When did we stop putting heads on spikes?

The game is run by people who think cleavage needs to be replaced with fruit. I want the frat back.


No, you’ve got it wrong. The war is completely pointless because it’s completely arbitrary. The reason that is harmful in a game is because without player agency, there’s no reason for a player to actually be there. Furthermore, everything has plot armor because, again, both sides are player factions. So what if Varian dies? There’ll be a new leader, because there has to be. Who cares if Garrosh dies? New leader coming up next week. The Alliance and Horde are both invincible and inconsequential.

Players arbitrarily losing access to zones and NPCs isn’t ‘stakes’ because there’s no input from them. Unless you consider ‘choose your faction’ to be an invitation to gambling and hoping you picked the writers’ favorite that expansion.

Are you two seriously still at this? It’s been HOURS

Or, and hear me out as someone who has been in the WarCraft universe since WC2 (IE: as long as we’ve had actual lore):

We know the history. And we know our history, and we’re exhausted by the world we live in.

And literally, in WarCraft we’ve also seen the different factions come together to face down megathreats countless times only to then break into war for the stupidest reasons imaginable (Oh, Hi, Sylvanas!).

This game is supposed to be a fantasy. I don’t think it’s so ridiculous or outlsandish to want our characters to be able to effect the greater good and help bring about some kind of peace after 19 (Happy Cake Day, WoW!) freaking years in WoW fighting the good fight.

And like I said, a lot of us are tired with the real world and the endless conflicts already raging around the world.

I think the people who believe that Blizzard is pandering to a miniscule demographic of “not real WarCraft fans” who the game would be fine without if they disappeared are the ones with outlandish expectations.

Whether anyone likes it or not, there is a substantial demographic of players who want this, who’ve been asking for it for almost two decades.

I literally beta tested Vanilla. Day 1, OG WoW Player who considers themselves a “lore junkie.”

I know my history. I’m tired of repeating it.

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There is a forum here called the Story Forum:

Latest Lore/Story Forum topics - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

where people can post these sorts of long, rambling discussions about story, lore, etc. By my calculation, your post is 2,500+ words long. That forum would seem to be a better place for your work.

You might be better off considering that forum for posts which many people here just dont have the time or patience to read very long, verbrose posts on these types of topics.

Well you convinced me. Horde heads should be pikes. Where do I sign up and when do we start?

I watched the Equalizer 3 last night. We are basically Robert McCall. Someone is in need and we go in rampage and murder anything no question asked and people love us because we are really just a good person.

That’s the core gameplay loop of Grand Theft Auto; most of the enemies you fight in this game probably aren’t even humanoids

Not reading the rest, just seems like the same old complaining about how the game used to be totally brutal and metal and whatnot and now isn’t, when in reality it was always a totally campy fantasy game for nerds

Or maybe their brains have just been fried by Twitter and TikTok and now they have the attention span of an amoeba.


Apparently they’d rather listen to someone on youtube “umm, and uhhh” and ramble for thirty minutes while they’re repeatedly told to smash the subscribe button.

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Too long, didn’t read. All you had to say was “bring violence and brutality back to Warcraft lore” but no, you wanted to huff your own farts for however many hours it took you to compose this yarn.

FFS you used the term “ludonarrative dissonance.” I’m willing to bet most of us have to look up what that is. You just wanted to hear yourself talk. Go back to the deviants that inhabit Reddit.

No. I hate videos like that. Especially if they’re thirty minutes long. Like how long it would probably take to read this gigantic OP. Brevity is the soul of wit.

Most folks who are worth a damn on these forums are more than able to read longer posts. But between an inflammatory title, an immediate false comparison (the general gameplay loop of WoW can just as easily be described as ‘Waiting for the next poop-flinging quest to be introduced in an upcoming expansion’), and being quite long with no clear goal in mind … that’s just poor writing.

If your first few sentences aren’t connecting with people, you failed to convey your thoughts properly. That’s a failure of your writing and not on the reader (and I know this very well being quite prone to it as well except the whole ‘blaming others’-part).

Of course folks are going to ask for a TL;DR if you immediately start off with what is only popular amongst trolls. I have no problem reading longer posts and quite like them. But, I’m not reading what seems to be most likely yet another “But Warcraft isn’t Warcraft:y enough”-post. Just one that has a weird fixation about an intimidation tactic closely associated with tyranny and torture.

I just skimmed through it and … nothing about it seems any different than any of the rest of the “Not Warcraft:y enough”, yet fails to define what that even remotely would mean. It honestly just sounds like you never left the “Rambo”-phase a lot of kids have, which typically then develop into some bizarre views about masculinity, and character and personal growth.

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I did actually tried to read what you had written but honestly it just doesn’t interest me. And I couldn’t figure out its purpose without dissecting it, which I frankly wasn’t intrigued enough to try (and all of that is entirely a personal opinion, not a put down). The reason I suggested the other forum was that lore and story are often discussed there. But hey, you do you, there is nothing wrong with posting such things here since it obviously is discussing WoW.

I think you can only impale so many heads on pikes before you feel like retiring to paint watercolor landscapes.

My hope is that there is in fact another side of Azeroth with its own people.

And they are NOT nice people. And the moment they find out we exist, it’s on sight. An overwhelming and and barbaric people who attack both The Alliance and Horde would ignite some Warcraft.

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I would love this.

I’ll happily pike people once I’m able to play a Drakonid or be a different class on Dracthyr.

Two of these don’t seem likely to happen anytime soon.


Wowee ain’t that something

One scaly race is already too many.