When did we stop putting heads on spikes?

God I hate Zekhan with a burning passion. All of his dialogue could be summed up as:

“Hey let me come up and tell you what you’re supposed to think about this because the writers know if we let you think for yourself you will realize how little sense any of this makes.”

And then suddenly he’s every character’s favorite troll because he stood next to Saurfang for a little while

The only character that makes me even angrier is Calia. But I have so much hate to spew about her that I would be better off making a new thread entirely…

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Given Blizz’s ‘friendship’ infatuation these days, it’s only a matter of time before huge marshmallow corks are jabbed onto all the Horde’s spikes.


:blush: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_lulmao: ~ FRIENDSHIP!! ~ :dracthyr_lulmao: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :blush:


Yes I did.

Warcraft 3’s campaign ended with the Horde, Alliance, and the Night elves banding together to stop the Burning Legion, showing everyone that by putting aside their differences and standing united were they able to banish the shadow “forever”, as Medievh said before he went to join the Legends of the Past.

Did you play WC3?


Oh man Calia

Almost all of the new characters have been absolute gutter trash Mary Sue

People will read a 500-page novel, watch Marvel slop for 3 hours, or play Baldur’s Gate 3 for 100+ hours, but not 5 minutes to read a forum thread.

But they’ll comment on how long it is, when they could have probably read the whole thing in the time it took to type out the response.

I never understood complaining about the length of forum thread posts. Not every idea can be communicated in 180 characters or less.


There are times where a long and winding post may be difficult to comprehend, or contradict itself in places. This is why a summary is often useful.

Asking for a TLDR or a summary is one thing, but the person I responded to didn’t do that, it was just “too long, not reading, you obviously don’t use Twitter.”


You’re right… I would on a topic that interests me… and a movie that interests me. Listening to someone drone on about a point that could be made in one or two sentences is more like a root canal than entertaining.


You have lost me as a supporter.

Are you seriously doing the still social media tribalism thing? I thought that died out years ago once everyone realized being loyal to any one of these parasitic sites was stupid.

Hard disagree, if we don’t enact violence to people on the other team, they will win and it will affect my stats at the end of the game.

It is always morally correct to kill players on the other team.

Stats? For me, I just like killing Nelfs because their unearned superiority complex makes me angry and their ears look stupid.

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Ears… Just sayin’ maybe throwing stones is a bit much.

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I’m actually surprised that so many people here seem to have a problem with reading and comprehending the contents of this text. I’m not even fluent in English and had no problem reading and understanding what’s going on. In the old forums long posts like this were pretty normal, but in the age of Twitter and shortened attention spans this seems to be a big no-no.


Oh my, yes it was.

I scrolled to see just how long it was and wowza it was long. Way to long to bother reading.

It’s called pandering. Bliss is professional at this.

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A more anthropological approach is needed, and not regarding wow factions or whatever. back in the day when internets was new and thinking rocks were a fresh novelty entertainment was more about what was possible with the technology and living out fantasies that are unobtainable in real life.

Since the tech is everywhere now and not a novelty the focus has switched to reinforcing personal beliefs and identities over diversion into fantasy. The game wants to be your friend more than take you out of yourself for a vacation.

The game now plays to confirm that you are a good person and capable rather than it being a temporary fantasy of being a limb chopper and dragon wrassler.

Once again not a blizzard or wow problem entirely but the nature of entertainment has changed from oh em gee three dimensions to confirmation of personal assumptions in my opinion.

This makes it difficult to play out murder fantasies because in this new perspective being the person who enjoys stomach splitting would be taken as reinforcing stomach splitting behavior in real life.

Despite the fact that we really want to cut loose and not hold up the social niceties in relaxation we are in public now and have to take responsibility for how our actions impact society.

Self consciousness sensitivity is a fairly new social media aspect as well. Some have been born after the switch and they have to be the most confused by the fact that people will not be themselves online when that is the place where they put themselves together in a sense.

TL:DR if the food is bigger than your mouth don’t try to eat it, you’ll choke! haha seriously though TLDR is a perfect example everyone expects to get the reinforcement of obtaining knowledge and understanding. from reading something so TL:DRs are normal to meet the expectations of using the tech.

Anyway, put in my notice for my horrible job today, so I should not have so much energy for forum essays, here’s hoping.


The narrative is only really against the Horde and Alliance killing the heck out of each other, because they always have to come together to fight a greater threat, and it has always felt very silly for them to be warring still.

They certainly aren’t against murder hoboing those evil forces that threaten Azeroth.


If anything the fact that the peace keeps breaking down no matter how many times they work together is a point in favor of the faction war. How many times are they going to try and fail to make peace work until they realize that the Horde and Alliance can’t coexist?

insert Farcry 3 reference here

I mean if everyone is a complete idiot, sure.

Fresh troops don’t grow on trees though, and anyone with a lick of sense would realize throwing them at each other for a few months before a real threat emerges is a pattern.