When did we stop putting heads on spikes?

That was a one off thing because those paintings were created by the scumbags blizzard got sued for.

And I heard somewhere it was because the person in the painting did not consent to be in the game.

The fact that they’ve continued to add skimpiness in the years after the “bowls of fruit” thing is evidence that they don’t have plans to continue to “turn women into fruit” :roll_eyes:


Since I have the person on ignored, they really bringing the painting up again? My god.

One track minds, I swear.


And what about covering up Jaina, or how we’ve not been seeing other NPCs like we used to in the past?

I mean, since… Shadowlands, what new female NPC had noticeable cleavage or other sexiness?

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So what I’m hearing is that murder is actually okay but onlyAnduin or any of the other mouthpiece characters tells you they’re “evil”.
Would it be safe to assume that you believe Teldrassil would have been fine if we were given some vague assurance that all the night elves were evil?

I actually think there’s more reasons to fight now than ever before actually. But that explanation is worthy of its own thread. I used to enjoy moments when the factions worked together but now it always feels forced given the current context. The Fourth War should have shot any possibility for Alliance/Horde coexistence dead in the water and I’ll never understand people who think it’s the other way around.

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Are you seriously trying to tell me that Xalatath, Gallywix and Ansurek aren’t 100% evil and violence against them and their forces isn’t justified? lol

I did say that “violence against a morally grey faction is not OK and is usually evil”, did I not?

EDIT: I misread, I’ll give you another answer:

Sylvanas didn’t even try to tell her forces that the night elves were evil. And I remember a bunch of the players at the time, even Horde players, rolling their eyes at that whole debacle because it made no sense and they didn’t agree with it.

EDIT2: This actually easily refutes your point about Anduin and other “mouthpieces”: The Horde players that rolled their eyes at the whole burning of Teldrassil are actually refuting your point about Anduin: People have minds of their own. Many Horde players looked at that and said “hey, wtf, that’s not right…” but when it comes to Xalatath, sure, Anduin says she’s evil and we should kill her… and we agree, because we can use our own eyes and see she’s evil. I’m not blindly following Anduin, I’m fighting Xalatath because, yes, she’s evil.

Really? I feel the war always felt forced all the way back in wrath. Now it feels like the world can actually breath without red vs blue aspect of the game. Other races has a time to shine without the horde or alliance butting their heads in.

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I wish we never stopped, OP.


Depending on the race and where they are in the world, some never truly did stop lol.

We could always use more.


Without getting too deep into it, we live in a wussified culture. It bleeds over into our video games and movies. Pandering to the wussies has become de rigeur.

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But how dare you tell the truth about where that “wussification” came from…

Even if it is the truth, lol

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Yes, modern audiences require more delicate treatment, or at least it seems that’s what writers seem to think.


I’m saying that you can’t convince me that all of the people fighting for them are as evil as they are and you can’t call executing them by the thousands “justice”.

You don’t know how hypotheticals work apparently.

I almost took your bait but then you gave yourself away with that. Good try though.

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My man…you know what…sure. we live in a wussy era where we don’t clutch our pearls at people being different.

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Not even bait. That is legit what the war was always down to. Blue vs red and some BS forced reason to go to war.

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And who has Xalatath thrown at us?

1). Ansurek and her minions. Ansurek is evil, and despite the Weaver’s efforts, many of the nerubians still follow Ansurek. They made a conscious decision to follow her, and so the ones that are on her side are in fact evil.

2). Void minions. I mean, come on, you’re trying to tell me that void creatures aren’t evil?

3). Gallywix and those who follow him. See #1.

4). The Night Cult in Hallowfall. Definitely evil.

IN FACT, I just did a Delve I hadn’t done before, where you fight some cultist initiates who run away saying “I DIDN’T SIGN UP FOR THIS!” … guess what? Our player character allows them to live to run away, and doesn’t kill them the moment they scream “I surrender!”

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Welcome to progressive World of Warcraft… ahem I mean,

Welcome to DidneyLan theme park complete with Hallmark store trading post and a staggering mascot to child ratio. Coming soon: Enchanted Slums!

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When I was growing up we used to think, “The 700 Club” oldies were the threat. As it turns out, it was foreign countries that have delicate sensibilities about death.

A lot of our media is not “our media.” It’s designed to appeal to a global audience. Which means that we have to cater to the lowest common denominator, and once you start down that road, it goes in a lot of different directions. Because once one area needs curtailing, there’s a reason to curtail all of them.

Because the devs are in the california woke bubble.


Yes, it is the spooky foreigners that is doing this, not the white Anglo moms that is tired of all that Kendrick Lamar rap music or that filthy rock and roll or the demonic dungeons and dragons.

This thread is filled with fools.