When did we stop putting heads on spikes?

It was extremely wordy for the sake of being wordy. I lost interest part way through.

If the rant is about brutal stuff not happening in game, that’s just ignorant.

So I wanted to assume the person wasn’t ignorant. And I saw quite a few talking about the faction conflict

In regard to us planting trophies, I can only imagine that stopped because it would get a little absurd if we had parking lots of 100+ bosses on pikes phasing in and out of existence, with an NPC broadcasting a speech for each and every quest turn-in across the entirety of Orgrimmar and Stormwind any time someone decided to run an alt through something.

CITIZENS OF DALARAN is already incredibly exhausting, and that’s just for one raid.

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It’s not so much that it’s long…it’s just boring.


It’s the same demographic of people who play DnD, but instead of actually playing DnD they use it as a personal therapy outlet.


Well they don’t all have to be in the same place. We took Magtheridan’s head to Honor Hold/Thrallmar

But the whole “head” thing is just a metric I’m using for the brutality of the playable factions. It’s not meant to be interpreted literally

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So what? Changes absolutely nothing of what I said.

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Stop feeding the troll. (or goblin in this case)

The jungle trolls weren’t any less brutal. They were still about cannibalism, making shrunken heads, and blood sacrifice.

Hell, even the Darkspear canonically did all of this before they splintered from the main Gurubashi, and there’s no real reason to believe that they stopped before joining the Horde.


Darkspear - and WoW - lost a lot of edge along the way.

They weren’t originally sissies like Zappyboi

They were pretty badass in Warcraft 3

And Forest trolls were badass in WC2.


There is probably no more accurate assessment of Retail WoW than this.


I enjoyed reading your full-length novel and can’t wait for a sequel.

It’s in production and will be three times as long.

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I missed having a lot of severed heads in my bags

Now I just keep them in my freezer

Did you play Warcraft 3? The human campaign is Arthas’ insane descent into madness and villainy, the undead campaign is relishing in Arthas’ madness and villainy, the night elves are violently racist to the orcs and one of their gods dies because of it, and the overarching plot eventually becomes about stopping an apocalyptic demon invasion.

The closest one can get to “fighting for a just cause” is certain parts of the orc campaign, and the Durotar campaign in TFT. The other 85% of the game has nothing to do with it.

I mean they were only violently racist because they were chopping down sacred trees

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Yeah but the orcs didn’t know that. They just needed lumber and as far as they knew, nobody was there until elves riding on big cats and commanding glaive throwers came in and started blasting.

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It’s true they should have had a no trespassing sign up.

And what did they do when they found out they were sacred? Kept a-choppin.

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Accurate points made and brilliant writing.

We’ve devolved from “World of Warcraft” to “My Little Pony had a love child with Captain Planet”.

Yet I can still login and in moments start murdering things that nearly any NPC will pay me for… It’s not much, but it’s honest work!


The immediate knee-jerk reaction from people, attacking the post length and not its content, and even causing the first person to say the actual, factual reason as to why it’s all come to pass to delete his post and hide in shame, is all the proof you need that the problem is far too pervasive to ever be fixed.