And here we go with the idiotic virtue signaling. I’m muting this thread.
This is still in the game. There are a number of current quests that involve taking a head and returning it to a quest npc to gain a reward. So not so far back in the day, in fact.
I don’t recall any guilt trips, personally. Maybe I’m blind to it but it’s sure not something I’ve made a note of.
I’m not exactly sure what your massive post’s central purpose is (and it probably belongs in the Lore/Story Forum, frankly), except maybe to be eloquent about…something. It’s a violent game, with emphasis on the ‘game’ part of that. Every major game out there that isn’t Solitaire involves some form of conflict. It all started with chess, which is a pure, clean form of violence. We’re a violent race, after all, and we love smashing things.’
Wow, such little self-awareness.
And who, again, is trying to make the thread political?
Certainly not me.
“Waaaah I’m losing the argument so I’m gonna stop responding while claiming I’m right”…
It really is.
Funny how you care more about appeasing China and its authoritarian state of complete narrative control over everything.
So you’re just a sexist, anti-white, racist - not a xenophobe. At least you’ve got that going for you.
I laughed until I cried.
Best post I have read about World of Warcraft.
Heck, it is better than any professional article I have read about World of Warcraft.
And, since I am a reader, I have read a ton.
I normally give out a couple of cupcakes for good posts but this deserves more. So much more.
for you!!!
Oh, and
to go with it for the ‘magic pants’ line.
(Personally, the only way I have gotten thru the hero/champion label is by pretending it is the polite term for mercenary the way dancer is the polite term for stripper.)
I prefer, soldier of fortune.
On another threads here I use the term “World of Get Along Gang” to describe how bad I think this game went.
Look, my opinion is quite simple realy and sometimes drag haters, so be aware we may have a few poping around.
We, as a society, have been failing, bad, for the last 20 years, everything was “normal” until 2000 (and I suspect thats why The Matrix love the 2000) after that everything went down to, well, where we are, for a lot of reason that I will not write it down because it will, surely, change the subject of your post.
The game just changed accordly… old devs leaving, new devs arriving, its just a picture of what we became.
More a picture of what some what us to become, a minority of what some what us to become.
Going to play in a violent, brutal virtual World is so much more fun when it isn’t a possibility in real life.
I assume we stopped putting heads on spikes. Because the spikes were outsourced to the Ogrimmar Housing development 2025.
It’s politics, bro.
Killing = bad.
Also killing = basic human nature.
You don’t have to have an NPC tell you to “collect a head” to role play that you are collecting the head of a bad guy.
Blizzard is just following widely accepted western moral values where your game or movie can have as much killing as you want (minus excess blood and gore) as long as no nudity or naughty words and you get no higher than a pg-13 or T rating.
I summarized your post.
Well, they did. Child labor laws being what they are.
Anyway, nice post. But anyone that couldn’t get the point from those first two parts of your post that I quoted will not be able to benefit from the rest of it. They won’t get it. It’s like pi$$ing up a rope around here.
Blizzard tried going back to the ‘let’s embrace the faction war and move things into a darker direction, where the Horde destroys villages and prompts Alliance retaliation, who also go and slaughter their allies!’ path.
That happened in BFA.
It was quite literally the worst expansion Blizzard put out in terms of overall subscriber numbers. Players rejected the faction war wholesale to the point where Blizzard quickly diverted to setting up N’zoth as a bad guy we had to team up to fight.
So it really doesn’t surprise me that they’ve shifted away from that with expansions moving forward as well. And frankly, I don’t know if we’ll ever see a faction war again in WoW. I cannot blame them at all for not wanting a repeat of past events.
I’m either happy for you, OP, or I’m sorry that that happened.
Its the era of butterflies and fairies and touchy feely stuff.
I read the first paragraph and summarized his 500 page novel was told in the first paragraph.
i didnt read it, but speak your mind, its good to get things off your chest
Its weird how sensitive the “I want heads on a spike” crowd is.
The same could be said of the butterflies and hearts crowd at the mere mention of “heads on a spike”.