When did we stop putting heads on spikes?

Back in vanilla there was a quest to put heads on a pike. Hinterlands I think


There is one in LBRS where you behead an Ogre and put it on a pick to summon a mini boss. No one does it as it’s “Zoom, zoom, zoom” in there.


What it sounds like is that we need a warmode campaign. I was so hype at the start of BfA, because I like playing villains and engaging in morally questionable activities. Most people do not, and they were heard loud and clear.


Ohhh, that would be quite fun. A campaign where you can only complete in warmode


I meant literally the title of a forum post. In game they can be as violent as the ESBR allows them. So anything rated Teen.

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Vanilla forums just hit different. I miss the server forums trash talk and rivalries


Traditionally it’s the the left that fights against violence on TV (and other outlets) and the right that fights against sexual material on TV (think who howled the most at Janet Jackson’s “wardrobe malfunction”). The hypocrisy is when each side points to the other and cries “censorship”.


Aren’t we rated T for Teen or something? We’re sort of limited.

We did have a genocide with Teldrassil but that writing sucked.



This really does need a legitimate TL;DR, maybe to simplify the overall points into multiple bulleted points rather than what appears to be just shy of an MLA-format essay.

In its current form, it may be prone to erroneous oversimplification by other readers.


So you kind of knee capped your whole spiel right out the gate because the core gameplay loop has remained largely unchanged over the lifespan of the game and the reasons behind it are largely irrelevant.

Does it really matter if you are indiscriminately slaughtering gnolls to help an orc with vengeance or to save the environment from rot when the end result is the same?


Look Mr. Faulkner, Absolom Absolom was a long and horrendous novel, and you don’t need to bring that style of writing to a video game forum.

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Warmode faction. Temporary allegiance for the duration of the expansion until the big bad that supposedly brainwashed you is defeated. Hostile to all others except the enemy faction. Unlock unique cosmetics in quests ect!
Dont worry, Velen will accept your apology and give you a hug and welcome back.


no kidding holy cow.

Least ya broke it up into paragraphs though and sections.



This is a huge problem with the narrative - everyone has the same or a similar agenda and if they don’t
 they will, eventually. Every race had its own clear identity and different world views that could clash with those of other races. Characters from these races had certain characteristics, with occasional exceptions. Now it’s just all mixed together without proper development.
The biggest offenders in this are the Night Elves. Good god. Savage, old and wise beings who hid in their forests to strike everyone who wanted to cut their trees down without mercy. Keepers of ancient knowledge who only sided with the Alliance because they needed help with the protection of their homelands that were invaded by demons.
Today, after only two lore-decades, they’re just weirdly coloured humans with very long ears when they’d kept up their traditions and culture up for ten thousand year before. They don’t give a flying f
ish about cultural structures. They’re naive and simple-minded. Very easy to corrupt. They’re no danger in their own forests and have never been since Cataclysm hit. They’re weak and feeble-minded and often just childish. Their druids are mostly just a bunch of goofballs. And there doesn’t seem any conflict of interest anymore.
We had this interesting moment in BfA when the night elves practically decided to ignore Anduin and the rest of the alliance and fight their own war, when they barely had any military left. And it had no consequences. Anduin was like “Alright then”. The night elves somehow did it and the incident was never talked about again. It’s all fine and dandy again.


You have too much free time in your hands OP


Probably because they started to believe us when we started having a reputation for getting it done with head gifts

Cataclysm being good example of us killing an ogre an taking the head to a alliance quest giver an go “I uhh
 Would of just believed you if you said it

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Yeah, it’s awful. I miss having a burning hatred for the other team just because they’re the other team. This idea of getting to the end of an expansion holding hands is just lame.


I know you didn’t read the rest of my post because you basically just agreed with me.


Side note, anyone know of a TTS option for chrome that would work well with the forums?

I wouldn’t mind listening to a longer post like this if I could use a TTS option when I’m not at work. My issue is with the longer posts my eyesight. :frowning: