - and my love of Azeroth can never die!!!



When ion took over at the end of MoP/beginning of WoD…the entire atmosphere with WoW changed idk…even the blizzcons weren’t the same.

i don’t think this game “died” for me, but the game just felt like less of a fantasy escape ever since then. :100:


It hasn’t. Otherwise I wouldn’t be playing it.



BfA was definitely a turning point for me, it was the first time I wasn’t excited by a new expansion. It pretty much lived down to my expectations story-wise, while coming up with some totally new ways to disappoint me, like Nazjatar. On the bright side, I had plenty of time to RP.

And Dragonflight… I can’t really put my finger on it, I just don’t have any real motivation to log in and play. The open world content doesn’t excite me and I’d rather gnaw off my arm than go sit in group finder.

When the last patch with the caverns was released. It was then I realized this game is completely pointless so I left. byebye rofl

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For me I think it was somewhere in WoD 6.0 when I for the first time started feeling “it’s all the same” feeling. It was the first time when I played through the entire previous expansion and the hamster wheel was the most apparent.

I started in 3.3 in Wrath, Cata was blur due to life circumstances. MoP was the first expansion that I played through and through, and so WoD felt largely a replay.

Legion was a bit of a revival because it dropped tons of content. Original classic was also a revival, until phase 2 pvp maniacs killed the hype.

After Legion I’ve largely played the expansions hoping that they will come back to MoP, it wasn’t the new expansion hype that I felt in the past.

It’s peaceful. I come and go when I want. And I don’t have the time for serious grouped content anyway, but I do wish I could sometimes get into it.

On the rare night when I can game for 5 hours, I don’t have the gear or the scores or achievements to play. MOBAs are better suited to me time.

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I saw the lengths blizz was willing to go to get new subs and to forgo its original gameplay.

Wow isnt dead to you until you’ve unsubscribed, uninstalled, and forgotten all of your memories of the times you’ve spent in the game.


Well for me it really died in 8.1 (I had left at the start of Cata prior and went elsewhere and didn’t come back till Legion, the 8.1 raid was great but systems sucked) then I went to FFXIV where I had an amazing time and still play when each new patch comes for the story/raid/extremes OR when I get burned out from WoW.

Then I was playing WoW classic when it came out and had a blast, eventually started raid logging in retail for AotC Eternal Palace and Nyalotha. Shadowlands killed it again for me so I spent my time in Classic and FFXIV, came back in Season 4 to get slime cat and had fun.

In Dragonflight I have not yet felt like the game has died for me and have not dropped the game at all except maybe a week or two before a patch (like why am I playing/leveling my ret paladin 2 weeks before the rework etc).

And the new gearing system has been amazing and actually making me enjoy the game even more, I just think we need to remove the crests but just keep fragments and the put them in the currency tab where to upgrade an item you need 15 fragments (instead of 1 crest which is 15 fragements but one less step and less cluttered bags). Also the inevitable if you are capped on X fragements you get the next tier down for doing the hard content.

Sometime during BfA. Legion was the end of the story it had been building towards with the Burning Legion since the beginning, and BfA wasted what was left over. The gameplay has its ups and downs at times but at it’s core it’s enjoyable. Enjoyable, but not irreplaceable. So the setting itself is what makes the game matter and feel alive. Ultimately, the start of BfA where yet another contrived faction war was forced in was where it died, it just took me halfway info the expansion to realize it.

I only stick around because I enjoy the gameplay enough to keep playing with my friends. As soon as they quit, so will I. If blizzard ruining what ittle is left of the setting with nonsense like the entirety of Shadowlands, the “necromancy is necromancy” thing, and the eventual “all classes all races” with no justification doesn’t make me quit first.


I have friends in WoW that I consider “real friends” that I’ve known for a decade.

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It hasn’t
Been less fun at times, but the game hasn’t ever died to me - the joys of ‘just’ enjoying the game and establishing good friends and communities to engage with

… before anyone ask (if anyone ever would), no I don’t come to these forums very often anymore

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Oddly enough it was revived for me with Shadowlands. There’s a lot I don’t like about that expansion. But it’s when I first really got into keys and raiding. Put a lot more wind in my sails that carries me to this day.

They would have to remove Gnomes and Mechagnomes and come out saying, “Yeah, they were pretty much a joke race and nobody likes them.”

Then they would have to remove Dwarves.

Otherwise, I still very much love my WoW.

It never did, lmao. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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This, and I guess Legion.

Legion felt like a proper send-off of the lore, and likely an apology for WoD before it.

Everything after Legion hasn’t even come close to the amount of fun I’ve had that expansion.

It feels like the last time WoW was really worth “something”, and my friends were there with me.

It’s a game, but felt more alive then.