When did we stop putting heads on spikes?

Gazlowe’s characterization in this expansion has got me thinking about this again. He’s just gotten so damn soft. What happened to the guy who while still calling himself “neutral” hired me to blow up an Alliance ship blockading Ratchet?

What happened to

I’m not about to allow some fat-fingered human to cut into my profits!

I wish I could’ve seen the look on that Rear Admiral’s face when his flagship went up like a candle.

It’s back to business as usual: smuggling, double-dealing, price-gouging… I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on.

When did he become Mr. Ethical all of a sudden?



I do have to agree, I feel like Warcraft has lost its “teeth”. Obviously in real life, I’m a huge believer in unity and everyone getting along. For a fantasy game, though, that makes for a pretty boring backdrop.

Not advocating we go all “Rated M” or anything, but I do think the core story could stand to be a little more savage. To me, it helps the heroes feel more heroic, when you can see Thrall and Jaina fighting this uphill battle, trying to broker peace in the midst of factions with their own competing agendas and events that upset the balance.


Can you give me just the cliff notes and mark my map location for this quest?

He wrote a book and I’m not reading all that.

just let’s start putting heads back on spikes.

(didn’t see that this was 2 year-old thread.)

While I think you’ve found a symptom of the problem with your post I don’t think the problem is exactly what you’re insinuating it is.

However, I think it’s interesting so many people with so many different “where WoW went wrong” theories and ways of framing things can agree that BFA, the fourth war, and what followed was an absolute disaster and if the devs had any sense at all or care for the game’s story health they would have retconned it so hard at the first chance.

You just don’t see people seriously arguing MoP was where the game went wrong. You don’t even really see people saying that about WoD and that was poorly received and had subscribership problems because of its issues when it was fresh. Neither do you see them saying defeating the Legion once and for all in Legion was an issue.

But so, so many people can agree there was some sort of issue, some problem, probably related to Alex A and he probably tried to sink the ship on the way out and rather than ever acknowledge and retcon this they’ve just continued on ship full of holes into the deep ocean. But at any rate that the problem occurred at some point between the end of Legion, the fourth war (BFA) and Shadowlands.

People disagree about the exact starting points and that’s fair though I’ll point out the final patch of Legion which introduced allied races and the void/light conflict embodied in two of them on the same faction no less really set the stage for “cosmic forces war” which was used as a lead-up to Shadowlands (Sylvanas actions in BFA) and the current trilogy we’re in. It’s also importantly when they introduced a rather lousy concept called allied races which are half just customizations and skins of existing races gated behind achievements and grinds and not given the dignity of a home city or proper starting zone.


Hm, this got necroed. So it sounds like tl:dr: Not enough war crimes in modern WoW.

wow, thats allot of text to say “i hate that people arent putting heads on spikes like a bunch of savages”

I mean, if you want to be a reductive jerk, sure I guess.


Lol right, it seems after Garrosh and slyvanas, the people of azeroth is taking it easy

We did just have Gallywix almost get enough black blood tech to create a new problem. We did stop him though before it got to that point.

Everyone knows its modern left wing politics and they can’t stand anything masculine or edgy despite running a game about mass murder and war.

It’s always humorous looking through the abilities where you’re rending flesh, draining people’s souls, inflicting agony and depression on them, and eviscerating them but then you can’t call them “the R word” in a chat box or /spit on them because it might make them feel bad. Also can’t have any heads on spikes, attractive women, etc. because that would be bad. But mass murder and wantonly torturing things isn’t. Total moral confusion combined with extreme prudishness.


I kinda feel like you are misunderstanding modern WoW.

Violence against evil is OK. That’s called justice.
Violence against a morally grey faction is not as OK, or just outright evil.

The game shifted away from AvH, because the war no longer makes sense. That’s why we are fighting Xalatath, Ansurek and Gallywix and not the other faction.

BfA failed because they wanted to keep the war going, but they knew that half of the playerbase was tired of the war, and several NPCs in the game were tired of the war, and it was getting harder and harder to find excuses to keep the war going.

And I like how we (mostly) threw the war in the trash can. It’s old, it’s tired, and it’s illogical for it to continue for there’s nothing to really fight over anymore and if you did try and pull something out of thin air (like they tried in BfA), it feels very cheaply inserted and it’s obvious it’s ONLY there to perpetuate the war, like a weird twisted Deus Ex Machina.

EDIT: War is messy, and the longer it goes on, the more morale on both sides drops. Nobody enjoys fighting wars except for a few individuals and leaders. The longer a war goes on, the more war-weary a nation/faction/etc becomes, and the more its people pine for the war to end, and peace to come. It only makes sense that both Alliance and Horde want an end to the fighting.


Please don’t try to hijack my post to push your right-wing agenda kthxbye.


He’s not wrong, though.

He’s entirely right – the ridiculous censorship of what you’re allowed to say and do, and some content in the game makes zero sense when compared to what quests have you do, lol.

And he’s also entirely right, when it comes to the source of the censorship. I’m sorry, but if the shoe fits, it fits.

Did you expect us to lie about the truth or pretend it doesn’t exist?

You started this thread complaining about the dummy-ing down of WoW in certain aspects, but yet you don’t want us to talk about where that came from?

And just because we’re calling out the left… doesn’t mean we’re promoting the right. We’re just calling out the left.


I had to block that dude long ago. All he does is push dumb crap like that, doesn’t even talk about the game.

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Jesus, another crazy. Time to add you to the ignore.

What I said was “crazy”?

Sheesh. /eyeroll

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Sorry the crazies necroed your thread and turned it into a political debate.

Says the person who turned it into a political debate.

The first person goes “the watering down and censorship came from…” and makes a factual statement.

And you respond by going “WTF DON’T SPREAD YOUR PROPAGANDA HERE!” turning it into a political debate, and then you go “I’m sorry other people turned your thread into a political debate” while pretending that it wasn’t you who brought up politics.


Meanwhile we got even more bikini sets in the most recent minipatch, another top that’s basically a napkin drapped over a female character’s chest, a bunch of skirts . . .

but “nO MoRe AtTrAcTiVe WoMeN”


They were talking about paintings and NPCs.

It’s really weird. Players can wear platekinis, but oh my we better change that scantily clad woman wearing a lingerie bra painting into a fruit bowl. How long until succubi summons show up in a full robe?