When did we stop putting heads on spikes?

Yeah, this was written for reddit. It was easier on the eyes there. :confused:


oh! If it’s on reddit too I may be able to read it there :slight_smile:

Just to add something after my other post - I’ve seen the raid cinematic a few minutes ago. And I broke out in laughter after one line. I won’t spoil anything for those who haven’t seen it yet. But this cinematic is in my opinion a big example of what’s wrong with the direction of storytelling and very symbolic for the “disneyfication” of the game. “It was about coming together, as a family.” … Please.


I thought the same thing. Fyrakks whole crew including Vyranoth comes and wrecks the Dragon Isles, burning entire zones. Then after learning why Fyrakk is after the world tree, she suddenly has a change of heart. She strolls into the main city of her enemies without any resistance and after a disclosure about Fyrakk’s plan that could easily be to mislead us, we accept Veranoth back as a totally trusted and loyal ally. WTF


The meanie mods won’t let me post links because I was banned once so I can’t shoot you a link. But if you google “when did we stop putting heads on spikes” my post on r/warcraftlore is one of the first results


Yeah not going to read all of that… You need to learn how to get concise. I can definitely tell you don’t use twitter at all where you have to learn how to get a point across in as few of words as possible. I do agree with the title of your post, which I’m assuming your point is being we’ve become to fluffy bunny and not bloody enough.

because not only is it unsanitary but its also unproven to actually deter enemies from attacking. that was the whole point of putting heads on spikes, as a deterrent to scare your neighbors from acting in an aggressive manner.

They also ate humans and blackhands daughter ran off with an ogre. WC3 had huge retcons before wow ever came out.

Even the lore with garona changed between wc1, 2 and 3. Wow has never been consistent about anything, heads on spikes or otherwise.

This isn’t a great mindset to perpetuate, really. It has palpably had a negative effect on society on a broader scale.


I’m sorry for expecting you to be literate? I guess?


If ever there were a typey-type-typey post… dis is it. Didn’t the forums used to have a character limit?

Also, we refuse those terms and conditions.

I think they got off the murder bus when they tried to do GOT which has a lot of political maneuvering in addition to murder. They didn’t pull it off and they didnt have a long term plan.

So they end result was “Set-up, set-up, set-up…oh crap we need a final patch [deus ex machina] harmony”

DF was a reset from tge scramble.
TWW should be a return to murder.

Classic has quests in Feralas where a tauren states that he doesn’t care if the gnolls are indigenous they’re still gonna be wiped out

classic’s world was still very much “destroy everyone else who isn’t us”


This is the internet, I dont expect anyone to be anywhere near literate. Then again on the flip side, it doesnt help to treat all interactions like you are writing a college term paper, complete with elongating points by using an excessive amount of words.

idk about you but I still murder things and loot their corpses for stuff?

not reading the rest of your novel tho

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Yes, but the Orcs still named their new capital after the guy who led them during the Second War and named most of their settlements after their chieftains from the Second War. And to this day Thrall still wears the Doomplate. I don’t think they could be more loudly proclaiming “We thought the Second War was great!”

There’s at least reason for this one given Thrall’s own personal interaction with Doomhammer. Choosing to carry the Doomplate may be seen as homage to specifically Orgrim Doomhammer for his mentorship.

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The other team was the dragons who are against the Titans. We were not holding hands with them.

Remembrance doesnt necessarily mean happy celebration of.

WoW, having made so many credits by being a TA, I was compelled to read your essay. So I’m not finished yet but its clear your head space needs to be cleansed - I believe you have a good point to form your base argument, but…so (I’m at the 15th paragraph so not that far in, lol) but I would urge people to check wikipedia, the lowest ranking this xpac received (from internet or brick institutions was 7/10 and 9 others were 8 or higher)
I just feel bad for you that you are consumed by this. However I do like reading about your weird journey on this topic.